They really arn't that much more expensive. You can buy a mh retrofit kit that is cheaper than the ones that are already housed and you can just put it in your canopy. I switched from PC to MH.
Originally posted by psoup
I suggest maybe a cleaner chrip and an algae eating crab. :yes: :yes:
That only covers up the problem. You should find out whats causing it. Using tap, feeding too much, not enough flow....
you might need the heater at night. If you could put it on a timer or something that would be good. I run metal halides and my temp would drop significantly with them turned off.
I use the brand Salifert.
Just some general tests
If you plan to keep corals:
There are many others but these are just the basics.
it looks healthy for the time being. Just wait, it will start to get easily stressed, which often brings on infections and sometimes death. I have seen it happen so many times.
yeah I have some nassarius and they do fine. I'm not sure about the conch but i'm pretty sure most of them usually starve to death if the tank isn't big enough.