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  1. hondo

    Macro Algae

    it can go in the sump but make sure you have some way of keeping it out of the return pump. for light it doesn't need much but you will probably need more than ambiant room light. Besides Macro will be best used if it's lighting period is either 24/7 or oposite the tank lighting.
  2. hondo

    Looks kinda like an oil spill.....

    sounds like your system does not have an overflow and a sump. The overflow will drain off this "oil slick" stuff which is just a build up of proteins. A good skimmer will help a little but most tanks without overflows will have this problem.
  3. hondo

    FO now, Reef later...

    the flame angel is hit or miss with it eating corals, you won't know until you buy it and add corals. Lot's of people on this board have them in their reefs. You definitely have room for another fish though.
  4. hondo

    Will red legged hermits eat pods and bugs and critters in fuge?

    For a fuge clean up crew I would only go with Pods, worms, mini brittle stars, and some snails. Hermits are oportunistic eaters and will go after anything if they are hungry and the last thing you want to be doing is feeding your fuge (that is the tanks job) to keep them from getting too hungry.
  5. hondo

    Flame Hawk - Cleaner Shrimp??

    It has worked for some people. for me it work for a little over a year as my 2 cleaner shrimps lived in a 50g with my flame hawk. then one dissapeared and I didn't think much of it. then I saw my second cleaner a few days later being eaten by the flame hawk. since then no more shrimps in that...
  6. hondo

    New tank ?'s

    size of the return pump is based on how much flow you want at the head pressure ht you have.. I have a 50g reef tank (4.5' head pressure) with a spray bar fed by a mag 9.5 and it works just fine with my Life reef overflow (also a 1" line). No photos of my spray bar but it was simple to make. I...
  7. hondo

    snails vs. crabs

    Nassarius snails live down in the sand and come up when they smell food. They are scavengers and do nothing for algae and diatoms. they are a nice addition to any clean up crew and it's pretty cool to feed your tank and then suddenly all your nassarius snail come boiling up out of the sand bed...
  8. hondo

    powerhead suction

    Yes we all have problems with this. The D$@&%$ suction cups lose flexibility over time and need to be replaced. also when you clean the glass (to reattach them) make sure you clean the suction cups as they get a film build up on them over time. There has got to be a better way, anyone know of it?
  9. hondo

    which to add first maroon clown or coral beauty?

    Need to know if the tank is well established )6 months to 1 year old) as the Angel will need well established LR to graze off of. Personally I think it will be trouble regardless of the order as Maroon clowns have always seemed pretty agressive ot me.
  10. hondo

    critters in my tank!

    sounds like Mysys shrimp to me. Beneficial pod that your fish will love to eat. Probably came in on some LR.
  11. hondo

    Lighting for FOWLR

    even though it's FOWLR I would still go with a VHO set up as the colors of the fish will be enhanced by the VHO. You only really need a NO flourescent set up but a little extra $$ and you get a VHO and you then have the flexability to add some soft corals down the road if you want to. Lot's of...
  12. hondo

    clean up crew

    for a 55 you should look to have: 5-10 scarlet hermits, and yes blues are more agressive than scarlets. 10 Cerith snails 10 nassarius (if you have a sand bed these are great scavengers) 10 Trouchas snails 2 fighting conch Shrimp are sort of part of the cleaning crew but they are really just for...
  13. hondo

    went overboard on cleanup crew???

    90g OK, I assumed 50 because of the 100 nass and them saying 2 per gal was OK. In a 90g you might still be a little heavy on the nass snails but not way over stocked. BTW the nassarius snails are pretty cool as they come boiling up out of the sand when you feed the tank, they seem to just appear...
  14. hondo

    went overboard on cleanup crew???

    you went overboard with the nassarius snails but the rest is Ok (I'm assuming you have a 50g tank). You might be able to trade some of the nassarius with other hobbists in your area though. I don't buy into the 2 per gallon rule since they do not eat from the water colum but scavage food from...
  15. hondo

    coral banded shrimp

    definitely nocturnal unless your lighting is weak and then they are out all the time. Mine stays in the shadows when the MH is on but as soon as it goes off and there is actinic light for a half hour he is out and about and very active all night long.
  16. hondo


    Setting up the fuge first is no problem just make sure you get a PH or something in there for a little current since you won't have any flow at all since it's not connected to the main tank. For the kits from inland I have also purchased them but only did the mysis/gamarus kit for $24.99. Better...
  17. hondo

    MH distance to water?

    my 175w is about 4" from the water surface and I have no heat problems but I use a fan in my sump which provides quite a bit of cooling. I would say 6" - 8" is optimum but it all depends on if you use fans blowing directly accross your tank surface or not, if so the bulb can be lower. Or in my...
  18. hondo

    Feeding procedure

    one helpful hint if your tank has an overflow is to put the flake food into a small cup (I use a large shot glass) of tank water first so it's water logged. This way the flake food won't hit the surface of the water, float and immediately head straight to the overflow and go to the sump.
  19. hondo

    Rinsing Bioactive Sand?

    no need to rinse it and yes the water in the bag goes in the tank. There will be some debris but that's Ok.
  20. hondo

    Is lfs live sand really LIVE sand?

    depends on what you actually bought. There is a LS sold at most LFS that is in a sealed bag but this sand is live in that it has the beneficial bacteria in it but no critters. Lot's of websites (including this one) sell actual LS crawling with critters. Other websites sell sand bed fauna...