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  1. farmboy

    Lets talk about pet peeves... mine: nemo and dory are NOT types of fish

    Originally Posted by Michelle L I hate covenants. You know, the neighborhood rules that state: 1. All pickup trucks have to be indoors and hidden from view...even your fully loaded $40,000 one. 2. All dogs must be under 25 pounds. No dogs on chains (I agree with the "no chains" part.) 3. All...
  2. farmboy

    Lets talk about pet peeves... mine: nemo and dory are NOT types of fish

    Hey Darth, I listened to Rush the other day. He was talking about using a "smoking jacket". It used to be popular and I guess they still are in some circles. I understand Rush likes his stoggies. BTW I used to smoke cigarettes. "I can feel your pain." (dig the thumb)--->
  3. farmboy

    coral reefs take millions of years to grow

    Martin Luther was a Catholic for a while. . . . Paul was VERY Jewish. . .
  4. farmboy

    Lets talk about pet peeves... mine: nemo and dory are NOT types of fish

    How about folks who think that cologne will cover the smell of smoke or BO for that matter. :scared: Not a peeve-I just don't get it :notsure:
  5. farmboy

    More great research findings from the house of Tizzo!

    What did the dogs do wrong?
  6. farmboy

    coral reefs take millions of years to grow

    "Just a closer walk with thee" eh, Darth?
  7. farmboy

    Lets talk about pet peeves... mine: nemo and dory are NOT types of fish

    Originally Posted by jdragunas yeah, office, this guy isn't staring because we're deep in conversation... i'm not even talking to him... and when i'm talking about other people staring, i mean when you're talking to someone, and a person across the room is staring at you. you look them directly...
  8. farmboy

    coral reefs take millions of years to grow

    Some folks like to be shouted at on Sunday morning. . . . :notsure:
  9. farmboy

    Lets talk about pet peeves... mine: nemo and dory are NOT types of fish

    Caveat, JER! If ya ask a question like "How could you be more trashy?", you might not be prepared for the answer!! :scared:
  10. farmboy

    coral reefs take millions of years to grow

    I don't believe KB is a moron. Everyone gets to "ramble" on here. The Bible is a complete work. It is hard to pluck a couple of verses out of it to prove a point. :thinking: There is no empirical evidence of creation (or evolution for that matter). If there was, we would not be discussing...
  11. farmboy

    Anyone Near Mt.airy N.c.

    Sweet. Are there any good fish stores in "Mayberry?" Maybe Floyd has branched out from the barber shop?
  12. farmboy

    Anyone Near Mt.airy N.c.

    I have to ask: Isn't that the area that Mayberry was modeled after? I have a friend who went through there and loved it. I'm pretty sure he said Mt. Airy.
  13. farmboy

    Sharing my sunset

    I guess JD missed the "weather" comment. Thanks for sharing, Misty.
  14. farmboy

    "Holiday" Tree

    That would be illogical, Beth. Live long and prosper.
  15. farmboy

    It is Christmas, is it possible to get at least one PRO Christmas/Santa Thread Going

    "Handel's Messiah" Good album but the "Hallelujah Chorus" is my favorite. It really gets the heart pumpin. :jumping: I'm down with the chipmunks, too. "All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth"-Priceless
  16. farmboy

    Sharing my sunset

    Great Pics! Hey JD, how do you like the short sleaves and the surf wading with the date that was posted? I know how you are a big weather fan. Who Dey, That looks a lot like our sunrise here in the Bluegrass state! THat little creek looks familiar, too. . . . :thinking:
  17. farmboy

    "Holiday" Tree

    Carefull Beth. All of the female "interests" on the Classic Trek ended up zapped or something. Remember the Kirk "kiss of death?"
  18. farmboy

    :) read this quote from National Geographic Channel...

    "Thanks for all the fish." :happyfish :happyfish
  19. farmboy

    You'll never believe what happened to me last night..

    Welcome back, Oscar.
  20. farmboy

    It is Christmas, is it possible to get at least one PRO Christmas/Santa Thread Going

    My girl likes the part where Bing and Dean are mocking up the "Sisters" act. Funny stuff!