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  1. jacksonpt

    Oceanic customer service??

    Just keep calling. Sending e-mails rarely gets a timely response.
  2. jacksonpt

    cleaning filters?

    I assume you mean a sponge prefilter? Yes, you can clean it, but don't run it under tap water. Instead rince it several times in old tank water (the water you take out when doing a water change is perfect).
  3. jacksonpt

    cycling tank

    Originally Posted by gharner is it possible to cycle a tank with just using live sand? yes and no. LS will not trigger a cycle, so you'll need something in the tank to decompose. You can add fish and let their waste do it, but that's generally frowned upon as it's hard on the fish, often...
  4. jacksonpt

    As usual I am confused...

    Originally Posted by Vsandme Depends on the nano...if you get a biocube or similar it comes WITH all the proper filter, lighting, and as far as heating the lights take care of that so its self sustaining mostly I think a lot of this depends on the climate you live in. For me, my lights can hold...
  5. jacksonpt

    As usual I am confused...

    I think every tank needs a heater. It won't run unless the water cools, so why wouldn't you want one... even if it's only a precaution?
  6. jacksonpt

    new pics of my 12g (xpost from nano)

    Originally Posted by mrsgoose How did you get yours to that stage so quickly?? I'm new to SW. I thought you're always supposed to wait for weeks btw each addition? It really comes down to bioload - basically how much "waste" a tank can process efficiently. I only have 2 fish, and they only get...
  7. jacksonpt

    new pics of my 12g (xpost from nano)

    Thanks everyone for the kind words. Shooting through the curved glass of the Aquapods makes things a bit more difficult.
  8. jacksonpt

    new pics of my 12g (xpost from nano)

    Originally Posted by sfoister What camera are you using? And older sony point-and-shoot... a DSC-S85
  9. jacksonpt

    new pics of my 12g (xpost from nano)

    Originally Posted by Madman33 both the lion and the maroon are going to need a bigger tank Yep - it's all part of the master plan.
  10. jacksonpt

    new pics (12g aquapod)

    just over 2 months.
  11. jacksonpt

    Heater for 14G?

    I like the marineland heaters. Look for something in the 25-50watt range.
  12. jacksonpt

    new pics (12g aquapod)

    Thanks. It's an old Sony point-and-shoot... a DSC-S85.
  13. jacksonpt

    As usual I am confused...

    well, in an ideal world it's always true. But in bigger tanks there's more tendancy to overstock. At least from my experience that's true.
  14. jacksonpt

    As usual I am confused...

    you never have to do a sump or skimmer. Basically it comes down to responsible husbandry of the tank. Don't overstock, don't overfeed, do your water changes and you'll be fine with LR/LS and good water flow.
  15. jacksonpt

    Want to go Nano

    Are you talking about the all-in-one style tanks? If so, the tanks themselves are pretty much ready to go right out of the box. You'll need: - salt - water - heater - live sand - live rock All that is available through this site. If you have a decent local fish store (LFS) near you, you can...
  16. jacksonpt

    Nano Cubes...

    I only have experience with the aquapod (12gallon), but from my experience and what I've read, they are pretty good systems right out of the box. They can be made a bit better if you tweak them just a bit, but the tweaks are easy and cheap, so generally worth the time/money. Heat can be an...
  17. jacksonpt

    new pics of my 12g (xpost from nano)

    The tank is just a little over 2 months old, so I took some new pics last night. It's hard shooting through the curved glass, so not all of them turned out. Here are some of the better ones.
  18. jacksonpt

    new pics (12g aquapod)

    The tank is just a little over 2 months old, so I took some new pics last night. It's hard shooting through the curved glass, so not all of them turned out. Here are some of the better ones. Full Tank Shot Zoos Watermellon Mushroom Ricordia Red Mushroom Frogspawn Candy Cane Blastomussa
  19. jacksonpt

    How often do you feed your fish.

    I feed flake once a week and mysis 1-2 times per week.
  20. jacksonpt

    nutrition for corals

    wow, that's some great info... waaaay more than I was expecting to get - thanks. I've tried spot feeding my zoos mysis, but they've never showed any interest. I'll try some brine in the next couple of days. I'll also pickup some sort of plankton additive, as that seems to be all but a staple...