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  1. meadbhb

    RO Water

    The store I work for charges 50 cents a gallon. Meadbhb, Kim
  2. meadbhb

    Anyone know of anything that eats Xenia?

    Hiya, I had a domino damsel that wiped out my pom pom xenia. Made me so mad I got rid of the fish! Meadbhb
  3. meadbhb

    ??next Fish??

    Hiya, Wow..I see my six line all the time in my 37. That's one fish I'd recommend. Kim/Benton, AR
  4. meadbhb

    The reasons I got a reef instead of a dog!

    Wow! I don't post much, but this caught my eye. My reason for getting a reef was my hubby got tired of my 65 gallon fresh water tank. Said it made to much noise. So, I sold it and got a 37 gallon reef tank. GRIN!! It makes a lot more noise then that. However, since then, we've grown to...
  5. meadbhb

    Suggestion for my next fish

    Hiya, I had one coral beauty that picked on feather dusters until they left their tube. I lost that one, don't know how. Couldn't stand not having one in my tank so I got another one. So far so good. Meadbhb
  6. meadbhb

    eclipes 37 gallon?

    Hiya, I've had a 37 gallon eclipse now for over a year and love it. Bought the lighting upgrade right at the beginning so I do have compacts in there. I don't keep a lot of high light required corals, but everything seems to be doing well. I have lost a few corals, Kenya Tree, two brains...
  7. meadbhb

    help deciding between angelfish!!!

    Hiya, If you have feather dusters, I wouldn't recommend the CB. I love them, but it harassed my feather until it left it's tube. Though, you got to keep in mind, every fish is going to have it's own little perks. Meadbhb
  8. meadbhb

    Star polip question

    Hiya, I've seen green, brown and white star polyps. Got green one's right now. I'm watching the brown one's take over one of my LFS's display tank. Meadbhb
  9. meadbhb

    what is a good RO/DI unit for a 37g?

    Hiya, I've got a 37 gallon and I just buy it from my local store. It doesn't evaporate out that fast and I only change about 3-4 gallons every month. Meadbhb
  10. meadbhb

    Frustrated!!! Poison Ivy

    Hiya, Yeap, knew about the gloves, but didn't think I'd get enough manual dexterity movement out of them. My tanks got a bunch of live rock in it and it's pretty hard getting my hand around in some of the area's. I was afraid of knocking some of my smaller pieces around. Shoot, my husband's...
  11. meadbhb

    Frustrated!!! Poison Ivy

    Larry, I've been to afraid to take the chances. The tanks a year old and my baby. With my luck, I'd miss some of the meds and poison the whole system. However, after my husband saw how distressed I was over not being able to work on the tank, he was kind enough to do the few things I needed...
  12. meadbhb

    Frustrated!!! Poison Ivy

    GRRR, I've got poison Ivy on my arms and my tank needs work! I changed my light out Thursday and some of my corals have expanded so much I'm afraid they'll start attacking each other. Plus, my pagoda cup is fading and needs to be moved into more light, and a red polyp coral (I think sun coral...
  13. meadbhb

    IOM: Feather Dusters, Christmas Tree Worm, CoCo Worms

    Hiya, My coral beauty scared mine into throwing it's crown and then it left it's tube. I haven't see in since. Meadbhb
  14. meadbhb

    red polyps?

    Hiya, My store has a coral in called a red polyps. It doesn't look like the normal polyps out there. It looks like a sun coral, but a little different. It's in a ball shape, about the size of a soft ball and has been there for over a month. It's out in the open and I see no recession of any...
  15. meadbhb

    umbrella coral question. Is this normal?

    Hiya, Yeap, this is normal. Meadbhb
  16. meadbhb

    Frogspawn, which is better?

    Hiya, I've got branching, both frog and hammer. I prefer them, look nice and they're easier to frag if needed. Meadbhb
  17. meadbhb

    Easiest way to catch a goby?

    Hiya, I had good luck in catching a sally lightfoot that was killing everything by putting a cube of krill in my net and putting it by him. Took him about an hour to go in, but I was able to net him with no damage to my tank. Should work with a goby, just put the net by his home and be patient...
  18. meadbhb

    gobies question!

    Hiya, I've got a watchman, clown and sailfin goby. Out of all of them, my sailfin has been the most entertaining. He's taken up residence in an abandoned Turbo shell. He's a really good eater and protects his shell from everyone. My watchman and clown would be cool if I'd see them more often...
  19. meadbhb

    frog spawn owners

    Hiya, I haven't put anything next to my frogspawn, it doesn't seem to have long sweeper tenticals though. I've had more trouble with my torch then the frog though. Meadbhb
  20. meadbhb


    Hiya, Yeap, I did. Sorry, happy fingers. Meadbhb