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  1. ekclark

    crab hitchhiker

    Anyone have an idea from my lame clues?
  2. ekclark

    Off Topic Stuff: Seen any good movies lately?

    Miller's Crossing...early Cohen brothers. You don't hear much about it, but it is one of my favorites of all time. Fast, Cheap, and Out of Control is my favorite documentary. It explores man's need to control life--sound at all familiar? I wish I had this power over my damsels, they would be...
  3. ekclark

    crab hitchhiker

    I have a number of crabs that came in on some Marshall Island rock. These guys are blue with red eyes. The largest is about an inch across and the little ones are about the size of a dime. They have rounded claws and are very shy. I have only been able to catch a glimpse of them at night...
  4. ekclark

    nori folks...

    I just bought a bunch of nori, a ton of it for $10, and my fish really like the stuff. I was going to start leaving some of it in the tank to try and keep my tang from eating my feather dusters. For those who leave some in the tank for much do you use? How do you keep it from...
  5. ekclark

    What would you want in a tank/reef computer program?

    How about something that is smart enough to look at trends and see something coming...such as "your calc is way too high and you are in danger of a ph crash or something" It would look at your input and warn of you what may be happening and how to fix it. Also, why not some beginner stuff that...
  6. ekclark

    The dreaded hair algae...

    I have a yellow tang that happily munches mine back whenever it shows up...the hermit I have seen that does the best job with this stuff are the zebras. Maybe someone who has dealt with it more can give you better advice.
  7. ekclark

    missing lmb

    Thanks...I figured one of the stars or maybe even my giant florida condi may have grabbed it. RIP blenny.
  8. ekclark

    missing lmb

    I have not seen my lawnmower blenny for a few days now. I checked all the around the tank to see if he jumped, fed twice and no sightings, and even moved around some rock to see if I could find a corpse. Should I disturb everything to find the corpse or should I allow my clean-up crew to get...
  9. ekclark he's "40"...

    Enjoy your birthday Plum...judging by some of your pictures, you strike me as someone who knows how to have good time. :) You're our resident Andy Cipowicz, just without all the baggage.
  10. ekclark

    $300,000 aquarium

    So when I build mine, will I need 125,000 #'s of lr? Can give me a deal on that? I also might add a 10,000 gallon refuge.
  11. ekclark


    As cool and as intelligent as these things are, I wouldn't keep one. You can find them from time to time, but I think you will be disappointed if you get one. They will hide all the time, are messy, and can kill themselves in about a million different ways in a tank (or out of it). They are...
  12. ekclark

    rubbermaid refugium users - ???

    Does anyone here wrap their's in duct tape? I was thinking of using that as a simple/lazy brace. Any expirence with this sort of eyesore? Thanks.
  13. ekclark

    Umbrella Mushroom

    I have one, well now four, and it is a nice coral, but you need to be careful. The one I have grew about 2" across in just a few months. It mananged to eat one of my gobies. I fragged it and it is too small to that again, but lesson learned. They need to be fed small pieces of meat every...
  14. ekclark

    low ph

    I had a low ph problem until I added some Kent pro buffer dkh. I have stayed at 8.4 and haven't had to add more. The change did not seem to bother any of my tankmates. Don't worry about it now, but I suggest this stuff if you keep having a problem.
  15. ekclark

    New Scarlet Hermits

    Zebra hermits have a mixed rep. I have a few in my tank and I like them. I also have scarlets and have found them to be the most gentle of the hermits. I'd go for it, just make sure there are plenty of shells and food for everyone.
  16. ekclark

    ordering from this site

    I have ordered from here many, ls, clean-ups, and a bunch of you build its. I like what I have gotten. I trust the health of the fish much more than I do from most pet stores. I know it might seem weird to get this kind of stuff in the mail, but that is how most pet stores get it.
  17. ekclark

    Another 75 stocking question? a similiar set-up I have= yellow tang lawnmower blenny tomato clown diadema gramma purple firefish and 3 yellow damsels (someday to be removed and replaced by another firefish) I feel like I am pushing it a bit with this load, but all my levels are fine and trates are 0. My advice...
  18. ekclark

    Another 75 stocking question?

    I have a 75 with a fuge and sump w/ 115+ #'s of lr...your stocking looks fine to me. Make sure you wait on the mandarin. I waited six months but it was not long enough. He grew thin and eventually was eaten by my umbrella mushroom. I don't know about cleaner fish...I have never kept one for...
  19. ekclark

    chicago frag trade?

    I have a colt, tree, green shrooms, orange tree sponge, ricordia (both blue and green), and a toadstool. I am too afraid of the poison of the toadstool, but anything else I would be willing to trade. How about you?
  20. ekclark

    Sat night pics...

    I had a fighting, but my bluelegs ate him. I was wondering if they would bother one of these guys when they are larger? Do your hermits bother your conch(es)? If I kept one in my fuge until he was bigger would it be okay? What do you think?