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  1. memnoch

    pseudochromis porphyreus(magenta or purple dottyback) help please!!

    I had a bi-color pseudochromis for about 3 days. I woke up one day and he was no where to be found, that was 3 weeks ago. I assume he got a little to frisky with my CBS. I think they tend to be a little aggressive towards invertebrates and it didn't like my purple firefish much either.
  2. memnoch


    Your clownfish do not need an anemone. They will do marvelously without them.
  3. memnoch

    Coral Banded Shrimp

    I have heard of this happening however i've never witnessed a CBS being aggressive towards anything besides the settling food particles after feeding. I would venture this is an isolated incident. I have a CBS, a fire shrimp, and 10 peppermint shrimp who all cohabitate peacefully.
  4. memnoch

    Ich in a newly started reef

    Hey man, i feel your pain after several deaths and many dollars later i learned my lesson. What likely caused the outbreak of Ich was the ammonia spike caused by the addition of 70lbs of LR at one time. Even if it is cured all LR will have some die off when added in a new tank. The salinity...
  5. memnoch

    46 reef setup ideas?

    As far as your question regarding "overstocking with corals" i'm sure it can be done; however, corals do not produce the same type of waste that your fish do. If i'm not mistaken corals only real pollutant is when they start fighting "chemical warfare" amongst each other. I have seen reefs...
  6. memnoch

    46 reef setup ideas?

    Waterboy, i have a 42gal hex that houses both a coral banded shrimp and a starfish. The shrimp has never bothered the starfish that i've witnessed. It scavenges the LR like all the other shrimp. I've had him for about 7 months now, the starfish has been in the tank for about 4 months and no...
  7. memnoch

    2 part Ca, Alk dosing

    I've recently tried using a new product by Kent called "liquid reactor". I have been having a hard time getting my Ca levels above 300 much less 400-450 so i thought i'd give a new product a shot. It claims to be both components in one, you just shake up the bottle violently for about 10...
  8. memnoch

    Frogspawn Sweeper tentacles: can you prune 'em?

    Thank you all for your impassioned replies. I didn't say I was going to do it, i wanted to know if anyone has and if it harmed the colony. I can see that none of you have experience with my question although i appreciate your good hearted replies nonetheless. I currently do not have a problem...
  9. memnoch

    Frogspawn Sweeper tentacles: can you prune 'em?

    The title of the post pretty much sums up the question. Can you prune sweeper tentacles without damaging the colony?
  10. memnoch

    Can you recomend a good coral?

    I agree with the above reply, leathers are definately an all-around good choice. They are easy to care for as well as diverse in color and appearances. I have an umbrella that is salmon colored, a "hairy-finger" leather that is purple, and a yellow with orange spotted "devil's hand" leather...
  11. memnoch

    Anyone Out There With Firefish...

    I've had my purple firefish for about a month now. It's tankmates include a six-line wrasse and a bi-color pseudochromis. The firefish is probably my favorite of the three due to it's fearless nature. It is always out in the front of the tank and when i approach it always stares right back at...
  12. memnoch

    Building up the Calcium Level

    A little help here please. I have been dosing my 42 gallon hex with calcium chloride and calcium carbonate. I initially started dosing the recommended daily dose of calcium chloride Kent has put out as well as a teaspoon of CaCO3 per 20 gallons dissolved in RO water. I've also been testing Ca...
  13. memnoch

    OT Best Web Image Host

    Cool guys, thanks for the replies.
  14. memnoch

    Coral ID with Pic

    I looked up some pics of carnation coral and i agree this is likely the ID i was looking for. How often does it need to be fed? I have tried intentionally to stay away from specimens that need to be fed but now that i have it i need some quick care advice. So anyone with experience with this...
  15. memnoch

    Sand sifter starfish A NO, NO?

    The Red Sea star i got from *********** is safe for the sandbed as well as corals. He spends most of his time on the glass and LR. I have crushed coral though for substrate so he may behave differently in sandbed conditions. Frankly i wouldn't purchase another starfish, although they add...
  16. memnoch

    Coral ID with Pic

    Ok, now i have the pic working i think, let's hope. If anyone is out there who can ID this thing and hasn't tired of seeing the same post over and over then please respond. Thanks in advance.:(
  17. memnoch

    OT Best Web Image Host

    Just a few, need to post one for Coral ID. Just temporary.
  18. memnoch

    OT Best Web Image Host

    I'm frustrated trying to find free site to host pics. Anyone know of a good site and how to make the pics available for public viewing?:confused:
  19. memnoch

    Coral ID with Pic

    Just testing. <>
  20. memnoch

    Coral ID with Pic

    Sorry, the above link doesn't work, this is my first attempt at using a web host for images. My apologies for the inaccurate link.