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  1. elfdoctors

    Astrowars anyone?

    NEMO will be logging in at 11 pm tonight (Eastern Daylight Time). Anyone from this website is welcome to log in at that time. Although I cannot guarantee admission into NEMO, I can try to get people in as I have been trying to ensure that the marine foundations of NEMO stay intact. If you have...
  2. elfdoctors

    Guess who found Nemo

    He tasted delicious! I like my fisshhess wwet and wrrriggling! :happyfish
  3. elfdoctors

    Astrowars anyone?

    You should get access to the NEMO forums soon. You will be able to find some threads that are discussing the next round. Right now we are primarily deciding who will be starting with us and when we will sign in. The forums tend not to be very active until the next round gets started. NEMO often...
  4. elfdoctors

    Astrowars anyone?

    Originally Posted by Beth Do the NEMOS still have CORE or is their champion alliance something else now? NEMO no longer plays for rank. It's actually more fun that way. I've returned (after being part of several more high-powered alliances) and had a more enjoyable round (but still ended up...
  5. elfdoctors

    Spring is here

    Spring won't arrive here in northern Wisconsin for a few more weeks. It will usually still take around 3-4 weeks for our crocuses to start blooming. I walked on our lake today. There is still well over a foot of ice on it.
  6. elfdoctors

    Astrowars anyone?

    Early on try to spend as much as possible on infrastructure. That 1 PP/hr will become a lot more as your growth is nearly exponential. I am producing ~1500 PPs/hr at the end of this game. Also, try to build infrastructure as soon as possible after you have the necessary points. In the beginning...
  7. elfdoctors

    Astrowars anyone?

    You resurrected my old thread! I'm still playing. After playing with several other alliances, I returned to the NEMOs this past round myself. We are between rounds now. You can start now and just try to figure out the basics. The next round starts April 2nd. I don't lurk around these boards...
  8. elfdoctors

    Macroalgae ID

    These leaves are definitely not flat. Every leaflet is prominently ruffled and seems folded around the petiole. Thanks for trying Thomas! Where are you getting these pictures? I might be able to find something myself if I could be directed to a resource (if you are allowed to post links )...
  9. elfdoctors

    Macroalgae ID

    Originally Posted by Thomas712 Hey doc Hard to tell from the pic but do the leaves look red and like this? Nope - the color is close to real life. It has a diffusely brownish color which is darker underneath. The leaves are all ruffled and deeply serrated (which was part of the reason it was...
  10. elfdoctors

    Macroalgae ID

    I found this macroalgae in my tank about 6 months ago. I have only added corals over the last 18 months. I upgraded to metal halides about 11 months ago. It has been growing slowly (approximately doubling in the last 6 months). This is the best picture I could get. The plant has fairly soft...
  11. elfdoctors


  12. elfdoctors

    How Many tyoes of shrimp can i have?

    Beware of keeping coral-banded shrimp with other shrimp. Otherwise, they usually coexist well with each other. Some shrimp (e.g. camel-backed) are not reef safe. I have kept cleaners, blood red, tiger pistol, and peppermints together. Even cleaner shrimp cannot cure ANY infections. IF they take...
  13. elfdoctors

    Head and Lateral Line Erosion

    I think that your fish does not have HLLE. That small line is the normal lateral line. The other larger line (which tends to show up better in low light) is normal coloration for yellow tangs. However, your fish appears malnourished. It is VERY thin. I would try to get it to eat more if you can...
  14. elfdoctors

    Cheto/Refugium ????????

    Macroalgae use nitrates as they are growing. If conditions are not right for the macroalgae, they will not remove nitrates. They incorporate nitrates into themselves (converting the nitrates into proteins). The aquarist must then remove the excess macroalgae from your tank (taking the excess...
  15. elfdoctors

    I Just Broke My Collarbone!(ouch) Anyone Else Break It Before????

    Fractures in the middle portion of the clavicle are very common. They most commonly occur from falls. They heal very easily. The classic treatment involves the use of a Figure of 8 splint which keeps the shoulders pulled back (and usually brings the ends of the fracture close together). However...
  16. elfdoctors

    baby hippo has slight ick, what about other fish?

    If there are only a few spots and they go away in only a day or two, it is possible that these are only sand granules. I have a hippo which had a definite case of ich two years ago. I treated the whole tank with hypo and have not added any fish without quarantining since. Every so often...
  17. elfdoctors

    Tomorrow is My GOLDEN birthday!!

    Happy Birthday! I never understood why people seemed to think a "golden" birthday was anything special. If you were born early in the month, it happened before you even knew what it was. Last month, one of my patients turned 94 on 9/4. I thought that was more significant than the typical...
  18. elfdoctors

    Buying Music Online

    I use Napster but I don't pay for the subscription service. I buy individual songs for 99 cents and have a permanent license for those songs. I believe that I am allowed to download them to up to 3 different computers and burn them to CD's up to 5 times.
  19. elfdoctors

    Help Quick!!!

    What are you feeding the fish? Tangs need a lot of veggies. They are omnivores and will gorge themselves with other food after they are used to your system. However, they will do best with lots of nori or spirulina in their diets. How long have you had this fish? Has anything else been added...