Search results

  1. memnoch

    Anyone use cell pore

    Cell Pore comes in i think 6"x6"x1" dimensions. There is a guy I know who made a 3' tower with these cell pore things stacked inside. Water was pumped from the overflow to the top of the tower and then exited the bottom of the tower into his sump where he also ran a protein skimmer. It seemed...
  2. memnoch

    OT - No BS Guys, we are going to war ...

    And to clarify....I am AGAINST the draft as well. When I'm in my fighting hole cleaning the sand from my weapon, I want someone that is ready to send rounds down range, not someone like you complaining about "I'm tired" or "I wish I could go home". I would personally make sure you left with a...
  3. memnoch

    anybody know anything about umbrella leather corals??

    Leathers typically are lower light corals....they can however be acclimated to higher light intensity. I have a peach colored umbrella leather that sits in the top 1/3 of my tank under 120 watts of PC. It has done lovely. As far as current is concered I would suggest minimal to low current...
  4. memnoch

    predatory emerald crab???

    I agree with the above post....emerald's only scavenge "debris." I would steer clear of sally lightfoots though....they are definately predatory.
  5. memnoch

    boiled water vs RO?

    Go with distilled water.....boiling water does not rid it of chemicals, only biologicals which really aren't that much of a concern. Boiling your water may in fact concentrate chemicals like sulfur, chlorine, and chloramine in your water depending on your location. Distilled water can be had...
  6. memnoch

    fragging question

    I would suggest going to a local medical supply store and purchasing some inexpensive disposable scalpels. This is what I use to frag my leather.
  7. memnoch

    A little research paper

    A- from me at this point, some minor grammatical corrections gets the A+. Very interesting, I enjoyed reading it. I would definately add some parenthetical quotes to add backbone to your arguments. I wish I was into this when I was in highschool ;-) It would have made writing so much more fun :D
  8. memnoch member photos.....

    Really nice idea Ryebread.....never thought I'd actually want to take a picture of myself :rolleyes:
  9. memnoch

    Coral Collision

    Today when I was gone to work my torch coral which is attached to a precarious little piece of branch rock somehow became dislodged from the LR and fell onto my frogspawn. Both have all their polyps pulled in to the tips. I'm just wondering if I should expect any long-term ill effects from...
  10. memnoch

    looking for something red...

    For reds and yellows I suggest open brain, devil's hand leather, carnation, the options are truly just have to be at the LFS on the right day ;-) that or go out on a limb and purchase your coral sight unseen online. I have ordered green start polyps from this site and they were...
  11. memnoch

    beginner needs help w/ h2o change

    All of this has been good advice up until the point of using tap water and "water conditioners." If you use tap water you will inevitably have phosphate problems which facilitate diatom blooms. I would at a minimum use distilled water to make your saltwater. Preferably find a source for...
  12. memnoch

    I Too Have A 55 Gal & Have A Lighting Quest?

    VHO=Very High Output flourescents. You probably have NO=Normal Output flourescents. You can have shrooms under normal output but long-term survival is not guaranteed. I would recommend spending the necessary cash on some low watt VHO bulbs if you intend this to be basically fish, mushroom...
  13. memnoch

    HELP..dropped rock on my tridacna

    My knowledge of clams is nil!! What happens when the mantle tears?
  14. memnoch

    Check out my movie!

    Thanks for the info Tangman, it's funny that you mention your clown clashing with a royal gramma. I had an ocellaris in my 55gal hex that became ill and began swimming upside down and all crazy like before it died three days later. I think the Royal Gramma may have popped the swim bladder on...
  15. memnoch

    Check out my movie!

    Very nice Tangman, I thoroughly enjoyed your ocellaris clown. He's a real character!! Please tell us what you used to produce such an epic!! I'd like to know camara, software, etc.....
  16. memnoch

    O.T. Question

    No problem deciding here in Texas: Beer--Ziegenbach (microbrewery here in Tx) Honey Brown (microbrew NY) Liqour--Tekillya---cheaper the better (nothing like a $4 bottle of tekillya!!) Mixed--Margarita And Jillian, dump the loser. If he can't say he loves you because you lost your job then he...
  17. memnoch

    Novice150 How's the Mega Tank?

    I was perusing the site looking for material on "mega tanks" when i stumbled across your little;) project. I was wondering how long it has been up and running and how it was holding up? I'm considering building a mega tank of my own in my new home. Any insights into what was successful or...
  18. memnoch

    Strange Clown Behavior then Disappearance

    Beth, Thanks for the reply...i did find the clownfish two days after I made that post. I noticed him when i returned from work swimming in one spot at the bottom of the tank unable to stay upright. He was swimming upside down and flipping around. I wonder if perhaps the "swim bladder" got...
  19. memnoch

    Strange Clown Behavior then Disappearance

    Well like the thread title says I had an Ocellaris clown that had been healthy and happy in my tank for about 2 always ate anything that was offered the tank. In fact it almost constantly stayed in the front upper part of the water column. I noticed a few days ago that the clown...
  20. memnoch

    Bioluminescent Dinoflagellates

    Sammy is correct in his thinking. Some species of dinoflagellates produce toxins that are filtered out of seawater by oysters. For this reason there are certain times of year when oysters are not taken from Galveston bay. I personally know of one person who ate "tainted" oysters who succumbed...