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  1. rod buehle

    Look At Me!!!!

    looking good..
  2. rod buehle

    What anemone.

    I have heard that there are a few different types of carpet and all have different tendencies and needs. I have heard that S. hadoni is the most common and easier to care for. It is a sand dweller but will usually foot itself at the base of the rockwork. It usually maxes out at 24-28". I have...
  3. rod buehle

    true perc or occelaris,which to get?

    Originally Posted by abaralnek need opinions on which to get true percs or occelareis.the percs are more aggressive right,how much more?i have a purple firefish that i dont want anything happening to.occelaris are more hardy correct?which do you guys think i should get? temperaments will vary...
  4. rod buehle

    a few of my anemones

    Originally Posted by Paze I just picked up a H.Mag I've been asking around and I figure I could ask you aswell, how do yo feed your mag, do you just let the clkowns feed him, and what do you feed him. Mine is bleeched out pretty good I think it was due to the fact he was under 3 T8's for a long...
  5. rod buehle

    im so stupid

    Originally Posted by meowzer That's pretty funny..with all the reading I have done on anemones...I have NEVER seen it said they eat copepods....Something else learned today. I am guessing that most of your anemone reading is done here, or at Karens site?
  6. rod buehle

    a few of my anemones

    Originally Posted by DMV Hi Rod nice pictures are there any additives that you add that along with having good conditions in your tanks that you have really watched make a positive impact on your nems more than others . Iodine was a big one that I have read but was not sure thanks ...
  7. rod buehle

    a few of my anemones

    Karen has a lot of good intentions, but that site is not one that I recommend (sorry Karen). Some info is good, but much of it is not IMO/IME. Bubbles are known to split mostly from stress, and she sure has had a lot of splits. I totally disagree with her feeding habits. Silversides or any fish...
  8. rod buehle

    im so stupid

    Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish im using 4x65 lighting. i know that anemones dont eat copepods i was just saying that my water is in perfect condition. like seriously i have so many pods, its just amazing. i got the anemone for my maroon clown. but at first i was sad because he didnt take...
  9. rod buehle

    ocelarris larvae

    Originally Posted by PissyFish i knew my clowns have been doing mating dance for a month... but tonight i turned on my single led flashlight after dark and counted four babies in different locations... they'd dart into the rocks when they saw the light. according to my research they're about 3...
  10. rod buehle

    a few of my anemones

    Originally Posted by adameczd it's a long tentical anemone PH: 8.3 amon: 0 Nitrate: 0 Nitite: 0 tank is now three weeks old and has gone through the maturity stage and leveled off as you can see. i wish i could give you the watage of the lighting but didn't write it down when i got it. the...
  11. rod buehle

    a few of my anemones

    Originally Posted by runn3rb3an how big are your tanks. they look great. can you do a fts? Most of them are around 40 gal.. There isnt too much to see anymore, because I dont keep th ecorals that I used to, but Ill see if I can get some FTS someday.. It will be a week or three.. Huge fan and...
  12. rod buehle

    Heteractis Magnifica and Clown

    90% of the time they will climb to the highest spot in the tank is search of as much flow and lighting that they can get IME. (well.. IME, its been 100% of the time)
  13. rod buehle

    a few of my anemones

    Originally Posted by adameczd Rod, I notice that you have had success with your anemones. I have a new tank and recently got an anemone but it doesn't seem to want to "stand up". How do you get the anemone to "stand" up or will it do it on it's own? (species of anemone would help along...
  14. rod buehle

    HELP whats wrong with my RBTA????

    tops off IMO (not taking jumpers into effect here). the tops will block light. Especially if not cleaned everyday. They trap heat in. the prevent gas exchange>co2 build-up>lower pH>..... Temp: The average of all the tropical reefs throughout the year .. Average, throughout the year is 84.. In...
  15. rod buehle

    HEY BANG!!! does this look about right??

    the 50 - 100 may be too small, but 100-200 might work. I never use any flake. I have used the GPs. Also liked frozen cyclope-eeze. I now use a frozen coral food that contains all sizes of GPs,, cyclops, and many other ingredients that works well for fry. Lights.. I start with a natural photo...
  16. rod buehle

    a few of my anemones

    Thanks everyone! Originally Posted by LexLuethar Great pics, thanks for sharing! Any special treatment other than quality lighting that has helped you be successful? What are those white squares in a few of the pictures? So you have those in there just as shelving or do they provide some type...
  17. rod buehle

    Clown needs a new home !!!!

    Originally Posted by Ilovemytank 125 gallon tank is definately big enough for two pairs. They have lived in peace for over two years. The black pair had its own anenome up until about two months ago. wouldn't try to find criticism in me having two pairs. Not trying to criticize, but obviously...
  18. rod buehle

    a few of my anemones

    Originally Posted by 6mmmedic Is this a Picasso Clown? No, that is an onyx clown.
  19. rod buehle

    HEY BANG!!! does this look about right??

    Originally Posted by oceana i used them until they were eating the brine well enough to be the only food source. it did not take long before they were looking for the bigger meals Yeah, me too. I usually start with BBS at day 5-6 and quit with rotifers at 8-9. I have at times had issues with...