Search results

  1. drea

    little white "flies"

    they are probably pods, which are great for your tank!
  2. drea

    power outage, will my fish, lr, hermits live?

    bump, seems like they are making it!
  3. drea

    power outage, will my fish, lr, hermits live?

    i have about 100lbs of lr and a mandarin, chromis, and yellow goby in my quarintine tank.,.. woke up today to find the power went out and the water must be around 65!!!!!!!! yes, cause its in my basement, maybe even colder, the fish seemed fine... i now fixed the outlet and the heater and all is...
  4. drea

    Crazy Clown Goby

    same thing happened here, he actually killed my huge sailfin! i had to get a new sailfin, soon as he put him in, the goby went into him like a missle! i took him out, he keeps my quarntine tank cycled now w/ a chromis......... he is a great fish though... i would take him out, i rearranged the...
  5. drea

    nothing in stock????

    thats why i never buy online... i like to see the exact fish i'm going to get in person... saving 10-20 bux is just not worth it!
  6. drea

    My New Tank

    dude, read up, and slow down, theres is tons to know.....
  7. drea

    vermiculated ANGEL!! has to go

    i can catch any fish in a tank within a half hr, just gotta have skill.. get a big net or two, do some magic... don't be scared of the fish!
  8. drea

    hawaiin dragon eel for sale

    post a pic on here, i wanna see this thing
  9. drea

    huge peice of fake coral made of stone! good for 120 g and up, on long island

    i just bought it, i'll get some pics up, its takes up way too much room in my 70 gallon tall tank, reacing the top, and covering half of it..... its basically white in color, but i would say need to e in at least a 120 or bigger! i would even trade locally for pieces that are smaller......
  10. drea

    flame angel owners on long island

    just searched it, that would be great,
  11. drea

    flame angel owners on long island

    um, i guess i'll take some... what is that again, lol... i guess i will stick to pets warehouse and pick up my flame angel there... i love that place! does that stuff contain pods at all? what exactly is it?
  12. drea

    voltage going in my tank

    cool, i will
  13. drea

    20 lb piece replica coral safe for tank?

    cool, so i guess i'm safe even though i don't like math!
  14. drea

    voltage going in my tank

    wtf, too complicated for me.. should i canotinue to use the grounding probe or ditch it?
  15. drea

    20 lb piece replica coral safe for tank?

    so how much weight can a tank actually take? the peice is 20 lbs and the bottom is only like 5 x 5 inches!!! i really hope this dosen't cause too much stress!
  16. drea

    how many you owned a tank that has leaked?

    dam, i though the oceanic's were suppose to be great.. i ahve a 70 g that seems well constructed... i would hate to have that happen :mad:
  17. drea

    how many you owned a tank that has leaked?

    cool.... and i hope so!
  18. drea

    Fish List for 95g

    sounds perfect
  19. drea

    20 lb piece replica coral safe for tank?

    sick, i'll get some pics up too, its a beautiful peice!
  20. drea

    20 lb piece replica coral safe for tank?

    sick, i'll get some pics up too, its a beautiful peice!