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  1. meadbhb

    Those thin colored scrub pads

    Hiya, I was wondering if it's safe to use those thin colored scrub pads that you can buy for like a buck that are in a bundle to remove coraline algea? I've got a bunch of the stuff to removed from the front of my glass and my magna float just can't take it off. These aren't treated with any...
  2. meadbhb

    Goby and Pistol Shrimp

    Hiya, I got a tiger pistol shrimp and his partner a barber goby a week ago. The shrimp went right to work building a new home within seconds of putting him on a pile of rubble. The barber paired up with him within an hour. I went to bed that night and the silly critter had tunneled under my...
  3. meadbhb

    am i a lunatic?

    Hiya, Flow would be an issue. I don't have enough surface flow, so it would remain stagnate. The HOB is the only one moving it. I'd buy another powerhead, but money is sooo tight right now, I can't even buy another of those! Kim/Meadbhb
  4. meadbhb

    am i a lunatic?

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 What did they suggest? I like mechanical filtration. But it isn't needed. Hiya, Not sure if this was in response to my question. They told me to remove my two bio wheels and leave the HOB on there for water flow and to move my surface. They also said to add...
  5. meadbhb

    am i a lunatic?

    Hiya, Okay, not to really hijack this thread, but I've got a 75 gallon HOB filter on my 42 gallon bow front. I was having issues with nitrates, so my LFS told me to take out my bio-wheels that they were causing my nitrate problem as well as put more flow into my tank. I've done this and now...
  6. meadbhb

    Bumblebee shrimp gobie

    Hiya, I saw one in my lfs, one I trust, and I've fallen in love with it! Do you think it will get along with my bi-color blennie? Also, at 1-2 inches, will it get lost in my 42 gallon? There's lots of rockwork to hide in and only two other fish, the bi-color and a six-line. Also, what pistol...
  7. meadbhb

    How Much do you run your Skimmer

    Originally Posted by spunky how did you make it silent i would love to know i have a hob skimmer and it is not to loud but just enough to be annoying. Hiya, I've got a prism...yeah, I know, it sucks, but I can't afford to set up my fuge. Not that I know HOW to do it. Anyway, I plugged the...
  8. meadbhb

    How Much do you run your Skimmer

    Hiya, I used to do it 12 on/12 off until I figured out how to make the dang thing silent, now it's 24/7, except for an hour or two when I feed my corals. Meadhb/Kim
  9. meadbhb

    1 year old tank but no copepods??

    Hiya, Can I ask what HOB filter you used? I've got one and don't think I have any pods either. I have pleny of rubble rock and shells to put in there, but I've currently got some polypad in there to control my phospates. Can I have the poly pad and rubble? Meadbhb/Kim
  10. meadbhb

    torch corral

    Hiya, Me too!!! I've been watching this string to see how to get mine to stay where I wanted it. Kim
  11. meadbhb

    explanation on 40g crash overnight?

    Hiya, Silly is the ariation in the tank? Could it be oxygen starvation? Kim
  12. meadbhb

    Phosophate control

    Hiya, Phosphate filter pad remover, cut to fit in my HOB filter. Replace when icky, which is about once a month. No problems. Meadbhb
  13. meadbhb

    Your coolest hitch hiker

    My coolest is a blue hard shell coco worm. It survived my cycle and all the issues I've had learning salt water. I've also had some limpets, turkey clam, barnicals and some kind of white thick legged starfish. Meadbhb
  14. meadbhb

    what is the fastest growing coral??

    Hiya, GSP!!! I've had to sell back LR to my store because it grew so fast. Meadbhb
  15. meadbhb

    Hammer Coral Question ???

    They're looking for neighbors to sting so it can establish it's territory. Meadbhb
  16. meadbhb

    hawkfish bothering hard to get inverts?

    Hiya, I've got a spotted hawk fish in my tank. I see him mess with the shells every once in a while, but I don't think he's eating them. I also had him with a cleaner shrimp for a long time and he left that one alone too. Sigh...a trate problem ended up getting him. Meadbhb
  17. meadbhb

    looking for "a nice red fish"

    Hiya, What you've listed is enough fish for that size tank. Now, if you haven't put them in yet, I'd look at a flame hawk and ditch the damsels. Kim
  18. meadbhb

    Sign here if you've captured a Damsel

    Hiya, I caught mine....upgraded from a 37 gallon to a 46 gallon bow front. He's now happily living at a LFS in their LR tank. He's the biggest domino there and he acts like a puppy. They use him and his tank mates as guinea pigs for new products. Kim
  19. meadbhb

    Need one more fish!

    Hiya, I'd second the six line. I've got one in my 46 bow front and it's always darting around doing stuff. Nice fish and it's not to big. Meadbhb
  20. meadbhb

    why you should always have drip loops and powerstrips protected from splashes

    Hiya, If it wasn't for my husband a few years ago, we'd be dead. I had set up a new strip with a timer and didn't do a drip loop. He woke up out of a dead sleep asking what that noise was. It was my strip protien skimmer cup had overflowed and had dripped into the strip. By...