Search results

  1. ekclark

    How do I get rid of Bristle worms?

    I would love a bristle worm, but i have heard a sally lightfoot will eat them. They cost less than a beta too! Bi-color grammas/diademas are also rumored bristle eaters.
  2. ekclark

    Bug of the Week - Peppermint Shrimp

    Will a mandarin eat shrimp fry? My peppermint just dumped its clutch last night and all the fish went crazy. I saw my mandain peck at some, but he seemed to spit them out rather than eat them. Was this just a bad grab pn his part or will they not eat them? I of course do not depend on this...
  3. ekclark

    cyano alge

    The only creature I have seen eat mine were the mexican turbo snails. They are big snails...about walnut size. I see them munching it in the sand bed after the lights go out. They will not get rid of all of it, but they help. How old are your bulbs? Sometimes older bulbs can cause cyno...
  4. ekclark

    ? on fuge

    24/7...the only thing is I get some problem algae at times, but that is why God created chemi-cure
  5. ekclark

    DSB where is yours located

    4" in display 6" in refuge 2" in sump
  6. ekclark

    Emerald Crabs...

    I have three and they were harmless...until I caught one eating some coral yesterday. I do not plan on killing it or anything, after all I invited him to my tank. He did not eat all the coral, but munched it around the edges. Trade yours in, someone will be happy to have him.
  7. ekclark

    Time for life!! Help me choose!!

    I would go with the chromis first, just to make sure everything is fully cycled. After the fish have been making their mess, then get the inverts. I did the same chromis, made sure all was well, then added the inverts and later new fish. HTH
  8. ekclark

    Bug Id

    Sounds to me like a flatworm. I have these things in my sump...they are cool to look at, but a lot of people don't like them and use "flatworm exit" to kill them. I think it is because they are pod predators, but you'll have to ask Bang to be sure.
  9. ekclark

    your 75 gallons

    115#'s lr,dsb yellow tang 3 yellow damsels 1 male mandarin lawnmower blenny tomato clown diadema gramma I also have a bunch of mushrooms, inverts, and macroalgae. It has a ten gallon refuge and a ten gallon sump. Go REEF!
  10. ekclark


    I just bought some today! I have used it before and it did not hurt any corals, macro, or inverts. Just don't let it sit on your skin too long because it can cause burns.
  11. ekclark

    What's your most horrific seagoing experience been so far ?

    My dad is a volunteer fireman/rescue diver. We live on the banks of Lake Michigan and he has the pleasure of finding bodies in their once and a while. One time it was winter and in the middle of the night. He could not see and had to walk around the black bottom of the lake looking for a...
  12. ekclark

    yellow tang numbers

    I am curious if any one knows how the yellow tang numbers around hawaii are doing? I read about them disapearing,from over harvesting, in the washington post a year or two ago, but have since been unable to get any info. Any net search gives me people ready to sell them, not talk about them...
  13. ekclark

    Fish of the week: The Lawnmower Blenny

    Has anyone had their lmb eat red slime? I heard a rumor that they would and that is why I bought mine. I haven't seen it eat any...but do they ever or was this a terrible lie?
  14. ekclark

    Hermit has funny friend.. PIC

    This is really odd...I too have a scarlet with a feather duster in his shell. I wonder if this is something that happens often in nature? Anyone know if this is common?
  15. ekclark

    Brand New Hobbyist

    Welcome! You are where I was about a year ago and this site has been better than any other resource. As far as books go, I like Natural Reef Aquariums by John Tullock. It doesn't have much about cycling, but it sounds like you know what you doing there. I too kept fw for years until last...
  16. ekclark

    Anything been happening on the board lately?

    Get some sleep HT! Yeah, things have been quiet in here, but it is always nice to have this little escape. I almost burned my house down when a ballast overheated, but other than that my thoughts have been elsewhere.
  17. ekclark

    75 vs. 90

    It is the old rule of thumb to always go with the biggest you can. My biggest regret is going reef with my 75 and not my 125. I feared the greater expense of the larger tank (lights, lr, etc) but after about $3000, what is a few hundred bucks here and there? With a taller tank you can really...
  18. ekclark

    featherduster former home

  19. ekclark

    featherduster former home

    One of my featherdusters abandoned its home and is now (I Hope) safely hiding in some rock. I was wondering what I should do with its old tube? It is just sagging and I assume being broken down my the water. Will it cause nitrates to rise or will it just help give back like an invert molt...
  20. ekclark

    Feather Dusters????

    I just had one leave its tube...should i remove it or leave it in there to add whatever the worm needs to rebuild it?