Search results

  1. cougar

    mixing tangs in 90 gal?

    Yellow tang was a good choice just becuase of how hardy they are. I would not have suggested a butterfly fish though. They are more for the community fish, they wouldn't be able to defend themselves if the hippo decided to turn on them.
  2. cougar

    mean blue face

    These are all going to be large fish, is it possible your tank is just getting too small? Is any of your fish adult size yet and what size tank to you have, more specific what is the length?
  3. cougar

    would you?

    I have always dreamed about working in a place like the Shedd aquarium in Chicago, or owning my own business. The only problem is that in my little town I think we already have too many options for fish stores.
  4. cougar

    Is my 120 overstocked currently?

    Right now I am looking at a 240 gal tank that is 96" long, plenty of length for large fish to swim. My amaller fish will be placed in a reef set up soon, I am going to be seperating the fish only and the reef compatible fish and putting them in seperate tanks. My reef I want to be 48" long...
  5. cougar

    Is my 120 overstocked currently?

    I have a 120 gal, 60x18x26 and I am planning on buying a longer tank and a smaller reef tank in the future to replace this, but I am worried that I need to do this sooner than later. I am not worried about filtration, I have a canister, rated up to 125 gal, and 2 Emperor 400 hanging on the...
  6. cougar

    Flame Angel

    I wouldn't worry about the fish, it would be your corals and such. Dwarf angels are only reef safe on occasion. It all depends on the individual. If you have an option out of the flame try and see if he leaves your stuff alone, otherwise I would think twice.
  7. cougar

    Air bubbles good or bad

    I am one for the bubbles, I have had it for a long time with very healthy fish and I have the bubbles coming up through the live rock. I personally think it is very cool how the live rock seperates a stream into a wall of bubbles. And actually if it is unhealthy for fish, why do mine tend to...
  8. cougar

    Koran Angel

    IMO it is up to the particular fish, if it hides most of the time, or puts on a good show for you. In my experience, my Koran is shy, but I also have a gray angel and he loves swimming and approaching those who watch him. Although in my lfs I have witnessed the complete opposite. Your fish...
  9. cougar

    Advice On Many Questions Please

    I don't have an answer for you, but a question. I have standard flourescent lights in my tank, as they age algea can get out of hand. I am assuming you have higher watt lights in your tank, but since you just bought this set up do you know how old the lights are? A small possibility that I do...
  10. cougar

    Mixing Clowns

    I currently have 2 black and white and 2 true percs, also 1 maroon gold striped clown. They have lived peacefully for over 18 mo. in a 120 gal tank. True the percs stay in the live rock and the maroon lives in his shell but even feeding time nobody chases anyone around or anything like that.
  11. cougar

    blueface angel

    It all depends on the certain fish. I have a gray angel and a koran, the koran doesn't like being seen, but the gray is always up at the glass, will follow me around. The two get along, if anything the koran is aggressive towards the gray, but runs scared from me.
  12. cougar

    Mexican Turbo Snails

    Zebra crabs are aggressive enough to take over snail shells. I lost a lot of cerith snails to those guys, also have zebra crabs running around in empty mexican turbo snail shells. I will tell everyone to stay away from the zebra crabs.
  13. cougar

    buying fish

    I have purchased a lot from online, always like the guarantee that the lfs don't have. Yes I make sure to take advantage of the free shipping, make sure your order is just above the free shipping limit. Add a couple extra snails or crabs. I hate buying an expensive fish with no gaurantee...
  14. cougar

    I just got my 125 gallon today!!! i make it fish or reef?

    If you are keeping both tanks I would suggest the larger tank as the fish only. Reef compatible fish tend to be smaller and need less room. Your angel is not reef compatible and in time he will need a larger tank. Also, the lighting needs of reef tanks is expensive, smaller tank, smaller...
  15. cougar

    New fish/ inverts for beginners???

    I always suggest the green chromis as a beginner fish. Get a school of those, they are very hardy. Also they keep there color, unlike some damsels, and don't get aggressive, unlike some damsels. Most of all, they are cheap, in case you lose some in a new tank. IMO
  16. cougar

    Need quick help about filter

    How long has it been since you took the entire filter apart to clean the impellor? I have two Emperors and I regularly have to do this. Pain in the a**, I also have a Eheim canister, thinking of getting a second Eheim just to replace my annoying Emperors.
  17. cougar

    i hate *****

    Flames are an alright fish for hardiness. But a warning, ***** isn't the place to buy live stock. NO GUARANTEES, that is why I love this place. You don't have to spend hundreds to get free shipping, and they have a guarantee, not trying to suck up here or anything.
  18. cougar

    Dwarf and Large Angels in Reef ?

    I currently have a coral beauty, flame, Koran, and grey angels. Should I even waste my time upgrading my light system to handle inverts. Are there any inverts that my Angels will accept? I know I would like to try anemones for my clowns, will those be accepted? Any input would be appreciated...
  19. cougar

    Flame Angel & Lemonpeel

    I have had a flame, coral beauty and a bi-color all in the same tank without problems. the bi has recently passed but other fish did not pick on it. None of them attempted to nip at my polyps.
  20. cougar

    Whats your list of fish and corals

    120 gallon tank includes 2 yellow tangs 1 blue hippo tang 1 coral beauty 1 flame 1 koran angel 1 grey angel 1 maroon clown 2 true perculas 2 black & white perculas 1 lyretail anthia this is a full tank, planned ahead though with extra filtration 1 coral banded shrimp 1 pepperment shrimp 3...