the live rock its been there for over a year and i have been seing this for a while now. what i have been doing is removing the rock and brushing it off but it will appear againg in a different water params are excellent
oh my god am stupid. i just notice that i was reading the table wrong, the calcium is at 480. sorry about that. i got that testing kit today and it was my first time using it. thank you anyways. now at least i know i can find wonderful and helpful people in this website. thanks again
you should test for amonia,nitrite,nitrate,ph and if you have a reef add phosphate,calciun,carbonate hardness, at least weekly if you have a large aquarium or twice weekly if its small.temp should be check every time you feed.
i think the best way to know is look at the ocean and how much light does the animal in the wild get light. i live mine on for 8 hours max. i have a blue carpet anemone and its living the good life.
that is red slime, use ro/di filter for your top off water.use ultralife red slime remover and you will see how it will be gone in a weeks max. your main problem its the water