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  1. meadbhb

    Splitting Live Rock???

    Hiya, I wouldn't change the set up...nice work. Also, that clam is probably dead if it's all the way opened like that. Though it gives the tank character. I've got a few in my tank. Meadbhb
  2. meadbhb

    Test Results for my tank...

    Hiya, How long has your tank been set up? I'm wondering if the tank is still cycling? If so, you need to really consider removing all your fish and inverts, since most don't make it through a cycle. Meadbhb
  3. meadbhb

    what do you feed your inverts?

    Hiya, My shrimp gets shrimp waffers and any mysin shrimp he can catch whenI feed the fish. Meadbhb
  4. meadbhb

    My mandarin is shooting slime

    Hiya, I think some mandarin's make a coccoon to sleep in. Maybe he was going a little over board? Meadbhb
  5. meadbhb

    Felther Dusters Question

    Hiya, Yeap...I know if an anenome landed on me, it would stress even me out! It might have even got stung. Can't guarantee it will regrow it's may not make it. Meadbhb
  6. meadbhb

    Felther Dusters Question

    Hiya, Duster's will throw their crown with stressed out. I'd move it to another place and see if it regrow's it's crown. Meadbhb
  7. meadbhb

    Feather Dusters in a reef

    Hiya, Not that I know of. Nice addition if you can find some with color. Meadbhb
  8. meadbhb

    my valentines day gift...yea ha!!!

    Hiya, Congrats! Wish we had the money to start my frag tank. Husband said I needed a way to help pay for my hobby. I've tried to tell him it probably won't but, heck....if he doesn't want to listen ::Grin::. Meadbhb
  9. meadbhb

    2 Gallon (Very SMALL Nano)

    Hiya, Yeap, brissle worms. Meadbhb
  10. meadbhb

    fish for 37g

    Hiya, I probably have the very same tank. The clowns and royal gramma will do fine, but I think you should only add one of the others. I don't know much about either of them, but you could probably go with a dwarf angel. Meadbhb
  11. meadbhb

    Leather coral shrinking

    Hiya, sounds like he's unhappy. Mine shrinks up too when he doesn't like where he is. Try moving him to another place. Meadbhb
  12. meadbhb

    Frogfish Question

    Hiya, Can you afford to loose the money if your current frogfish eats the new one? Meadbhb
  13. meadbhb

    Oh No!! Mantis Came Home With..

    Hiya, They have one for sale under the "eye it and buy it" section on this site. Meadbhb
  14. meadbhb

    First Livestock Post.

    Hiya, Yeap, when they die they release a toxin into the water. You may want to go to the clown anenome board and read some of those posts. Kim, Looks like a sand brain. I'm in love with one at our LFS but he wants $60 for it. Nice big one with great color, but I can't afford it right now...
  15. meadbhb

    Torch Frag..needs a little TLC

    Hiya, My torch gets medium light and is in a low to medium flow. It gets just enough flow to extend it's tenticals and move them about some. Don't know if it will heal or not sorry. Meadbhb
  16. meadbhb

    How many fish for a 46 gal?

    Hiya, The rule is 1" of fish to every 5 gallons. I don't know much about pipe fish, but aren't they related to seahorses? If so, I don't think they'll mix well with the clown. However, I know someone will jump in here and help you out. Meadbhb
  17. meadbhb

    ID Please: what did my husband Buy?

    Hiya, I want a one of those! I've been hoping my LFS would get in a piece that I could afford. Meadbhb
  18. meadbhb

    Rock Anenome's

    Hiya, Thanks for the infor Thomas. The search didn't turn up much info. I guess I'll try the web and see what I can dig up. Meadbhb
  19. meadbhb

    Rock Anenome's

    Hiya, I've seen some anenome's advertised in my LFS called rock anenome's. They said they were very hardy. I tried a search on the site, but couldn't find anything, maybe I used the wrong key words. Can someone give me some info on these? Meadbhb
  20. meadbhb

    dont swim by my hole!!!!

    Hiya, What's that fish in the last picture? Meadbhb