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  1. meadbhb

    Torch or Frogspawn?

    Hiya, Mine opened up in hours. You might want to consider moving it up a little in the tank. Meadbhb
  2. meadbhb

    what next?

    Hiya, What kind of lighting do you have? This will determine what kind of corals you can put in. Meadbhb
  3. meadbhb

    Whats in your tank??????????

    Hiya, Guys, the tanks been up for a year and he already has the fish. Don't know much about tangs since my tank's way to small for one, but thought I'd point this out before someone flames the poor guy. Meadbhb
  4. meadbhb

    Looking at adding a dragon goby

    Hiya, I think I was told they are reef safe and not to agressive. Otherwise, I can't give you any advice. I'm trying to go by what my LFS told me last week. Meadbhb
  5. meadbhb


    Hiya, You do water changes to replace the nutriants that are used up by the tank enhabitants. Though, with spring water, you might want to get it tested to see what minerals are in it. The salt mix you use should be balanced for what a SW tank needs. I'd hate to see you over dosing something...
  6. meadbhb

    Which tests do i need?

    Hiya, If you're going to get corals, you need a calcium, alk, and magnesiam test kit also. Salfert is really popular test kits. Meadbhb
  7. meadbhb

    Rainford's gobies

    Hiya, What are they eating? I've read they only do will with live algea to graze on. Also, it can take a fish months to starve to death :( Meadbhb
  8. meadbhb

    unexplained death of two fish in a week, help all opinions appriciated

    Hiya, How much live sand and live rock is in the tank? Sometimes if you put a lot in the tank, it may registar no cycle. Meadbhb
  9. meadbhb

    Problems with toadstool

    Hiya, My toad did the same thing when I got it. It's just getting used to the new environment. Meadbhb
  10. meadbhb

    What is the best way to mount CandyCane coral?

    Hiya, I've just jammed mine between some rocks and they're about mid way in my tank. My candy and hammer are already splitting. Meadbhb
  11. meadbhb

    Torch or Frogspawn?

    Hiya, I have a torch and a hammer. Love them both! Frogspawn just didn't attract me as much. Not enough movement. though, the grape frogspawn has kinda caught my eye. There's nothing wrong with getting both either. So, if you can't make up your mind.... Meadbhb
  12. meadbhb

    Water voltage question

    Hiya, If you want to know about HLLE, go to the diesease forum. They're lots of advice there. Meadbhb
  13. meadbhb

    what kind of fish should i get

    Hiya, A lot depends on if you want a reef tank or a fish only tank. With 400 gallons, you could put a bunch of different stuff in it! Meadbhb
  14. meadbhb

    easy corals?

    Hiya, I started with polyps, mushrooms, stars and leathers. I've since added a torch, hammer and a candy cane, both of which are splitting! You can get some really nice color in the mushrooms and polyps. But I love the movement of the torch and hammer corals. Meadbhb
  15. meadbhb

    Help me choose which goby?

    Hiya, Great! I know the scooters are supposed to be one of the easier dragonette's to convert to processed foods, but I still try and let folks know that they're still dragonettes. Meadbhb
  16. meadbhb

    Considering getting a cat

    Hiya, I have two cats, indoor/outdoor kitties. They ignore my tank for the most part. Occassionally they get inside it to see what's going on. Kim...sooo sorry to hear about your cat. I used to raise persians. They're so sweet and even tempered. Though, my best mouser was a persian. Meadbhb
  17. meadbhb

    Help me choose which goby?

    Hiya, I wouldn't get the rainford goby. They need a lot of algea to graze on and I've heard they don't convert to processed foods very easy. I wanted one pretty bad, but passed on it. Also, the scooter is a dragonette. Unless you have a good pod population or have managed to convert him to...
  18. meadbhb

    Royal gramma or royal chicken?

    Hiya, I like the 6 line. Though, I lost my first one since he refused to eat processed foods. Loved all my bristle worms and flat worms to death though. I'm thinking of adding both a royal and getting another 6 line to add to my 37. Meadbhb
  19. meadbhb

    Just wanted to show off my work so far....

    Hiya, Ditch the scooter. They're from the same family as manderines and need a large pod population. My LFS said they get thiers to eat I bought one. Never got it too and four months later is starved to death. Meadbhb
  20. meadbhb

    Clown going down hill

    Hiya, Thanks Elfdoctor. I think I'm going to play it safe and not buy anything for a few weeks. LFS has a tank raised royal gramme. Would love to get him. Hmmm, maybe I'll see if they'll hold him for me. Meadbhb