Search results

  1. meadbhb

    38 gallon makeover

    Hiya, Are you using tap water or RO/DI? I HIGHLY recommend RO/DI water. If you can't get that, then get bottled water. Tap water has a lot of additives in it that will cause you major problems down the road. Especially with hair algea. Even treating the water with chemicals will not take...
  2. meadbhb

    My new 90 Gallon Tank with pictures and updates and questions!

    Hiya, How much live sand and live rock did you put in? It's possible to have the tank cycle in a week or will only show a very small cycle. When I set up my tank, I used 25lbs of LR in my 37 gallon. It cycled in 10 days. HOWEVER, I waited a full month before trusting it to a small clean up...
  3. meadbhb

    38 gallon makeover

    Hiya, Its the way it's maintained for the most part. However ::Grin:: now you're getting a little out of my league. There is a thread in the reef section about sand beds, you may want to read it. Gives some good info. Otherwise, hopefully someone will jump in here and help out, or you can try...
  4. meadbhb

    38 gallon makeover

    Hiya, With a DSB, you'll want 4-6 inches of substrate, I think, my brain just short circuted! Also, for you to keep it from crashing, you'll need to make sure the sand stay's alive. This will entail occasionally adding new critters to the sand. Also, you'll not want to purchase anything that...
  5. meadbhb

    46gal bow front

    Hiya, I'm by far no expert, but I've been reading this board for a while. Most folks will say 1-5 gallons, there are a few who have successful tanks with a tighter inch to fish ratio, but they also have good systems and up keep routines. Meadbhb
  6. meadbhb

    what to do with my yellow tang

    Hiya, I have both the RG and the 6-line in my 37 gallon. My RG was aquacultured and is always cruising around the tank in full sight. I paid a little more for him, but I didn't have to worry about him eatting. My 6-line is wild caught and is also very visual. He cruises in and out of the...
  7. meadbhb

    HOW many FISH can...

    Hiya, Try and get your money back on that other fish. Way to big for your tank. Meadhbh
  8. meadbhb

    38 gallon makeover

    Hiya, Yeap, take that out, it will become a nitrate trap and will crash your tank when you least expect it. Put your substrate directly on the bottom of the tank. Have you decided if you're going to do a deep sand bed (DSB) or a shallow sand bed (SSB) yet? This will also effect the way your...
  9. meadbhb

    46gal bow front

    Hiya, I think the 1" per 4 and 1" per 2 gallons is pushing it. The norm is 1" per 5 and POSSIBLY 1" per 3 gallons if you've got a lot of live rock/sand in the tank and a good filter system. Also, pleaes do a lot of research on the requirements of anenomies, since most species require high...
  10. meadbhb

    Salinity Check

    Hiya, Make sure you're getting all the bubbles of the swing arm. If you don't it will mess up the readings. Also, did you add salt to the water or just put it in straight? Meadbhb
  11. meadbhb

    38 gallon makeover

    Hiya, Sounds like an undergravel filter to me. Are the tubes in the back clear and you put power heads on them to suck up the water and circulate it? If so, yeap, UGF, get rid of it. I have argonite sand and love it. Meadbhb
  12. meadbhb

    Mexican Snails/Short Lived?

    Hiya, What about your salinity? Meadbhb
  13. meadbhb

    scooter blenny ?'s

    Hiya, I added a scooter to my tank when it was done cycling. Plenty of pods at that time. He died about 3 months pods and he never got used to eating frozen food. Please, don't do it unless you see the scooter eating prepared foods. Meadbhb
  14. meadbhb

    Holy Bristle Worms!

    Hiya, I'm pretty sure they do. I used to have flat worms and bristles in my tank. Added a six-line, they were all gone, then about a month later the six-line died :( Meadbhb
  15. meadbhb

    38 gallon makeover

    Hiya, Get rid of the white rock and buy more argonite sand. Also, did you say you have an under gravel filter in there? If so, take it out. Those are really for fresh water tanks. Meadbhb
  16. meadbhb

    My new 90 Gallon Tank with pictures and updates and questions!

    Hiya, Yeah, most of the stuff you'll want to put in the tank will come from tropical regions. Water temps of 80-82 are the norm. Meadbhb
  17. meadbhb

    what to do with my yellow tang

    Hiya, I agree, way to many fish for that tank. I've got a 37 and have four small fish in it, including a royal and a six-line. HOWEVER, I have over 70lbs of LR in my tank with plenty of places for them to hide. No big cruising fish in there. I'd seriously consider only adding one or two more...
  18. meadbhb

    any one in arkansas wanting to sell

    Hiya, I'm south of Little Rock. If you look in the Sunday paper's classified, someone is selling their tank piecemeal. Prices are 25+, rock, sand, livestock. I've been tempted to call them, but hubby says the tank is over stocked...yeah right! Meadbhb
  19. meadbhb

    Your Substrat Type Preference? I want to change mine.

    Hiya, I used argonite sand. It's not a fine grain though. Granted, the tanks only been up since 8/04, but it's doing well. Had a cyno problem for a while, but changing my flow and cutting back light helped it. I think I"ve got less then 4" in there, but haven't taken a ruler to it. Next tank...
  20. meadbhb

    eel blenny

    Hiya, Cool fish. I'd suggest a yahoo search, or calling the LFS you bought it from and ask them what it was eating. Meadbhb