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  1. rubberduck

    id nudi, is it safe for reef.

    its bad..those type will feed on soft coral. look in hitchhicker identification inthe reef forum. travis
  2. rubberduck

    Zoanthids: Some Eyecandy!

    hows the tank coming along almost ready to do an update on my tank. maybe tonight. would you be interested? cool hows everything comign together with your vho's. nice to hear from ya agian. travis
  3. rubberduck

    Finish my sentence

    who took them back to there own rooms in a hotel to suck on there....toes ......only to find out...
  4. rubberduck

    Zoanthids: Some Eyecandy!

    pretty sure its a canary wrasse. very cool fish
  5. rubberduck

    55gl pics please!!!!!!!1

    yeah actualy junkabies has 7 overall tangs in there and has contiualy pissed reefers off for years....
  6. rubberduck

    Clarion Angelfish

    ok just curious. How at age 12 are you coming up with 1,300$$$ ***) Thats crazy lol. Anyways regarding an angel like that, sonce there is limited quality, make sure the specimin is in good shape. as with tangs and such; the sick pr unhealthy die (ones that dont accept captivity..i know its...
  7. rubberduck

    Pics of my Ten Gallon

    Originally Posted by bigpete awesome looking tank. really good set up. in regards to the star, dont be discouraged. if that is an orange linkia, i know they are one of the hardiest stars in the hobby, if not the hardiest. if they run out of algae, which would be rare, they have plenty to...
  8. rubberduck

    New Tank Pics *55Gallons

    thats from east of indianapolis
  9. rubberduck

    How do i prevent bubbles from aqua c remora?

    i set it up for over like 24 hours and it seems to be creating skimmate but bubbles seem to seep out of it. is this normal and please tell me how to stop it. thx alot i would love an answer asap. travs
  10. rubberduck

    Aqua C remora pics

    neither do I. i hooked mine up yesterday with just a maxijet1200 and it worked within like 24 hours. also does anyone know how to prevent bubbles escaping? travis
  11. rubberduck

    Attn: Wax32

    well lack of new shells for growth will make any hermit kill for housing. happened to me once unto o provided shells and never seen it again. travis
  12. rubberduck

    Crocea Clam For Sale/trade Il!

    i could send some huge amounts of xenia and various mushrooms and maybe some kenya tree. depends what do you like?
  13. rubberduck

    Looking to trade BTA

    what is sgipping?
  14. rubberduck

    Zoanthids: Some Eyecandy!

    hmmmm.... wax could u tell me of this "site". email is indyboy1990(at) plz send me the site. also are you currently collecting the hermits and the snails cool hos everything going. is the acropora liking the vho's. i have heard good success with those in vho. any future plans besides...
  15. rubberduck

    Kentucky Saltwater Aquarists

    Originally Posted by deedee_207 hi all i live in danville about an hour from lex 2 hrs from louisville can some one tell me where just fish is located in lex thanks by the kentucky football stadium and right by it. Really close to that area travis
  16. rubberduck

    Call Me An Idiot

    Originally Posted by angied Thank You Ill Give It Some Good Loven ...............and Update In A Few Days With Some New Pictures Again Thank You np im sure it's in good hands. ***) travis
  17. rubberduck

    Call Me An Idiot

    yeah they are a soft coral and like medium to strong light. medium flow and they most likly will be happy. also they have been noted to adapt to most tanks. so he should be a good addition to the reef. also the pic is from speg so thx speg. this is what a healthy one looks like. travis
  18. rubberduck

    Call Me An Idiot

    Ok they right answer is it is a fox coral. dont realy have much info on it but look it up and see how it likes differnet things. also i would give it a strong light. cool srry i couldnt help but look it up on the boards or somewhere Btw 5 pucks is a steal for it travis
  19. rubberduck

    How to frag Zoanthids- Just for you Bronco300

    Hey Oceana i have always admired your collections. I was interested in what you are looking for in the form of a trade or something. Do you like sps, or rics, more zoas etc. also what did you pay for shipping? thx alot for the threads and advice. travis
  20. rubberduck

    1000 posts...

    Originally Posted by jr2857 at least i never said anything BAD about someone's tank you alwqays say the same thing though like the nice picks and stuff. why try to help the person out and be original. get your posts from Helping people. justa thought. quality not quantity is a good saying...