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  1. hondo

    Mucky reef tank...

    I recently defeated Hair algae outbreak in my tank. It's not a quick thing to overcome as it takes time. The cause is always the same too many nutrients in the water for the Hair algae to feed on. Remove the nutrients and the Hair Algae will slowly go away. to remove the nutrients we need to...
  2. hondo

    Anyone with a 30g or close LOOK!

    I have a 37g reef with 3.5" DSB, 80 lbs mixed figi and Marshal Isle LR, 175w MH with 55w PC actinic, Bak Pak skimmer, CPR HOB refugium, and a 10g DIY sump with a Mag 7 return pump to a spray bar on the back of the tank. I keep a mix of LPS and SPS corals along with a tomato clown, firefish Goby...
  3. hondo

    CPR Bak Pak Help

    try their website <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  4. hondo

    Question on German and 4 pin PC lights

    I have both PC types on my tanks and the only problem I have found with the 4 pin straight in line bulb is you really need to be careful attching and detaching them from the end caps because it seems to be easy to break off or pull off one of the four pins. The four pin square style seem to...
  5. hondo


    try doing a search on them as there have been lot's of threads about them in the past. I currently have a 50 gal tank and put in a sump and refugium and it was pretty easy. I just used cheap 10 gal glass tanks from ***** for the sump and refugium. I used a life reef overflow to take water from...
  6. hondo

    A lighting issue I haven't seen talked about... Sharks???

    I currently have a 37 gal tank and put in a 175MH retro light along with a 55w PC for actinic. The MH is only 3.5" off the water surface and heat was an issue until I put in a sump. It's amazing how adding the additional water surface area of even a small sump will cool off a tank. My tank temp...
  7. hondo

    keeping a mandarin alive.

    Adding more LR or some rubble will help slightly. Adding a refugium to help pod production will help greatly (but it takes time) you could also seed the tank (and a refugium) with some pod kits from various online vendors <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <a...
  8. hondo


    I have my seaclone in a ten gal sump (10gal glass aquarium). Originally it was sitting in about 8" of water and I noticed it was not skimming at all. I then raised it up about 4" by sitting it on a shelf I made and now it works fine. No real modifications to the skimmer other than taking the HOB...
  9. hondo

    What was your very first S/W Fish?

    a false perc four years ago and he is still in my tank.
  10. hondo


    I currently have a seaclone on my 50 gal reef. Started out as a HOB but I liked the skimmer and hated how it looked on the back of my tank so I put in a sump. As for how deep the water needs to be it's simple. The deeper the water the less effective the seaclone skimmer is. You only want the PH...
  11. hondo

    Info On Scotts Fairy Wrasse ( Tank Size)

    I just noticed a online retailer has this fish on sale for $44 and have always wanted one. The website claims a 30gal tank or larger is OK for them (even though they get to 5"). I have a 37 reef tank with almost no bioload and was wondering if this tank was suitable for this fish. Can anyone...
  12. hondo

    just got mh's

    Even with some 10,000k bulbs you will need some actinic. the good news is you can just use some 40 w no for the actinics.
  13. hondo

    Hey Inarobbins

    Which LFS did you end up going to and did you get anything. Curious if you got the CBS or not.
  14. hondo

    Do you have lights in your sump?

    not an expert by any means but I would say if you just have a sump with a skimmer then you would not want light which would promote algae growth which would need to be constantly cleaned up. If you wanted to seperate a section of your sump for a small refugium then you would want light for the...
  15. hondo

    miracle mud has it
  16. hondo

    coral banded shrimp reef safe

    no, but i'm somewhat new to Portland. I go to either Upscales or Waves. They are pretty close together so you may think about hitting them both. waves is in Lake Oswego on boones Ferry Rd. The only other place I go is in vancouver and is called Deep Sea Gallery. Make sure you only get one CBS...
  17. hondo

    coral banded shrimp reef safe

    I personally like the CBS but most people blame everything that dies in their tank on the CBS hunting it down and killing it. Never had either of my CBS take out anything. I would also say that cleaner shrimp are also a great choice as they come out in the open more often than a CBS. don't be...
  18. hondo

    soft corals what to get first

    good to see another reefer from Oregon. As for which soft corals, start with mushrooms. they are easy to care for and colorful coming in many colors. Also they multiply fast and don't need much light (you really don't have much light for the size of your tank). Star polyps are also good. And...
  19. hondo

    Refugium!!! Boy Does it Work Great!!!

    not trying to bash the cpr hang on as I have one myself but watch out for the return losing it's syphon because of a build up of air bubbles. this happens monthly and if you do not catch it in time the refugium will overflow. Also make sure you either replace the POS Rio pump it comes with or...
  20. hondo

    Where can i get live mysis shrimp?

    Try: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> they both sell them. I purchased the Gammarous/mysid kit from inland and was not dissapointed. Haven't used IPSF but other people seem to like them.