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  1. mbrands

    5 gallon

    Maybe if the clown is very small . . . for a very short period of time. In most cases, no. :nope:
  2. mbrands

    Fluval 204

    joker - Its weird you had an issue with nitrates. I'm using a 304 and tested zero nitrates on Sunday. I guess every system is unique, huh? Scarface - If you can fit 60 pounds of LR into the tank and aquascape it so that you are happy I think you'd have much better luck. Also, without a...
  3. mbrands

    Should I challenge my cycle?

    Originally posted by AlohaMI I still don't think any tank can cycle as fast as 2-3 days. I could be wrong though, I definately have been before and will be again! On the contrary, I set up my 10 gallon with "old" water from a water change in my 55 and about 10 pounds of LR (also from my...
  4. mbrands

    Fluval 204

    You are close, but I'd probably add more LR before removing the Fluval. I've actually been considering the same choice with my tank. I've got a 55 with a 2" sand bed and 90 pound of LR.
  5. mbrands


    Those should be fine, but the flame angel is supposed to be a little aggressive. Have you looked at a bi-color? Also, you realize that eventually you will have to find your porcupine a new home or get a larger tank, right? They can get up to 18".
  6. mbrands

    The Rundown on Lighting

    Originally posted by djminus1 Q. Is ther a middle-of-the-road lighting system that would allow me to keep some of the invertebrates that require special lighting? I am not quite ready to do the reef I think. Inverts don't need special lighting. Do you mean soft corals? Originally posted by...
  7. mbrands

    Should I challenge my cycle?

    Originally posted by mudplayerx All of the numbers are insignificant until at least 30 days have passed. Save your tests for after then :) This is flat out wrong! My tank cycled with shrimp and 45 pounds of LR in about 2 weeks.
  8. mbrands

    Should I have micro bubbles

    Originally posted by vito525 I will upgrade to a AquaC Remora in the near future. Those seem to have the least complaints for the money. My Remora does produce micro bubbles. They were more predominant the first week or so, but they are still there. AquaC does sell a surface skimmer box...
  9. mbrands

    Live Sand

    You don't "need" any sand at all. If it is for display purposes add what you like. I've got about 2" in mine. If you want a DSB to reduce nitrates (which you don't have to do), you'll need 4" or so. LR will turn sand live over time. This will take anywhere from 6 months to a year though...
  10. mbrands

    How does this setup sound???

    Originally posted by djminus1 Q. Where should powerheads be positioned in the tank? Anywhere you want to eliminate any "dead spots" where waste can accumulate. Originally posted by djminus1 Q. What size powerheads will work? They are all rated by gallons per hour. I'd suggest going with...
  11. mbrands

    Live Sand

    Aragonite sand, as I understand it, is what the sand is actually made up of. Aragonite sand should fizz if vinegar is dripped onto a small pile of it. You do not need all live sand. Most people get 80-90% aragonite sand and 10-20% live sand. The live sand will "seed" the aragonite sand and...
  12. mbrands


    It isn't even recommended to have several tangs in a 45. :nope:
  13. mbrands

    attn mbrands

    Looks great! The progressive pictures will help me convince my wife that it is doable. Of course we wouldn't want to do all that for just a 55, which means we'd need a bigger tank! :D
  14. mbrands

    attn mbrands

    Nice setup! I'm jealous! :D
  15. mbrands

    How does this setup sound???

    correct. Most LFS and online retailers will sell them. I'd suggest eventually having 3-4 powerheads, but 2 to start is ok. I agree that you'll eventually want more LR, but 100 pounds will still make a 90 look pretty nice. I too would suggest higher rated heaters. Maybe 2 300s to be safe...
  16. mbrands

    Leather Issues

    You might also try to post this in the reef forum.
  17. mbrands

    water evaporation.?

    As dmc888 said, the amount of evaporation will depend on a lot of things. My biggest cause is probably that Arizona is so arid. We typically have a humidity around 10%. When I lived in Indiana I remember summer humilities in the 80s. If you question is how often to top off I would suggest...
  18. mbrands

    1post Pics Of Your Tank, Newbie Needs Ideas!

    If you find them just start a new thread. I didn't intend on stealing this one. Thank though!
  19. mbrands

    1post Pics Of Your Tank, Newbie Needs Ideas!

    How do you access it from behind? Is the back in a large closet or something? I'd love to see a "behind the scenes" shot if you get a chance.
  20. mbrands

    ophiura . . . help!

    Originally posted by ophiura 2) Hermits can cause issues with CC stars and others if they are not reef safe - big guys generally. When a star is "attacked" by hermits, they are either big nasty hermits, or the star is dying. Usually, the star is dying, and the hermits would be all over it...