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  1. misty927

    oh boy!!! here's another one

    Well...the purified refrigerator water isn't exactly the same thing that you would use in your fish tank. I'm talking about a real RO/DI unit...look at the dry goods section on this site under Reverse Osmosis'll see what I'm talking about.
  2. misty927

    Did they starve?

    Maybe they missed you and committed suicide...? All joking aside...I hope you find the gramma!! Sorry about the angel... :nope:
  3. misty927

    Too many crabs?

    Get rid of the blue legs...they're evil! Scarlets are so much more peaceful! :yes:
  4. misty927

    Question about adding w/a tang

    I'm going to agree with the above posts. It just won't be efficient for the long term. I would either upgrade your tank size or get rid of the tang. And I also don't think your BTA will thrive under should consider upgrading your lighting. Your anemone will slowly start to...
  5. misty927

    oh boy!!! here's another one

    Hmmm....don't most homes have water softeners to begin with?? Maybe I'm not understanding your question right. But tap water is generally considered as a no no to use...regardless of your home filtration. Yes many minerals will be eliminated with a softener but others will remain. It just...
  6. misty927


    Does anyone think that it might also be the RO/DI water? From what I've heard, Walmart doesn't really change their filters regularly and sometimes the water is not really good quality. Maybe try getting your water from another store. Just a thought...good luck! :joy:
  7. misty927

    How much should I get rid of?

    Personally, I'd definitely get rid of the batfish and the tangs. All of those need larger than a 55 gallon aquarium! And just because I think damsels are bullies, I'd get rid of them too...if you can catch them!! But like scribben said, try selling them or trading them. Your LFS might give...
  8. misty927

    Southdown available in S.W Mich.

    Is there anywhere online I can order southdown?
  9. misty927

    aquaclear pro 150 w/skimmer

    Sorry, I'm not trying to outbid you or however you would call it. It's just that that particular filter is worth at least $100 used or not. I seriously doubt he would sell it to you for fifty unless it wasn't in good condition or something. Sorry...
  10. misty927

    FS: Live Rock in DFW, TX

    How long are you willling to hold the rock for?
  11. misty927

    aquaclear pro 150 w/skimmer

    What are you asking?? I'll give you $100.00 if you want.
  12. misty927

    What brand of salt...........

    I used to use Instant Ocean and then I saw a little trial bag of the new Oceanic salt at my LFS and decided to try it. I LOVE IT!! I'm definitely switching to Oceanic dissolved in like 30 seconds, I'm not kidding. And all of my corals perked up after the water change...
  13. misty927

    Thought you guys would enjoy this picture!

    How funny!
  14. misty927

    What is this on my shrimp!!!

    RIP little Blood Shrimp! :nope:
  15. misty927

    reefkeepers invited...

    Yay, more Austin people...great! I'm actually Central Austin. I usually go to Aquatek also...but sometimes they're a little overpriced, especially equipment. Plus, their corals haven't been the greatest recently, from what I've noticed? But they have a great selection of inverts. I've been...
  16. misty927

    Confused about MH lighting....

    Really, that soon...that's interesting to know. Experienced MH users...what are your opinions on the Arcadia MH systems?
  17. misty927

    Confused about MH lighting....

    Oooh...I see. Thanks for the explanation. :)
  18. misty927

    Has anyone seen the "Fast Food Video"

    I heard that the guy had some mental issues that went along with it though. I read that a female nutritionist felt his "research" wasn't accurate, though, and went on the same diet to contest his results. Supposedly, his weight gain, etc. was seriously exaggerated. She said she actually lost...
  19. misty927

    MY fish Died in about 16hr

    First off...welcome to the board! Ok, post all your parameters...tank size, pH, salinity, ammonium, nitrate, nitrite levels. Do you have live rock...what type of filtration are you using. What your cycle completely finished before adding inhabitants? As for why they died, I'm gonna say it's...
  20. misty927

    Best Online Site to Order Supplies

    We're not really supposed to post site addresses that sell equipment, etc. that would be in direct competition with You might wanna try emailing or messaging some people though. Good luck!