"Holiday" Tree


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Just a couple more people and I will be able start my on cult like David Koresh.....awesome!!!
I like to think of you more as my mentor...


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
i completey agree!!!

Sure, you say that... then you go out and build a shrine to DT..

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I like to think of you more as my mentor...
Rise Darth Vader..............my servant.


Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Ok, using this criteria, what happens with the presidency? A majority rules approach is taken with NO consideration or consolation for the minority. In a democracy, or our case, a representive republic, tha majority rules approach applies in all aspects with the exception of laws. And even then a majority can change the law unless it conflicts with basic human rights.
Not true, our system was actually set up to keep the majority rule of the public in check. They were afraid of the public creating a mob mentality that conlflicted with the best interest of the country, so they stylized a system that wouldn't fluctuate too quickly or easlily with the passing whims of the common citizen. It's supposed to be set up for change to happen gradually, giving time for thoughtful debate and reflection on major chages before they happen. But to still allow for significant change as we evolve. We don't have a true plain majority rule system. Hence the electoral college and the different branches of government to keep each other in check. The supreme court is a lifetime position for the same reasons.
And we all know that consideration for the minority, is, and needs to be taken.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Rise Darth Vader..............my servant.
I shall hence be called "Darth Hawkfish....."


Great post Darth Tang. Seems we spend too much time, money and energy focusing on controversy that really will not make much of a difference in the end.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by jones
Not true, our system was actually set up to keep the majority rule of the public in check. They were afraid of the public creating a mob mentality that conlflicted with the best interest of the country, so they stylized a system that wouldn't fluctuate too quickly or easlily with the passing whims of the common citizen. It's supposed to be set up for change to happen gradually, giving time for thoughtful debate and reflection on major chages before they happen. But to still allow for significant change as we evolve. We don't have a true plain majority rule system. Hence the electoral college and the different branches of government to keep each other in check. The supreme court is a lifetime position for the same reasons.
And we all know that consideration for the minority, is, and needs to be taken.

Are you trying to tell me that minority rights of the 60's and 70's were passed through congress on a state and federal level with a minority vote? Try again. Everything gets a vote that is an issue or mode law. Guess what....majority wins. Regardless of how it is counted it is counted for the majority, whether electoral or individual. Still Majority. That is my point. Guess you missed it. In time the majority may become the minority through debate and so on. But until such time, the majority vote is law and policy.
The supreme court does not make laws (or they aren't supposed to). The supreme court interprets and upholds the laws on the books.
I have no problem considering the Minority in many things. But this is one subject that is utterly stupid. People will make a fuss about anything.....Sometimes I want to slap people have the time to worry about trivial crap like the name of a tree. IT IS A TREE!!! Call it a rottweiller tree if you want, I will call it what I want and so forth. Jesus, some people need to find a hobby.
Do you not buy a fish because a LFS has it named wrong? Does it offend you enough to refuse purchase and enjoying the fish? A christmas Tang is for sale. Do you stomp out of the store because the owner didn't name it a holiday Tang? I don't understand these people. Yet they are the same type of people that couldn't understand why a

on national television is wrong.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I shall hence be called "Darth Hawkfish....."

Beware the dark side.


Staff member
I already rule the galaxy, so what do you have to offer that's better than that? LOL
Actually, I was a Star Trek fan, not Star Wars. If you grow pointed ears, then I'll

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Actually, I was a Star Trek fan, not Star Wars. If you grow pointed ears, then I'll

Ak! We can no longer converse. Sorry.....Trekkies are such...........dorks.


Active Member
Carefull Beth. All of the female "interests" on the Classic Trek ended up zapped or something. Remember the Kirk "kiss of death?"


Jesus is the reason for the season.... IMO...This is America, someone will always want to change/make new rules.... Call the tree whatever you want to. What difference does it make?? ... It will always be a Christmas tree in my house!!! Merry CHRISTmas to everyone and I pray everyone will be richly blessed in the New Year!!