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  1. jacksonpt

    Aquapod Mods

    I picked up a cheap piece of 8x10 plexi at lowes, then just used a utility knife to cut it to size/shape. I filled the chamber with LR rubble to keep the plexi pressed up against the vents. Seems to work well.
  2. jacksonpt

    Aquapod Mods

    I blocked the lower 2 intake vents in the first chamber and replaced the stock pump with a MJ 900 (I have the 12g AP).
  3. jacksonpt


    The most recent one I have, though it's changed a bit since this pic was taken...
  4. jacksonpt

    ? about AP filtration setup

    In my first run through this hobby I had a more "traditional" setup - a main display tank with an overflow that fed a sump. One very nice thing about that setup was that the water level in my display tank never changed, rather the level in the sump went up and down with topoffs and evaporation...
  5. jacksonpt

    Stocking a 12 Gallon

    1 Clownfish - yep, depending on the species1 Other small fish - yep 4 Small hermit crabs, prefferably the ones with blue legs - yep* 1 snail - yep ** 1 blood shrimp - yep 1 boxing crab - don't know anything about them 1 emrald crab or other sort of crab - yep * your clean up crew should have...
  6. jacksonpt

    adding LR to tank?

    More LR is always a good idea. Adding it slowly over time is safer, but if you're sure it's cured then you shouldn't have any problems adding it all at once.
  7. jacksonpt

    How much light on ur nano? is 130 wattpc 2 much for a 12 gal?

    That will be too much light for some corals, but all in all it should be fine. I'd wonder more about the length of the lights compared to the length of the tank than I would the wattage.
  8. jacksonpt

    Flo/Light Str of a 12G aquapod

    Originally Posted by Bruder I am no expert on Aquapods (I have a Bio-Cube myself) Lighting - I am pretty sure that you have 2X27w PC bulbs in your Aquapod. Total of 54w/12g = 4.5w/g. Also, your nano isn't that deep. I would say that you have low to medium lighting. You should be able to get...
  9. jacksonpt

    How Often do you Test

    12g Aquapod. I've had the tank for about 6mos now and I've tested my tank water twice and my RO/DI water twice. Once your tank is set and you know it's "routine" you won't have to test nearly as often.
  10. jacksonpt

    12g Aquapod Filter

    chamber 1: LR chamber 2: LR chamber 3: LR chamber 4: heater and pump
  11. jacksonpt

    Temp wont stay down in 12g aquapod

    Also, try leaving the feeding hatch open so the heat can vent out of the tank. Having a fully eclosed lid over the tank makes it hard for heat to escape.
  12. jacksonpt

    how does temp/salinity affect ca/alk readings?

    I've recently started testing alk and I'm trying to get a better understanding of how various water parameters affect each other. Last night I did a full batch of tests on both my current tank water (which I've been having some trouble with lately) and a fresh batch of water all mixed up and...
  13. jacksonpt

    MJ 1200 in Aquapod 24?

    Nope, it's a direct swap. I've actually been thinkign about one for my AP12...
  14. jacksonpt

    cleanup crew for a 12

    Originally Posted by NudiLove Depending on what tank size you have I would HIGHLY recommend not getting a Lettuce Nudi....They are very fragile and eat more hair algae than most tanks are simply capable of producing. As soon as they finish with what is there it takes a very short time for them...
  15. jacksonpt

    Single Girl looking for Aiptasia eating animals to keep her company!

    Originally Posted by Adairable I could hit them with a screwdriver I suppose....what da ya think? I wouldn't... the goal is to chip away the part of the rock they are attached to so you leave nothing behind. I would think hitting them with a screwdriver would only make it worse. But just for...
  16. jacksonpt

    Single Girl looking for Aiptasia eating animals to keep her company!

    some peppermint shirmp do, some don't. I've read that it depends where the shirmp are collected from, but I don't know if there's any truth to it. How bad is the aiptasia in your tank? How established is your tank? I had some in my tank early on... I simply removed the rock and use a small...
  17. jacksonpt

    cleanup crew for a 12

    I've got the following: - 5 zebra hermits - 3 scarlet hermits - 1 emerald crab - 5 nassarius (these are more scavengers than algae eaters though) - 3 turbos - 5 ceriths (these are the best for algae, IMO) will soon be adding a lettuce nudi as well.
  18. jacksonpt

    Powerhead Size

    Originally Posted by AGENT-X wow, that's crazy, but like you side it says it's model 29. so maybe it's really not a 29. Has anyone filled a JBJ, Aquapod to see what it holds in comparisson to what it says? I do a 5g water change in my AP12 and I end up replacing pretty darn close to half the...
  19. jacksonpt

    Powerhead Size

    Originally Posted by AGENT-X I wouldn't think that any of the cubes hold what they state they do. Once you add substrate and LR you have displaced an amount of water. Not that it's going displace 6 gallons, but that could acount for some variance. yea, that's basically teh case with any tank...
  20. jacksonpt

    Powerhead Size

    Originally Posted by AZReefGirl When calculating anything for the size 29 Biocube, just keep in mind that it does NOT hold 29 gallons. It only holds about 23 gallons of water, and that's without LR or sand. I'm not familiar with the biocubes... does it really only hold ~23gallons, or is the...