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  1. scubachris

    Mandarin fish help!!!!!

    I was worried about the pod population for my new manderin, but I found what I think is the answer. My LFS sells what they call "Oister eggs". It comes in a jar and you put a small amount in the tank 2-3 times a week. It feeds the existing pods and allows them to reproduce extremely fast. I have...
  2. scubachris

    My jellyfish tank diary.

    Got another question. I read earlier in the thread that a chiller is needed to keep the water colder than normal to keep the jellies, but why is that so. I live in FL and have seen jellies off the coast during the summer when the water temp is in the high 70's to mid 80's. Is that just due to...
  3. scubachris

    Clowns killed him!

    so would that suggest they may be mating or laying eggs soon?
  4. scubachris

    My jellyfish tank diary.

    May sound like a stupid question, but why would you need a skimmer. I dont have one on my reef and everything seems to be fine, and its a 30g.
  5. scubachris

    My jellyfish tank diary.

    All I can say is amazing!!!! Few questions: 1) Where can you buy jelly fish? 2) what kind of filtration could you use on a 10g jelly tank? 3) What temp do they need to be kept at?
  6. scubachris

    Clowns killed him!

    well about 2-3 months ago I went from 2x daily feeding to once daily feeding, but that was months ago, this problem only started a week ago. Now that the chromie is dead they seem just fine.
  7. scubachris

    Clowns killed him!

    I understand that, but what doesn't make sense to me is the timeline. They were fine together for over 6-6 months, then one day they go nuts.
  8. scubachris

    Clowns killed him!

    Ok about a week ago I posted that for some reason my two clowns had become very aggressive toward the blue/green chromie that I also had in the tank. This struck me strange, as they had been in the same tank together for over 5 months with no problems. It was also strange that while they were...
  9. scubachris


    Ok I posted a post the other day asking about my clowns. I have 2 clowns and a chromie in a 7 month old tank. They have been in there together for at least 5 months with no problems. But over the last two days the clowns have torn the cromie almost to pieces. My wife made me set up a hospital...
  10. scubachris

    Clowns becomming aggressive???

    OK I have a 29g tank with about 30 lbs of LR, some corals, 2 clowns, a fox face, and a blue/green chromie. Tank is about 7 months old. All the fish have been in there for at least 5 months together. All of a sudden my wife noticed my clowns chasing the chromie all over, it appears they have been...
  11. scubachris

    Lid Vs No Lid On Tank

    My buddy used the egg crate, then put a fine mesh like material over. It allowed the heat and gasses to escape, but it impossible for the fish to get out.
  12. scubachris

    Is Superglue Reef safe???

    There is regular liquid superglue and gel superglue. The gel is fine to use in the tank. I use it to glue frags to the rockwork in my tank.
  13. scubachris

    QT Question

    I plan to stay with a reef tank. I would like to have a few clowns, powder blue and brown tang, foxface, manderin goby, some inverts, and a ton of corals. Looking to go 250+ mabey 300.
  14. scubachris

    QT Question

    Ok right now I have a 30g and no QT. I plan within the next 2-3 years to upgrade to a 200+ gallon. Once I finish chiropractic school and get a house. Ok here is my question. Many fish have "minimum tank size requirements" of 50, 60, 75g. If I get a new fish, lets say a tang with a 55+g...
  15. scubachris

    Sand Sifters

    ok I have a 30g with 2 clowns, 1 fox face, and a chromie, 5-6 snails, 2 snails that burry under the sand, a coral banded, and a emerald crab. A frogspawn, xenia, kenya tree, mushrooms, GSP, and a leather. Thinking I might need something to sift or clean the sand. Any suggestions, I need...
  16. scubachris

    ? on Lunar or Moon Lights.

    I have always heard they are good to have on all night. It is saposed to aid in coral spawning or something. I keep mine on all night and never had any problems.
  17. scubachris


    Most definalely a hammer. I just bought a frogspawn about a week ago. I think I got a deal on it but am unsure. 7 heads 70 dollars. Good luck with your hammer.
  18. scubachris

    Would like your guys input

    Green Star Polyps, xenia, Kenya trees, mushrooms, all good choices
  19. scubachris


    Here is my new addition after 24 hrs. It has 7 heads on it and I got it for $69. Based on the prices around here I think I got a good deal.
  20. scubachris


    Ok i bought a frogspawn today, and have a question. I asked the guy at the LFS what these things eat, because i wasn't sure, but the guy said they filter feed. I thought they needed to be fed. Question is do they and if so what do they like? How often do you recommend feeding?