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  1. jacksonpt

    nutrition for corals

    Originally Posted by reefkprZ there are no entirely phtosynthetic corals that I know of, the closest would probably be xenia, all corals eat or absorb nutrients. Really? I thought most were primarily photosynthetic. Good to know. So, so different corals absorb different nutrients? I'm not...
  2. jacksonpt

    nutrition for corals

    I know that most corals are primarily, if not entirely photosynthetic. But I'm wondering how important it is to provide additional nutrition for those corals that also filter feed. I've got a 12g tank with the following corals: - mushrooms (red, watermelon, and hairy) - ricordia - blastos - zoos...
  3. jacksonpt

    is redoing rockwork good for a tank?

    I have a tendancy to redo my rockwork every few months. I do it for 2 reasons - 1) to get water flow where it wasn't before and to get new parts of rock exposed to light/current/etc. 2) to make room for new corals and such. I try to disturb the sand as little as possible, but is redoing the...
  4. jacksonpt


    I'm pretty happy with mine.
  5. jacksonpt

    10g Question

    Not sure, I don't dose anything, so I'm not sure about the DTs. If you are doing a 10% water change every week, do you really need to be dosing anything? You don't have a ton of corals. I have: - frogspawn - orange monti - toadstool - lots of zoos - xenia - mushrooms - ricordia - gsp - leather...
  6. jacksonpt

    10g Question

    if it test 20ppm before AND after the water change, perhaps you have a bad test kit??? FWIW, I only feed twice a week, you're feeding every day. Even if there is no left over food, fish waste could be an issue.
  7. jacksonpt

    10g Question

    what are the nitrate readings of your "clean" water, i.e. the water you use when doing water changes?
  8. jacksonpt

    New to board, New AP24

    Originally Posted by Power1 What would you suggest as the best diet for that Bubble tip? I'm happy to buy/make whatever. I was going to get a feeding stick for him as well. Again thanks for the input. A good mix of stuff... Check to see what meaty stuff your LFS has (silversides, etc.). But...
  9. jacksonpt

    New to board, New AP24

    Zoos can be slow to adjust. I have one colony that adusted in just a few hours, I have another colony that took the better portion of a week to come around. Nice tank... be sure to feed that anemone.
  10. jacksonpt

    Nudilove's 24Pod Update Pics!

    Nice pics. I don't know why, but Xenia is the only thing I can't get to do well in my tank. It's doesn't die, but it's not exactly thriving, either. Fickle stuff this Xenia is...
  11. jacksonpt

    Need to stock new 29g

    If you're careful about not over feeding, you could probably swing a pair of clowns, a pair of chromis (though they can be a bit aggressive, and might cause problems in such a small tank), and a pair of shrimp. Also consider fire gobies or cardinal fish.
  12. jacksonpt

    My 7gallon nano

    Nice. I like the rockwork.
  13. jacksonpt

    new frogspawn help

    Zoanthids are a favorite, and they come in a variety of colors. Same with mushrooms and ricordia. You could probably do some LPS (fox coral, bubble coral, hammer coral), but do some research on how much light they need to thrive before you purchase. Most good websites (like this one) will give...
  14. jacksonpt

    new frogspawn help

    If by "stock lighting" you mean the 54w of PCs, then yes, it will be fine assuming your water quality is good. I have on in my aquapod, and it took about 3 days to fully adjust.
  15. jacksonpt

    Thinking about buying a nano

    Interesting... perhaps it is glass - I just assumed it was acrylic because of how light it is and how easy it has scratched.
  16. jacksonpt

    Thinking about buying a nano

    I have an aquapod 12 that I'm pretty happy with. There are a few little things you can do to make it better, but my only real complaint is that they are acrylic, and acrylic scratches too easily for me. The open top halide versions can run hang-on skimmers pretty easily, but I think skimmers...
  17. jacksonpt

    is this ok to do????

    No, don't nuke it - it'll likely melt, and you actually want most of that bacteria. Get a small bucket or a large bowl of tank water, take the sponge out and clean it good in the bucket of tank water. Put the sponge back and discard the old tank water, repeat every 1-2 weeks.
  18. jacksonpt

    my tank @ 5 weeks

    Originally Posted by 24aqua your monti is going to die Well, it's quite clearly grown in the last week or so, so I guess I'll take my chances.
  19. jacksonpt

    possible now tank mates

    Perhaps one of the smaller blennies/gobies. If you're water params are in good shape then you can probably swing it. If you're constantly fighting them, I wouldn't.
  20. jacksonpt

    12 gal nano skimmer

    I think skimmers are unnecessary on most all tanks (though they do offer some good insurance). On small tanks like ours, I think they are overkill. Don't overstock, don't overfeed and you'll be fine.