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  1. leopard_babe

    Keeping a cleaner shrimp

    Never had one. Would love to try to keep one. I know that they CLEAN. What do they eat? Are they hardy? When can you add one? My tank is almost through cycling. I am still working on a stock list. Can you keep one with a blue spotted puffer?
  2. leopard_babe

    Queen angel with white spot on eye - Maracyn TC???

    I've used it on a person but not a fish. lol Hopefully you caught it early, in the pix she is a beautiful pix.
  3. leopard_babe

    Putting Faces to the Names

    Makes you wonder what the BF did to get the boot! -Left me for an ex, who doesn't have a saltwater tank, or a house of her own. lol happityLogan: I have a few piercings. Tongue, bellybutton. Had a lip and nose took it out when I "had to be professional". No tattoos always wanted one. How do...
  4. leopard_babe

    Attn: fallensynner on Starting 180

    Never kept an angel or eel. I got the ray on a fluke, and already had the other fish, with the intentions of getting rid of them. When I got the ray, it minded its own business and the fish didn't pick on him. I went out of town for on a family vacation to hawaii. We were gone almost 2...
  5. leopard_babe


    From what I have been reading, the more exotic and colorful nudi can be toxic when the get stressed or die. Mind you, I have no experience. That is just what I have been researching.
  6. leopard_babe

    Adding Rock?

    Its up to you. Do you have fish in the tank? You can add live rock or base rock.
  7. leopard_babe

    Attn: fallensynner on Starting 180

    I didn't want to highjack the other thread. I had a ray I fed 2 times a day. which was messy and the reason for frequent water changes. I fed squid, octopus, mysis shrimp some feeder fish. I was lucky all my fish would eat frozen food. I probably spent.. (its been 2 years) $50 in food/month...
  8. leopard_babe

    Help name this bird!!!!

    I like kiwi and starburst. I had a pearl cockatiel named Sunny. Thought she was a girl. underneath her tail feathers there were no stripes. I figured she was a girl. Then she started nesting and laying eggs. What did you decide?
  9. leopard_babe

    The puffer that was safe?

    I kept a porky in my 46 for qt, he was NOT HAPPY. When he went into the 180, happy fish I agree big puffer in 55 way to small. I was confused by what I read. I apologize. I was concerned by the comment that AquaKnight made regaurding his blue spotted puffer in a 55. I have a 46 and am...
  10. leopard_babe

    The puffer that was safe?

    I see. I had a puffer that ate all my snails, but never touched the cc starfish. i like the blue spotted alot. Thanks for the input. Reef_Dart21: I had a pencil urchin in with my porky. My porky was kinda simple, he never touched my urchin, or my starfish. Just ate all my cuc. and...
  11. leopard_babe

    Help with my tank.

    What are your water parameters? How new, or old are the light bulbs on your lights. Sometimes when the lights are not as bright as they used to be that change in the light spectrum can cause algea and mess with your corals. Just an idea I am no expert.
  12. leopard_babe

    water change debate

    It depends on what you keep. In my aggressive 180 I used to do 20% once a week. My fish were messy. In my 46 when it was a reef I did 10% once a week. When I was FOWLR, and had a really low bioload, I did a 20% every 2 weeks. I think that it is up to you. What kind of fish and how long has...
  13. leopard_babe

    The Lions curse ends Monday!!!!

    I am a HUGE lions fan. That is funny you bring this thread up. GO LIONS!!
  14. leopard_babe

    Getting to know your fellow hobbyist

    Devil_dog that pooch of yours looks like he is rady to make a meal out of your tang. lol Nice tank!! ClownFiSH11: 55, that is a big tank. My first tank that I could afford was a 20 gallon fresh when I was 15 and a secretary making $7/hr. I don't think I cold have afforded anything much...
  15. leopard_babe

    Hefner's 180 Thread

    I see you decided on the v. lion. good choice. I love the knobby star. Let me know how that goes. I was considering one of those. Your fish are beautiful!! Nice picks!
  16. leopard_babe

    The puffer that was safe?

    You wouldn't put a blue spotted in a 55?? Just for my own curiosity why not?? They don't get that big. Some of the dwarf angels get bigger. I was looking to put one in my 46. Is that a bad idea then??? I have been researching I thought that they only get about 5 inches. Just wondering.
  17. leopard_babe

    From Start till.....

    So Shrimp was in till this evening. Even though I had it in a stocking, it still broke apart and made a mess. My level would not go above 0.25 so I was waiting for a bigger spike. With the goofy schedule I work it is hard to check the levels everyday. I must be color blind I have the...
  18. leopard_babe

    Putting Faces to the Names

    Winter is a bummer 20 degrees in the am and 38 is REALLY warm. I am not a cold weather person. The best part about being a nurse is that I don't have to worry about what I am going to wear to work. hahaha
  19. leopard_babe

    Just started the cycle on my first tank! Yay!

    Welcome to the hobby!