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  1. farmboy

    It is Christmas, is it possible to get at least one PRO Christmas/Santa Thread Going

    Speaking of Bing, White Christmas anyone? My 5 year old daughter LOVES this movie. Great music!
  2. farmboy

    weird emergency battery idea for power outage.

    We used a variation of this method only we used the car and a seperate battery for the inverter. When the inverter battery was low, we strung some jumper cables through the window and ran the car just long enough to recharge it. Best of both worlds.
  3. farmboy

    Movie Mess Ups...LETS HEAR THEM!

    I saw that story on Drudgereport . com. And yeah, I thought it was a HUGE stretch. Silly me--I thought it is a movie about a big gorilla thing.
  4. farmboy

    Ban Santa and the Easter bunny!!

    Originally Posted by socal57che I read somewhere that the evergreen trees were used to teach pagans about the Trinity. The three corners of the tree represested different aspects.....Father, Son, and Holy Spirit....all being of the same entity but different. They were originally hung upside...
  5. farmboy

    Ban Santa and the Easter bunny!!

    Hey Tizzo, this thread isn't quite as friendly as this one, but this post is good. Alittle history.
  6. farmboy

    It is Christmas, is it possible to get at least one PRO Christmas/Santa Thread Going

    You might just see 3 wise guys . . .er wise men show up at your house, Tizzo. Great lights!
  7. farmboy

    Ban Santa and the Easter bunny!!

    You're sucking all the fun out of a good argument, Tizz. "Stay on topic"--how restrictive!!
  8. farmboy

    Brown Spots on White Carpet Anemone?

    Maybe you need a carpet cleaner? :hilarious
  9. farmboy

    It is Christmas, is it possible to get at least one PRO Christmas/Santa Thread Going

    Ok, I'll go again. Favorite treats/foods: Close to the top of the list would be chocolate-covered cashews! . . . . .Oh yeah, rice crispy treats and "Buckeyes"(I'm from Ohio originally-most other folks call them "peanut butter balls") and butter cookies with icing, peanut butter cookies...
  10. farmboy

    "Holiday" Tree

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman I shall hence be called "Darth Hawkfish....." Beware the dark side.
  11. farmboy


    I've seen cleaners at the LFS hitching a ride on a yellow tang while giving it the "once- over." Funny stuff!
  12. farmboy

    New member

    Welcome Coach! Thank you for your service! You have come to the right place for information. These folks are full of it. . . . . . .well you know what I mean.
  13. farmboy


    Why did you stick a dirty hand in your tank to begin with?
  14. farmboy

    Movie Mess Ups...LETS HEAR THEM!

    Does anyone buy into the tripe about the Kong movies being racist? Kong being an image for the enslaved African people-bringing them to the new world and, being unnatural, causes BIG problems?
  15. farmboy

    It is Christmas, is it possible to get at least one PRO Christmas/Santa Thread Going

    That pic is great! Beautiful little boy. Thanks for sharing.
  16. farmboy

    weird emergency battery idea for power outage.

    You can get a DC to AC "Inverter" that will convert 12 volts DC to 120 volts AC. Just figure the minimum you can get by with as far as power, and size your inverter to match. Without doing any math--With a 400 watt inverter(Like $40), you should be able to run a couple of pumps and maybe a...
  17. farmboy

    Ban Santa and the Easter bunny!!

    I like the idea of playing with the nativity. We are sticking with: It is a BIG birthday party for Jesus! He was the best gift EVER! My kids like the idea of getting the presents, though.
  18. farmboy

    It is Christmas, is it possible to get at least one PRO Christmas/Santa Thread Going

    NOT rushed this year. We did a lot (like more than 1/2) of our shopping online/catolog. Very nice. The only drawback was my 17 year old was trying to "help out" with the UPS guy and saw one of his presents! It was kina hard to hide anyway. THe company splayed their name all over the box...
  19. farmboy

    News flash: the war in Iraq is NOT a war against terror

    I doubt these folks will sponsor terrorists.
  20. farmboy

    News flash: the war in Iraq is NOT a war against terror

    I can see the argument. I understand how one believes in a position wrapped in complexities. I don't think the bad guys do.