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  1. elfdoctors

    my nemo has pop eye

    Check out the 10th post of the FAQ sticky at the top of this forum.
  2. elfdoctors

    What do you do for a job and how long to teach someone that job.

    I am a family physician. After college, I needed 4 years of medical school and 3 years of residency. So after I graduated from 23rd grade, they let me take care of people. There is still a lot of on-the-job training and coursework needed. This is a broad field and it is imperative to keep current.
  3. elfdoctors

    ich attack (again)

    Please don't buy any more fish at this time. That is a large part of your problem. You have added way too much life at once for an uncycled tank. You can get a lot of information about cycling a tank in the newbie forums. Most people prefer not to cycle a tank with damsels. The flame angel and...
  4. elfdoctors

    Hunters? Fisherman? Gunslingers?

    I hunt deer, turkeys, bears and occasionally ducks.
  5. elfdoctors

    Angel sick

    Originally Posted by F1shMan Well in the future, I'd suggest you don't buy sick fish no matter what deal you can get on them. But good luck If you do want to get bargains, it is essential to use a quarantine tank like airframer did. You might get lucky with a nice fish that you ordinarily...
  6. elfdoctors

    internal parasites questions

    What symptoms are you talking about? Internal parasites are not particularly common. Most infectious fish diseases will die off if the tank is left fishless for 4-6 weeks. You can keep the starfish in the tank as it is not likely to be a carrier.
  7. elfdoctors

    Can't diagnose disease

    Was anything added recently? If so, brooklynella would certainly be likely. You should consider doing the formalin baths outlined in the FAQ sticky at the top of this forum. If not, I would be wondering about your water parameters. Poor water quality could cause a fin and tail rot with patches...
  8. elfdoctors

    A Threat to Our Hobby?

    The easy solution would be to study the reefs. If it was determined that fish populations were dropping, moratoriums or bag limits could be imposed. The license fees could be used to fund the research. That is how other game species are managed. I know for freshwater species, the DNR will use...
  9. elfdoctors

    Where did you go on your honeymoon?

    My wife and I went to Australia for two weeks. We definitely want to go there again. :yes: For our 10th anniversary, we will be going on a 10 day cruise in the Mediterranean in late September. It starts and ends in Venice and has stops in Sicily, Rome, Florence, Monte Carlo, Corsica, Sardinia...
  10. elfdoctors

    freshwater dips?

    Freshwater dips will reduce some of the spots but will not cure ich. The trophonts (life stages of the ich parasite when it is attached to a fish) live in the slime layer of the fish which protects them from the effects of the freshwater. FW dips can also be stressful for an already stressed...
  11. elfdoctors

    10Gal QT

    That is too many fish for a quarantine tank. You should not try to go over more than 1 inch of fish for every 5 gallons as the QT will not have the same buffering capacity that your display tank would have. A second point is that adding that many fish at one time is not recommended. Your...
  12. elfdoctors

    Mitra snail

    I had one for about a year before it died. It was a peaceful neat-looking snail. It usually hid in my sand bed and would be hidden for up to weeks at a time. Every now and then, I would find it on the glass or with its shell exposed. However, I was told that they prey on some of the beneficial...
  13. elfdoctors

    30 days after Hypo

    The life cycle of ich is 23-28 days depending on temperature. 30 days is a conservative measure to ensure you do not have to go through treatment again. As long as you did the hypo correctly, (3 weeks after the external parasites had fallen off), your fish should be ready to go back into your...
  14. elfdoctors

    brittlestar feeding question [ophiura? :)]

    I have two starfish (including a bright yellow brittlestar) which tend to be secretive. When they are out, I usually know they are hungry. I usually throw a few pellets in their direction (as this is about the only time I use pellets.) If they can get to them before all the other critters in the...
  15. elfdoctors

    help with a wild bird

    Woodcocks are usually found on the ground in a swampy area. The nests are not in a tree. You should release this bird back to the wild - otherwise it will surely die. The bird was probably picking at worms that were living in the hay on top of your well. The young survive by being camoflauged...
  16. elfdoctors

    QT ready??

    Your tank should only be considered partially cycled. If you need to, go ahead and start treatment in this tank. I would not add a shrimp or anything else to get a formal cycle started. The fish to be treated will add ammonia which will then get the cycle going. You would need to watch your...
  17. elfdoctors

    Anyone used Paraguard?

    I insert an intrauterine device (IUD) by that name for women who desire birth control but I don't think that it would fix any marine disease (even though it does have copper in it). :D lol :D Seachem's Paraguard is a product which is supposed to kill everything infectious (bacteria, fungi...
  18. elfdoctors

    Help/Advice. Serpent Star not doing good!

    If the sea star is deteriorating like this less than a month after you added it, it is most likely from acclimation stress. If the legs fall off, they can grow back. However, usually, if the disc gets damaged, there is little you can do for it. How did you acclimate? These organisms need a very...
  19. elfdoctors

    Symptoms Of Sloughing&Ick+Questions.

    Sloughing is often a sign of brooklynella. Check out the pictures in the sticky at the top of the forum to see if this is what your fish look like. UV filters will not eliminate ich. Most experienced hobbiests do not use them. It may limit the population of the ich parasites. However, the uv...
  20. elfdoctors

    I don't understand ich...

    Originally Posted by glaekenjz my understanding is that ICH is almost always present in an aquarium, and your fish can get it whenever they are too stressed out, and their immune system drops. The statement above is only true for freshwater ich. Saltwater ich has to be introduced into an...