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  1. trouble93

    Tank shots

    Originally Posted by spanko Nice, is the Bi-Color nipping at anything coral wise in the tank? Very little it will hit a SPS every now and then
  2. trouble93

    Tank shots

    Originally Posted by BTLDreef Love Sailfin tangs. Mine eats right out of my hand. Either right out of my hand or right from a feeding tube I use for the sun coral
  3. trouble93

    first pic of tank

    Looks good Eric keep us posted
  4. trouble93

    Red slime attack?

    Another question...What do you feed? You might want to invest in a phosphate test. You will have to find the problem, but in the mean time you can scoop out as much as possible. If you don't find the reason you have it, it can take over a tank. Left over food in your rocks and sand most of the...
  5. trouble93

    Can You Give Us Light "par" Readings Per. Tank Sizes

    I have 2x400watt with 20k XM bulbs over a 75gal. 48x18x21 Bulbs sit about 10" above the water the tank is mostly LPS' and SPS'. the par at the bottom of the tank is about 320
  6. trouble93

    Tank shots

    I haven't posted any pics of my reef tank in a while. So here's a few enjoy
  7. trouble93

    whos got some nice looking brain corals?

    Here are just a few.
  8. trouble93

    Bulb question

    Originally Posted by Rigdon87 The lower the kelvin the better the growth,but the higher the kelvin the better the out of the two the 14k would have better growth rates Thanks!!!
  9. trouble93

    Bulb question

    What give you better growth 14k or 20k bulbs?
  10. trouble93

    Marine Compatability Chart

    Originally Posted by SaltyMarine Just about every piece of useful information comes from something someone would consider a "competitor" did not invent and research everything there is to know about the hobby. The people use information like the informations posted in this thread to...
  11. trouble93

    My rocks STINK!!

    Originally Posted by trouble93 Run some carbon or we you already using it change it out for some fresh carbon. as long as the smell isn't over powering the carbon should take care of it. Sorry for the mispelling I ment IF YOU are already using
  12. trouble93

    My rocks STINK!!

    Run some carbon or we you already using it change it out for some fresh carbon. as long as the smell isn't over powering the carbon should take care of it.
  13. trouble93


    Originally Posted by Lorene I cant honestly say I have much faith in it myself. I have been using it for several days to try to bring up my calcium levels and to get rid of my cyano to no avail. I will think long and hard next time on spending my money on snake oils without running it by...
  14. trouble93


    Originally Posted by PEZenfuego Sure it will works...under proper conditions and only if there is coralline in the tank to begin with. There is no indication that it does not work. However, if you do choose to use it, you will NEED to monitor your tank parameters closely because you can use...
  15. trouble93

    Omg Awesome Deal @ Lfs!

    What is the salinity of the water you get from your LFS and at what salinity do you keep your tank?
  16. trouble93

    whats the best way to get rid of red slime algae?!!

    Originally Posted by smashrt we now have red slime algae.. what is the best way to get rid of the stuff.. it just keeps coming back!? we siphoned it out for the past couple of days..lights are now off.. what could be the cause? we recently added another power head as our flow wasnt high...
  17. trouble93

    Omg Awesome Deal @ Lfs!

    Originally Posted by Lorene Here is a pic of my tank. Suggestions requested! Looks like you have a little algae growth on your sand. And I could be wrong but it looks like from your pic of the tank you may have the start of cyno(red in color on sand bed). What do you have in the tank for...
  18. trouble93

    Omg Awesome Deal @ Lfs!

    Looks like you have a little algae growth on your sand. And I could be wrong but it looks like from your pic of the tank you may have the start of cyno(red in color on sand bed). What do you have in the tank for flow? Also I see you said you have a frag of candy cane and wanted a brain coral...
  19. trouble93

    Kalk Reactor

    I dose 2 part for my reef tank. I'm thinking of adding a Kalk Reactor to the set up. If I add a reactor will I still have to dose something for ALK? Or will the reactor take care of both Cal. and Alk?
  20. trouble93

    Thoughts on my REVISED 55 GAllon Stock List

    Originally Posted by dedecv3 Before doing a lot of research my stock list contained 3 Tangs but I soon found out that was a bad here is my revised list: 2 False Percs 1 Yellow Watchmen Goby 1 Sailfin Tang (getting a 1"-1.5" one from LFS & plan on upgrading tank in 1-2 years) 1...