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  1. nerdy

    OT: You Americans got it easy!

    -20C in Hamilton w/12 inches of snow!
  2. nerdy

    Some friday-nite pics

    Good camerawork. Keep them coming
  3. nerdy

    Let's start this SuperBowl weekend off early with a 6 pack(or more)

    Well Done, It looks great
  4. nerdy

    fish pics

  5. nerdy

    Scare of my Life

    Some powerheads come with cones to put on the intake! This makes the intake space very small and hard for fish to get caught onto. This happened to me a long time ago and with this extension I have not had a problem since!
  6. nerdy

    My Tank

    Set up looks attractive! Good work!
  7. nerdy

    Pics of a freinds tank

    Very impressive tank. The giant mushroom is cool!
  8. nerdy

    Feeding anemone how often

    When I had an anenome, I fed it it krill or liquid invert food once a week! It seemed to respond well!
  9. nerdy

    New PomPom Xenia (pic)

    I have regular pulsing xenias. But aren't all types of xenias beautiful!! Yours are really nice!!
  10. nerdy

    6-Pak 3.

    I have never seen a Gorgonian before. It is beautiful. Are they a hardy coral? What are the details of caring for it????
  11. nerdy

    Sunday 6-pak

    Xenia colony looks great!!
  12. nerdy

    What brand Test Kit should i buy?

    I agree!! The fast test kit is the most accurate kit that I have used to date!
  13. nerdy

    Power Heads...which do you like?

    I have not heard of maxijet!! Can anyone tell me about them?? I don't think that they are avaliable in my area (toronto)
  14. nerdy

    What's the BEST salt available?

    I have used tropic marin for a few years. It is phosphate free and has just about every trace element avaliable.
  15. nerdy

    best looking background???

    I have ocean blue, I feel it is the most natural colour for this hobby!
  16. nerdy

    Pictures of live rock setup

    Nice formations, your well on your way
  17. nerdy

    Tank cycle

    If the shrimp is still in take it out!!
  18. nerdy

    Wow..Now that's Atinic

    My buddy Bosco uses pc white bulbs and for actinic he uses vho. His tank looks excellent. So I think there is a happy medium in there!
  19. nerdy

    vacation time See you all soon

    Must be nice to go away while someone else does all the work back at home. LOL Have fun!!
  20. nerdy

    12 Gallon Nano Pic. Take A Look...

    Good Work dude!