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  1. ekclark

    peppermint ate curlique?

    but will a dead/dying anemone poison a tank? I am just a little worried that this could lead to a lost reef...:(
  2. ekclark

    peppermint ate curlique?

    I added a curlique anemone as part of a u-build-it yesterday and all seemed well. It had buried itself in the sand and was expanding itself out and so on...but then my peppermint shrimp started messing with it. They would walk up and peck it, but then run off when it moved a tentacle toward...
  3. ekclark

    ph buffer

    I am having trouble keeping my ph up and am thinking of buying a chemical buffer to get it from 7.8 to 8.2 or so. Is it safe to add this stuff to an existing tank? Will the shift stress fish, inverts, or corals? Which one do people recommend? Thanks for you time.
  4. ekclark

    cpr hang on refuges

    I was thinking of adding one of these to my system, but I have a few questions...Are they loud? My tank is in my bedroom and I do not want to always have it humming or splashing. Second, are the inlets/outlets adjustable? I would like to have it on the side of my tank rather than behind it...
  5. ekclark

    cpr hang on refuge

  6. ekclark

    Emperor 400 too weak?

    oh, I meant 1-2#'s of live rock per gallon of tank water
  7. ekclark

    Emperor 400 too weak?

    When I first started I had an Emperor 400 as my primary filter, but then I bought 100#'s of lr and disconnected the pump. If you get a dsb (deep sand bed) and 1-2 #'s of lr, that is all the filteration you'll need for the nitrogen cycle. You'll still need a skimmer or a refuge to export...
  8. ekclark

    cpr hang on refuge

    I was thinking about buying one of these...but I have some questions. Are they loud? My tank is in my bedroom and I do not want to hear a constant hum or splashing sounds. Also, where do you get your clip on pc lights? Is this something that could be found at Home Depot? Can the...
  9. ekclark

    Have you ever had a Rubbermaid sump break?

    Will someone please knock on wood!?!
  10. ekclark


    I have a pair of Aquagloves and they changed my life. I no longer have to worry about washing with antibacterial soap or being stung by anything. They are cheap...go for it.
  11. ekclark

    Nobody told me how huge a Mexican Trochus snail was!!

    The Mexican Trochus are the Star Jones of the snail world. The ones I have sometimes knock other snails right off the glass, so watch for knocked over snails.
  12. ekclark

    Hoping for sugestion on a good book to read.

    Natural Reef Aquariums by John Tullock. I pull that one out more than any of the others. Not too expensive either (30 some odd dollars).
  13. ekclark

    are chevron tangs more prone to ich

    I am new to salt tanks, but as far as I have read (for all that is worth) tangs are no more likely to get ich than any other fish. It is simply that their demands are rarely met and any sickness is a result of that. I too am new (tank 7 months old) but this is what I have read.
  14. ekclark

    OT: new pics. my little sister took her first pic of the tank

    thanks for the pic, it is nice to be reminded what a sally looks like, mine is harder to find than witnesses against the mob!
  15. ekclark

    tang and blenny

    I added a yellow tang to my reef a few weeks ago to eat up some of the macro I was tired of pruning and it did something i did not expect. It likes to follow my lawnmower blenny all around the tank and the two graze together. The tang does give him an occasional nip, but the two otherwise seem...
  16. ekclark

    Any aggresive Emarald Crabs?

    I agree w/Buzz. I have never had a problem with any of my emeralds, but crabs are always a gamble. The most I have seen mine do is raise a claw at a shrimp to scare it off and take its food. Someone in here has a story about one eating a feather duster, but I think they would have to be...
  17. ekclark

    Spiny Oyster

    Could I get one of these with my 4 watts per gallon of vho? I feed Invert Gumbo filter food twice a week to my reef...would that be enough for one of these guys?
  18. ekclark

    quickrete play sand?

    I used the play sand on the very bottom of my sand bed. I put in 50lbs. and buried it under 3 inches of aragonite and live sand. I have not had any problems and I have not seen the stuff since.
  19. ekclark

    Opiura, my basket star is going to the Shedd Aquarium!!

    I took an oceanography course in college that was taught by a woman who worked at the Shedd and she gave us the "behind the scenes tour". It was really pretty cool. Some of the systems looked like a mad scientist creation. The Shedd is a great place and make sure you take time to see the Sea...
  20. ekclark

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    mmslue, I am concerned about your slightly unhealthy reltionship with Iowa. Your house isn't yellow and black, is it?