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  1. rod buehle

    Ich/Hole in the head

    Originally Posted by Bambam05 I was also told not to use bio-balls in my tank... I really dont know why this is but could anyone explain thanks? I am wondering if I should take them out? Bio balls are fine for a Fish Only tank, but not desired for reef tanks that need low nitrates. Bio balls...
  2. rod buehle

    Help. Tank Conflict

    Originally Posted by Flower Welcome to the site.... I agree, only one type of clown per tank. I know very little about splitting anemones...I had a LTA for 2 years and it never split. I have had rock anemones, Hiatian pink tip anemones...none ever split. I didn't even know they split until I...
  3. rod buehle

    Anemones and light?

    Originally Posted by jcarr18 Do they all need strong lighting and flow/???? The answeres you get will (or should ) vary because there are a number of hosting species of anemones, and most have different requirements. The basic and most common answer would be yes but again, different species...
  4. rod buehle

    Clownfish suggestions

    the link below is to a thread showcasing some of my anemones, but there are a few bad pics of my polymnus clowns (AKA saddle backs)
  5. rod buehle

    need suggestions

    looks like a pretty one too
  6. rod buehle

    need suggestions

    Hard to tell from the pics posted.. looks like an M.doreensis ( AKA LTA)?
  7. rod buehle

    need suggestions

    Natural hosts would be ; Heteractis magnifica; Stichodactyla gigantea; S. mertensii. H. mags get HUGE (3') and are very difficult to keep. S. gigantea are probably the most difficult anemone to keep (H.mag being a very close second). Usually max out at about 22". S.mertensii is rarely imported...
  8. rod buehle

    Clowns Fighting

    the only suggestion is to remove one of the pairs.
  9. rod buehle


    one of my breeding pairs is about 15. I know that the shed aquarium in Chicago had a maroon make it way past 30..
  10. rod buehle

    brine shrimp

    Although I believe that its a waste of time to grow them out (youre better off to hatch and feed them off to the tanks right away.. not let them grow) they will hatch and grow in almost any salinity. I use tank water from my display (35 ppt or 1.026). If your mixing new water, you could save a...
  11. rod buehle

    clownfish breeding

    Its not advisable to have 2 separate hatches that will need different foods in the same tank. Once they are all weened to the same foods, they can be mixed.. A new hatch will require rotifers, while clowns at 7-`0 days will need the HUFA's found in BBS that are not found in the rotifers.
  12. rod buehle

    new anemone ID please.

    from those pics, my first guess was a condy, second is BTA. Its not an M.doreensis
  13. rod buehle

    My clowns laid eggs!!!!!

    Originally Posted by Rdub62 i've been reading this book and to add to the info about if you see the clowns are about to lay eges move them to the other tank. one will stay and guard the eggs. and once your are able to raise them successfull if they can swim on their own you are suppose to take...
  14. rod buehle


    is the white foggy area in the last pic remnants of the "white stringy stuff"? if so, it looks as if its possibly spawning. Either way, I dont see anything wrong with that anemone (H.crispa) to make me believe that it is almost dead. Not a good enough pic to judge its healthiness, but...
  15. rod buehle

    Help Please Is My Anemoe Dead

    Your starfish is trying to eat your anemone. Quite common with chocolate chip star fish. They should not be kept with soft corals and anemones.
  16. rod buehle

    Please Help me identify this anemone!

    I have heard LTA used for a few anemones ( M.doreensis mostly, but also H.crispa, and a few people have called their BTAs (e.quadricolor) LTAs) So, " a proper ID" of "LTA " would not be proper . Orange foot might tell me M.doreensis, AKA LTA but would need to see if it has verrecue (little...
  17. rod buehle

    Please Help me identify this anemone!

    possibly M.doreensis, but not easy to tell from your pics. Lets see a shot of the oral disc, the mouth area and the foot/underside of the oral disc. (need to see the verrucae or lack of.)
  18. rod buehle

    Trying to identify type of Anemone

    Originally Posted by clockdoc I bought this anemone from a private source and have been trying to find out what type it is so I may purchase anther one. Anybody know what this is ? Condylactus sp. A non hosting anemone found in the Caribbean.
  19. rod buehle

    Mated Pair

    Originally Posted by Cocoacf I thought mated just meant they grew up together, and one became the female... so they pal around together, and MIGHT produce offspring later? That would be a bonded pair. Not mated
  20. rod buehle

    Why? :(

    Its a completely natural thing and she should let him in within a week or maybe 2. She has to show her dominance in her new home.