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  1. misty927

    90g FOWLR...Color?

    Why not some plants? They would add color and be beneficial for filtration purposes....
  2. misty927

    Where Do I Go From Here...?

    First off, welcome to the board! Thought I'd add a few more suggestions and expand on others: Even though you're in Florida, you should get a heater. Even a fluctuation of a one or two degrees at night can cause stress to your fish, making them more prone to diseases, etc. Definitely...
  3. misty927

    how do you grow algae

    Why and what type are you trying to grow?
  4. misty927

    Oceanic or Tropic Marin Salt?

    Well, I'm cycling my tank using Oceanic and just tested for Calcium. Needless to say, Calcium is through the roof and my pH is a little low. I proceeded to do some research on it and it seems many people have had these same problems. Just wanted to get everyone's opinions on Tropic Marin, as...
  5. misty927

    Moving to new House.

    That sounds like it would work, but may be more work than you need to do. Also, I'm a little the 90 gal tank new or currently set up? Which tank are the inhabitants currently in?
  6. misty927

    ID on egg-looking things?

    I guess I'll never know!!
  7. misty927

    Brown Algae

    You never know, the LFS's water filters may have gone bad. Or maybe it's just time to invest in a larger clean-up crew. Either way, diatoms feed of nitrates and if either of those factors are too high, they will flourish. Good luck...I know how annoying diatom blooms can be!
  8. misty927

    Brown Algae

    Dusty...sounds like a diatom bloom which is common in a tank that is newly cycled. Considering your tank is pretty established, it might be due to excess phosphates or silicates. I've heard that using a phophate sponge helps. What are your levels (nitrite, nitrate, etc)...have you done a water...
  9. misty927


    Probably bristleworms, which are beneficial in cleaning up detritus etc. Most likely WILL NOT cause any harm at all. Use the search feature and search for bristleworm you will find tons of information.
  10. misty927

    Brown Algae

    Is the algae more dusty looking or like an actual hair algae? Also, how long has your tank been set up for, what type of lighting do you have, and what type of water are you using?
  11. misty927

    what would you do?

    So, obviously you are going more towards an aggressive set-up if you want a lionfish. Just be aware that any fish that will fit into the lionfish's mouth (or it thinks might fit) it will attempt to eat. On that note, Volitan lions are the largest with fuzzy dwarfs being the smallest, so you...
  12. misty927

    Fragged xenias

    I agree, my xenias are always spreading like crazy. Just stick some rock rubble nearby and some of the stalks will either move there or some new ones will crop up. I generally like to place the rubble near but a little higher up because (as Tizzo said), they are always trying to move higher...
  13. misty927

    Order of Fish "Operations?"

    In my opinion, that list sounds highly overstocked. With all of that live rock, you have to realize how much water is actually present considering the volume replaced by the live rock. If it were my setup, I would start out with the pair of clowns, then add one of the gobies, and a hawkfish...
  14. misty927

    coral transplant

    There have been many previous posts on techniques for this. Try using the search feature and type in mushroom fragging or something similar...I'm sure you'll find lots of useful information. Good luck!
  15. misty927

    ID on egg-looking things?

    Should I move this to another forum??
  16. misty927

    ID on egg-looking things?

    No ideas?
  17. misty927

    ID on egg-looking things?

    Well, I noticed these on the glass of my nano today. Here are the pictures, but they aren't very clear. I had to use the reverse end of my binoculars as a magnifying glass...haha. But the closest thing I am reminded of is a zig-zagged pearl necklace. Each of the tiny dots are less than 1/2...
  18. misty927


    Originally Posted by Mr_Bill I kept a large mantis shrimp in a bucket for about 3 hours with no water movement and the sucker stayed alive until I added fresh water to the bucket. Fresh water plays havoc with inverts, if you find his rock it will get him out for sure. To find him use a red lense...
  19. misty927

    30 gal Skimmer Recommendation?

    Ok, so I've been researching a bit. I've decided the SeaClone is out...thanks for your help though kjord! If you guys had to decide...Coralife Super Skimmer or CPR Bak-Pak 2R?
  20. misty927

    30 gal Skimmer Recommendation?

    Thanks kjord. Any thoughts on the Aqua-C Remora? I've heard some bad things about the SeaClones...has anyone had any bad experiences?