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  1. kanicky

    thinking of dedicating my 55 gallon tank to seahorses!!

    No, they are tank-raised. As I've said, I've had h. kuda and I currently have h. comes and both pairs loved/love playing in medium flow. However, I understand that all 'horses are different, so my suggestion is to play around with the flow for the first few days and get a feeling of what your...
  2. kanicky

    tank mates

    This is a GREAT list to have, especially for a newcomer to seahorse-keeping, however, this list was taken from Seahorse dot org and the author of this article, Will Wooten, has not given anyone outside of SDO permission to post this list elsewhere. The folks over at SDO are actually a little...
  3. kanicky

    thinking of dedicating my 55 gallon tank to seahorses!!

    Great suggestions on this thread, however I disagree about low flow being necessary, except maybe with Dwarf Seahorses and babies. A lot of seahorses in the ocean can be found in areas of mid- to high-flow, and since a lot of our seahorses were born and raised in the ocean, why should we give...
  4. kanicky

    post pics when you have gone diving in a reef

    I am SO jealous of all of you who were actually able to swim with the Loggerhead Sea Turtles. I absolutely adore them! Those are beautiful pictures, peef! Can't wait to get my license!
  5. kanicky

    Swimming And Stuck In One Position !!!! Ughhhh, Help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hmm... I know several people who have whole tanks dedicated to anemones, so that whole "only one anemone per tank" thing is ludicrous. As far as the clownfish go, I don't know why they're only swimming in one spot, but the ammonia may or may not have something to do with it. You definitely...
  6. kanicky

    Puffer sucked into powerhead...

    Definitely fatten him up... a skinny puffer is a sad sight to see My two like to eat fresh krill, clams, mussels and shrimp. You could also add some vitamins to what your feeding him, which should help.
  7. kanicky

    about you

    Originally Posted by larrynews not ts start an argument but there is not alot of marine biologist, and the one ones who make descent money are few. but if thats what someone wants to go for then i hope it works out, just because something is few is even more reason to work hard for it...
  8. kanicky

    I wanna buy a sea horse

    That size tank is a perfect seahorse playground I don't recommend doing Dwarf seahorses in such a big tank, but any of the other larger ones would do perfectly! How much do you know about keeping seahorses? They do require milder temperatures, with most needing a temp between 72* - 76*. Some...
  9. kanicky

    Our 35 HEX!

    Wow, looks great! We have that same exact tank for our seahorses!
  10. kanicky

    A year and I am still LOCO DE LA CABEZA help me!!!

    Have you ever heard any "clicking" noises coming from your tank at all? Have you tested for ammonia/nitrites/nitrates? I see that you say you test and never see a spike... what kind of test kits are you using? Strips or liquid?
  11. kanicky

    Can I Report Bad/Illegal LFS?

    Originally Posted by nina&noah He used to be a manager at my current LFS for a number of years. He said that he used to see the hitch hickers a lot when collecting Florida live rock was legal. He said the small fish stores, like the one I used to go to, often go to a particular spot to...
  12. kanicky

    more pics....

    Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11 im gonna try it how long should i run my tank before i add the dwarf's Wait, so you're wanting to add the Dwarfs to your current 55G tank? The one we were talking about a few posts up? Or are you getting a new one?
  13. kanicky

    I wanna buy a sea horse

    Aw heck, why not? I have the time to ask a few preliminary questions: 1.) Have you ever had a saltwater tank before? If so, what kind and how long did you have it? 2.) What kind of seahorse are you wanting to get? Dwarf or h. Kuda, h. Reidi, etc.? 3.) What kind of set-up do you have for a...
  14. kanicky

    I wanna buy a sea horse

    There's a "Search" button at the top right-ish of the screen. That will be a HUGE help in the days to come
  15. kanicky

    about you

    Originally Posted by Koi Lady I just had my tigertail die last night. He got caught in the protein skimmer intake "protector" for 2 days before I found him and didn't recover from the lack of food. I'm so sorry to hear this. My female h. kuda got her head stuck in the pre-filter slits one...
  16. kanicky

    The tragic story of Victoria and Robert

    Originally Posted by sk8shorty01 I am not sure but man what a story. You could write a novel, you really tell the story well and give the fish feeling. Even with that story, I'm not sure we could tell you if they are a mated pair.
  17. kanicky

    A year and I am still LOCO DE LA CABEZA help me!!!

    Originally Posted by thauro77 It's being a year today since I got my first salt water set up. Since then I have being tryin to make my tank to look nice and perfect (to me perfect means water completely cristal cear and colorful corals) I found that I need to change my lights in order to...
  18. kanicky

    how muc should i plan on spending....

    It depends on how big of tank you want, what kind of seahorses you want to keep, what you plan to do with the tank, etc. Tell us your plans and we can give you a better idea of what you can expect to spend
  19. kanicky

    Finally got my mandarin!

    I think almost all fish eat copepods... I know Gobies do, and Firefish are Gobies. My two Black False Percs will pick them off the glass... Anyway, with that said, congrats! It's really hard to find a Mandarin that's eating frozen
  20. kanicky

    more pics....

    Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11 yup i got 250$ and selling my paintball gear for 200$ so i think im set lol, but what in my tank would eat them? Haha, no, they wouldn't actually eat the seahorses. By "eat them out of house and home," I mean that you have some aggressive fish -the Tang and...