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  1. rujelus22

    What is moderate light intensity?

    Is there going to be an actinic or just metal halide
  2. rujelus22

    What is moderate light intensity?

    Yes I have two clams and a galaxia and frogspawn(which are considered LPS), it all depends on where you put them in the tank, and if you acclimate your LPS to more light they should be able to handle it just fine
  3. rujelus22

    post pix of your bta?lta plz

    Here's mine
  4. rujelus22

    Ammonia help?

    One cube a day shouldn't be to much, I would just really watch your levels to make sure they don't go really high
  5. rujelus22

    gsp help

    a lot of times gsp will close for no reason then just open back up again, mine do it from time to time
  6. rujelus22

    Ammonia help?

    Well to much food would make ammonia but your biological filter should get rid of it right away, I would say with adding all of the stuff your tank is going through a small cycle, the biological filter has to catch up to the larger bioload
  7. rujelus22

    Ammonia help?

    feeding shouldn't make your ammonia spike, how are you other parameters
  8. rujelus22

    Aptasia or not? Picture.

    Hard to tell from that pic but I would say yes
  9. rujelus22

    oooo! my new rock of mushrooms!

    My LFS had a rock with the same kind of shrooms on it but there was only 8 or so and they wanted 65 for it.
  10. rujelus22

    Bubble Coral Looks Burnt

    yeah they can come back but you need to find what made it mad or what caused the proplem and fix it
  11. rujelus22

    oooo! my new rock of mushrooms!

    wow good deal
  12. rujelus22

    Bubble Coral Looks Burnt

    It's dying
  13. rujelus22

    Bubble Coral Looks Burnt

    is the bone on the left exposed or is it just really really closed
  14. rujelus22

    Zoanthid names

    Nice site I always wanted to know the names of my zoo's
  15. rujelus22

    Gorgonian and Sponges

    sponge hardly any and it depends on the type of Gorgonian
  16. rujelus22

    SURVEY: feed frogspawn manually?

    I feed the whole tank phyto but don't feed the frogspawn directly
  17. rujelus22

    Looking for inspiration

    Heres some shots of my tank about a month ago, theres a frogspawn and a fire shrimp now
  18. rujelus22

    LED light project

    take a look at this post
  19. rujelus22


    I have about 4" of sand some micro algea and three small piecies of live rock thats all it started with, just give it time
  20. rujelus22


    true mine started with nothing now theres millions of things in there