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  1. hondo

    Sand from the Ocean

    I would be real concerned with pollutants and probably would not put that in my tank. If you want sand bed life order a kit on line. There are several places that have them and they can add all the critters you would ever want with none of the bad things. costs a little but safer for your tank.
  2. hondo

    Help with ID please - picture

    looks like a Majurno (sp?) or rock anemone to me. A Pest like Aptasia but probably not quite as bad as aptaisia.
  3. hondo


    yes pointing a PH at them will get them to move most of the time. It's a slow process though so don't expect them to move overnight like an anemone would. I would not move them closer to the light as that may get them to move but also may kill them if the light is too intense for them to adjust to.
  4. hondo


    yes they will move around if not happy where they are at. They will move their foot/stem that attaches to a rock to move short distances, and if they really do not like where they are at they will detach themselves completely and float around the tank until they land somewhere they like. I...
  5. hondo

    What is This Creature?

    It's a nudi branch and they eat leather corals. I had one of these hitchhike his way into my reef and before I know what had happened he had eaten my finger leather and was starting in on my sinularia. I threw mine in my fuge and never saw him again. If you have any leather corals in the tank...
  6. hondo

    SeaClone modification

    Opps I though you were talking about the tube in the skimmer bubble chamber not the overflow cup. I should read these things a little closer. Still looking for a way to take this darn thing apart though if anyone knows how let me know.
  7. hondo

    SeaClone modification

    just curious did you take the ******** tube out to do this or drill it down in place. If you took it out how do you take these things apart without breaking them? If there is a way let me know.
  8. hondo

    is this good lighting??

    sounds like a normal output bulb to me. Depending on the size of your tank you could at most have some low light stuff like mushrooms. also with just an actinic bulb your tank will be real blue as these bulbs are usually used to suplement a daylight 10k bulb. The best thing to do is look for...
  9. hondo

    looking for pump recomendation, and plumbing critique

    I would increase the size of the fuge and decrease the size of the sump. I hear you on the girlfriend remembering to top off problem as My wife has forgotten a few times so now when I travel I call every night to remind her. As for water volume whether it's in the fuge or the sump volume is...
  10. hondo

    looking for pump recomendation, and plumbing critique

    I'm not sure I follow the design so please explain it to me. As I see it the chamber on the left is a fuge, the center is a sump, and on the right you have an external return pump which also feeds the external skimmer. so does that mean the overflow from the tank is going to the sump chamber...
  11. hondo

    Question about particualr lighting system

    for a 30g tank (if it had a canopy) I would do the following if I wanted to save some $$$. Buy a workhorse 7 ballast. This will drive 220w of VHO and they are easy to wire up. do a search in the DIY section and you'll see just how easy this is to do. the ballast should cost you anywhere from...
  12. hondo

    clean up crew for 55g

    go with a fighting conch or two and not the queen. the queen can grow far to large for your tank. What are you planning to keep in the FOWLR. will there be any agressive fish or triggers? If so scratch the entire clean up crew as they will just end up as lunch. for a basic clean up crew I would...
  13. hondo

    Territorial fish

    six line would be a good choice and it will be very active in the tank. To help with the addition of the new fish you might want to think about rearranging the rock work when you put in the new fish so all the fish now have to deal with establishing new territories.
  14. hondo

    bubble coral

    If it's in a high flow area I doubt it will like it. mine has always seemed to do best in med - med low flow areas where there is just enough flow to slightly move the polyps. too much flow and the polyps just don't seem to open very much.
  15. hondo

    Aqua Fuge hang-on refugium

    I used the 18" one on my 37g reef. Not much for nitrate control as it just doesn't have much of a foot print but man it sure produced the pods. If you r looking for an increase to you rpod population they are great. If you have nitrate issues don't count on this to make a huge impact.
  16. hondo

    What corals can I keep with this light

    I've got 220w of PC over my 50 and I keep the following: Hammer weslo Brain Candy Cane GSP Sarco Leather Toadstool Leathers Finger Leather Various Shrooms Polyps Zoo's All do fine with this amount of PC lighting and by that I mena they grow and show great color. You could keep a few species of...
  17. hondo

    Cleaning Out Sumps

    Do any of you regularly clean out the detrious that builds up on the bottom of your sump. Was looking at the bottom of mine recently and noticed a pretty thick build up ( 1/16" - 1/8") across the bottom of the sump (10g glass tank) and wondered if that is adding nitrates to the water. I was...
  18. hondo

    Hammer Coral Question

    thanks for the instant reply. I thought about stress but it sits all by itself way off to the side since it pretty much is the bully of the tank stinging anything that gets within 6" of it. Only thing close are some GSP. Only fish in the tank are two chromis, yellow tang, Banghaii Card, Flame...
  19. hondo

    Hammer Coral Question

    for the past two years I've had this hammer coral. It's really healthy and almost twice as big now as when I got it. Once in a great while I notice a couple of the tips of it's tentatcles floating around on the current in the tank. Just wondering if this is some attempt to reproduce, or some...
  20. hondo

    MagDrive 9.5 ??

    there is some minor vibration (not very noticable) but I do not use anything between the pump and sump. FYI my sump is a 10gal glass aquarium