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  1. jarre

    lifereef calcium reactor?

    Glad to hear it Jon!!! I wouldn't have ordered it if I didn't believe he did good work. This sump will be handling both my 180 and 250 using a Euroreef CS12-1 PS. It's got a 19" x 19" footprint so I decided to have him modify one of his previously build customs to handle 3 intakes and 4...
  2. jarre

    lifereef calcium reactor?

    Sorry to hear he isn't answering you. Leads one to wonder about several things there. Of course, a sump is a bit different the a CA reactor so I shouldn't be in to bad of shape - I hope!!
  3. jarre

    lifereef calcium reactor?

    Jon - Have you tried giving Jeff a call and see what he says about the reactor issue? I just ordered a custom sump from him and he seemed to be open to discussing issues like that.
  4. jarre

    look at this 4000gal tank

    His is about like the rest of ours - I see something new every time I look at it!!!! :p
  5. jarre


    I'll agree with you Broomer!!!! I was a Sonar Operator in the Navy and found out there where only two civilian companies that would hire me. GE, who makes the equipment and good 'ole Jacae (sp) I really miss his shows!!!!!!
  6. jarre

    Cheapest MH

    Cheap MH - that's about like asking for a cheap Rolls Royce! It just doesn't fit. ---- or an auction site of some kind may be your best bet. I purchased a (New) dual 400W PFO ballast and mogels for $225 a month ago. Which is cheaper than I exspected to go for it!! Good Luck!
  7. jarre

    Aragonite supposedly keeps the PH around 8.2 or so. So, why add buffer if PH stays?

    My Alk drops fairly fast so I keep it up with the buffer. When the Alk goes so does the corals!
  8. jarre


    IMO the dying damsels are what's keeping your readings so high. Personally I'd add more LR and nothing else.
  9. jarre

    PICS - only 2

    Guy sure does propagate well doesn't he! :D
  10. jarre

    PICS - only 2

    Kewl Xenia!! When you frag it I want some!! ;)
  11. jarre

    Aragonite supposedly keeps the PH around 8.2 or so. So, why add buffer if PH stays?

    If your PH is staying steady without it then I wouldn't add any. Personally all I add is Alk buffer because of what happens if I don't! I haven't added calcium in two months and still have a reading right at 490-500 with a PH of 8.2 and an Alk of 10.2. I'm beginning to believe that less is...
  12. jarre

    beautiful Carribean

    Went last year on a Cruise and want to learn how to dive before I go back. Especially after hearing you two!! LOL
  13. jarre

    Making a Deposit

    I have a feeling that Guy's mating isn't luck! :D
  14. jarre

    BIG Tank Pics

    Hey Steve - AWESOME DUDE!!! Thanks for sharing it with us!!
  15. jarre

    PICS - only 2

    Nice tank! This is my temp 45, it's mostly frags. Some of the new SPS frags too.
  16. jarre

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    Ok, Ok, I give!!! My stomach aches from laughing for the last hour reading this tread.
  17. jarre

    My Sunday Six-Pac

    I'll second Wamp's motion. Love that Fox!!! Tank looking really good!
  18. jarre

    4" cooling fans - 110v BRAND NEW ready to wire up ... who is interested ?!?!?!?!

    Putting in major lighting, need major air flow!! :D Name - Brad Screen Name - Jarre Quantity - 12
  19. jarre

    Fuge Size

    I'm combining the filtration of my 180 and 250 tanks. The Sump will be in the 250 cabinet which leave me the 180 for the Fuge. The inside cabinet size of the 180 is 70" x 21" x 29". What size Fuge would you recommend and why?
  20. jarre

    Coral Heaven

    I've been using it for a month now and it's really helped the corals. I mix Coral Heaven, DT, and Marine Snow. The direct link for Coral Heaven is