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  1. nerdy

    my 135 reef

    Good work. I love the mushrooms climbing up the rocks on the one side!!!
  2. nerdy

    Bubble Algae

    I did what dvskin said when I had my problem. It worked preatty well!! Don't let it rupture is the most important part.!!
  3. nerdy

    Off Topic Football Poll

  4. nerdy

    My tank

    Good start!
  5. nerdy

    My Clams

    Clams have the most vibrant colours of all the corals! Those pics are awesome!
  6. nerdy

    Bonnie and Clyde new pic

    They certainly are a beautiful creatures!!!!!!!
  7. nerdy

    Yellow tail blue damsels

    I have one and he is somewhat aggresive. He seems to be territorial with one spot of my tank. He we chase anything out of this "area".
  8. nerdy

    toad stool leather problem!

    I just got a toadstool leather last month. I have it right at the bottom of my tank and it is doing great. It took a few days to open so I think that you should be fine!
  9. nerdy

    My month old 55..

    When you fill the tank full of beautiful fish and coral, you won't even notice the stand!!
  10. nerdy

    Which Clownfish Should I Pick??

    I like the ocellaris as well. I have a pair! I have had most of the clowns and these have been the best!
  11. nerdy

    Way OT and Worthless.....

    I was preatty hyped when I did my 100th post too!
  12. nerdy

    Percula clowns " what food diet do they do best at "

    Mine are pigs!!! They will eat just about any fish food that I put in the water!!
  13. nerdy

    Tap water treatment

    I would not use sea water because is has not gone through a filtering process like tap, ro, or distilled water. There are pollutents from water close to shore. As for treating tap water I would use a chlorine remover without aloe. Aloe causes a film and bubbling in the water.
  14. nerdy

    Light Timer

    1 battery has lasted me the 4 years I have had the Timer!! It also has a ground built into it so. Since we are dealing with water I think that is a good idea (no fires) I guess when something is important some people don't mind spending that extra money to buy the best possible product.
  15. nerdy

    The beginnings of my reef tank

    Nice set up and rock placement! Remember patience is a virtue!!
  16. nerdy

    green chromis dissappeared?

    I had a number of chromis a year ago and they would disappear every so often. My levels were fine. I could not find them either. I had a green serpent star and had heard that they have been known to sometimes go after fish. I never saw it but he seemed to have a full belly. Maybe that is the...
  17. nerdy

    Turning 13 soon! Got a ?

    I wish I had got into this hobby a lot sooner than I did. It is interesting creating a whole little environment and watching it grow and flourish. If you are truely interested and do the correct research it will be fun not difficult.
  18. nerdy

    Water change???

    I agree with lilbuddy. You really shouldn't do a water change until the cycle is completely finished. Just be patient and the levels will go down.
  19. nerdy

    Pulsing Xenia

    Medium current, lots of light and a dosing of iodine a couple of times a week! Thats what i do at least!
  20. nerdy

    Tell me what you think

    That is a yellow leather coral. They are fairly hardy. Not as much as the umbrella. Just as long as you right the right chemicals and keep them in the right spots in the tank (medium light and medium to low current) they are good.