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  1. leopard_babe

    Putting Faces to the Names

    Emergency Department Nurse. lol Help is always needed in the er. It is a crazy place
  2. leopard_babe


    It takes alot to get a woman to leave a man. She has to be completely fed up. That takes awhile. Nice try for the effort. It sucks to know a man could be so abusive to a woman, but when it comes to another man, they are spineless cowards.
  3. leopard_babe

    Getting to know your fellow hobbyist

    Bronco300: I think the name of the book will be The greatest generation. Or something to that effect. I don't exactally remember. My grandma pasted away in april and my grandpa had stop the publishing process for awhile. But i gave him the good ole 1-2, to get his butt back in gear. He is...
  4. leopard_babe

    Putting Faces to the Names

    It just makes me laugh when I think of all those fish that could not be kept together, singing a ridiculos song, over mount hack a loogie. Yes I have seen it more then once. My kid is 1. lol So sharkbait where is the real pix?
  5. leopard_babe


    blue spotted puffer is what i am considering. My porky ate all my snails, but never bothered my starfish. I would like the nudi, snails and a star. So I might skip the puffer. But i love their personalities. I would like 1 big main fish in my tank. Since my tank is way to small for a...
  6. leopard_babe

    Halloween and Scary Movies

    New Ghost Hunters on tonight!!! YAY
  7. leopard_babe

    Getting to know your fellow hobbyist

    Teresa Q: You have a full house. lol Congrats on 20 years. You don't see that to often anymore. My parents are at 27 years.
  8. leopard_babe

    Getting to know your fellow hobbyist

    No not macinaw. That would have been cool. It is beautiful there.
  9. leopard_babe

    Halloween and Scary Movies

    kikithemermaid: That is AWESOME!! That song still scares that crap out of me.
  10. leopard_babe


    I am still working on the stock list business. i am desiding between a small puffer, or inverts. I have never actually seen a nudi before, just pix.
  11. leopard_babe

    Getting to know your fellow hobbyist

    wow, I love the response. It seems like many of the people here are VERY young. Being that I am 23 and many of you are all still in high school. lol Finding shark teeth sounds like alot of fun. I grew up in michigan on an island. Yes there are islands in michigan. I might be lucky if I...
  12. leopard_babe

    Putting Faces to the Names

    Sharkbait, everytime i see your name, I want to say "whoo haha", like from finding nemo. lol
  13. leopard_babe

    Getting to know your fellow hobbyist

    almost, escape. hahahaha
  14. leopard_babe

    Getting to know your fellow hobbyist

    Yeah snow sucks. I like warm weather. Shoveling is the worst. if it snows all day you shovel all day. Nice car. I used to have an rx8 before i had my son. It was FAST
  15. leopard_babe

    Getting to know your fellow hobbyist

    You 2 make a cute couple. It is to bad that people still see other people as different skin colors. Congrats on the apartment hunting. It is a pain. I lived in one for 2 years. It is great to not have to worry about mowing a lawn or shoveling snow. lol
  16. leopard_babe

    Water question

    I am not an expert. I know nothing about well water. I filled my first 2 tanks with tap water and used treated tap water for water changes and top off. I had REALLY bad algea, but was able to keep fish. The 2nd time I filled my tank, I used treated tap water. For water changes I used ro water...
  17. leopard_babe

    Taming a cockatiel

    Just like this hobby, it is different for everyone. Time and patients is the key. My bird was "hand fed", but she was not friendly at first. I would open her cage door and she would not come out. Eventually she came out. I would put food in my hand, millet seed or cheerios and she eventually...
  18. leopard_babe

    Who all has Aim (Aol Instant Messanger)

  19. leopard_babe

    Pictures of my Cockatiel!

    YAY!!! I would clip its wings. My bird could still glide. I stopped clipping them and she flew into the ceiling fan. She was ok. Just my opinion
  20. leopard_babe


    I am glad to hear that you are going to help a woman in need out. I have been there and having a friend is the best thing in this situation. So if things get really bad, you can always petition the "crazy" man. I hope that everything works out. Keep her and your personal information on the DL