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  1. misty927

    Videos of the new to come Tunze waveboxes

    Umm....yes. From my experiences diving, I'd say that the current is excessive. :eek:
  2. misty927

    Do you QT corals?

    What does the SeaChem Reef Dip do??
  3. misty927

    Help my umbrella!

    I'm actually not really sure...sorry. *bump*
  4. misty927

    It's a miracle!!!

    Maybe he was scared of the picture of the clown hosting?? Maybe in his warped little clown mind the other clown was competition and he was afraid to host the anemone for fear the clown might get mad?? :D
  5. misty927

    What the??? What is this..thing!

    One of your fish or inverts might devour those tasty little eggs. Besides, even if they hatch, their chances of surviving in your aquarium with other inhabitants are slim to none. Good luck though! :D
  6. misty927

    nassarius or something else?

    The nassarius' I have in my tank are definitely larger than inch. Maybe an inch and a half...or a little less.
  7. misty927

    2 week old 75 sure LOOKED like a PBT and it was definitely larger than 9 inches regardless of the mask or not!!! And when looking at pictures after the fact it is hard to judge size because you don't have the luxury of something size concrete to compare it to. It's just like looking at a picture of...
  8. misty927

    Need Immediate Help Please

    But as for what the urchin was sounds like he was releasing gametes...which shouldn't be harmful. Maybe he was just responding to the electric shock as well??
  9. misty927

    Aptasia ??

    You're not serious are you?? About flushing the Pearlscale???? :mad: Why didn't you euthanize it or give it to someone who wanted it. That is not a humane method of removing a fish simply because you couldn't control it. It was just carrying out its instincts as it does in the wild...why...
  10. misty927

    Purple Linkia lesson

    Nope...not an orange linkia, but they look very similar. It's an Orange Sea Star alright. There are but a few differences between the two, however. The Orange Sea Star usually only gets up to around 3 inches and usually responds better in the captive environment and is easier to care for than...
  11. misty927

    Preventing Ich

    In addition to all of those great suggestions, you might want to consider a UV sterilizer. They can rid of many types of bacteria which can cause infection. They aren't generally considered a good idea with reef tanks, however, as they also kill beneficial bacteria and other little organisms! :yes:
  12. misty927

    nassarius or something else?

    Definitely looks like a nassarius to long is it in inches??
  13. misty927

    2 week old 75

    Ok, I'm not trying to fuel the fire or anything...but I just wanted to input something I saw less than a week ago while diving in Hawaii. Needless to was a Powder Brown Tang who was easily a foot and half long. Would you put that fish in your 75 gallon?? Neither would I! (I'll post...
  14. misty927

    sebae anemone question

    Definitely a sebae in my opinion....
  15. misty927

    aquaclear pro 150 w/skimmer

    Well, you can have it, if you want. I purchased another kind today...good luck with your future tank! :)
  16. misty927

    sebae anemone question

    Hmm. Sounds like a sebae considering the coloration...different color tips and all. As far as suction cups...that sounds a little strange. All of the sebaes I've ever kept or seen have the one single foot like most other anemones. Maybe it is splitting and has two feet at the moment???
  17. misty927

    Brittle Stars

    Bristle worms really are great scavengers and an asset to a tank...they just become worrisome when they get very large. Otherwise, I don't really see how they'd be a problem.
  18. misty927

    Purple Linkia lesson

    Brittle stars are generally reef least I've never had a problem with them. Great detritus eaters also...but they do tend to hide a lot. Why don't you guys try an Orange Sea Star. They're very pretty and stay out in the open a lot. I've never seen mine mess with my corals one bit...
  19. misty927

    Too many crabs?

    Mild?? Everytime I looked in my tank they were either fighting with each other, harassing a scarlet, or eating one of my snails. They're mean, if you ask me... :yes:
  20. misty927

    Question about adding w/a tang

    haha...that's great Bill. :D