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  1. leopard_babe

    Halloween and Scary Movies

    So I am sitting here and am looking for a good scary movie to watch. So I thought that I would make a thread about it. What is your favorite scary movie?? I am a huge Freddie fan. To narrow it down to one, is hard. I am always a sucker for an original. lol
  2. leopard_babe

    Beer or a Cocktail when you get home from Work.

    A good day at work, a bud light. A bad day at work, gimlet. lol, I like this thread
  3. leopard_babe

    From Start till.....

    Ph 8.2 SG 1.025 Amm 0 Nitrites 0 Nitrates 0 If only my tank could be this perfect and ready for fish. lol Shrimp in.
  4. leopard_babe

    Batik Starfish

    Guess I'll have to find a different star. I'm not buying something I don't know anythign about. I had a cc start before. He ate all my snails. I kinda like the knobby star. The pincusion looks cool, but I don't know. I'm not doing a reef right now so I guess it could be carnivorus
  5. leopard_babe

    What is the smallest aggressive carnivourous fish you can get with a small tank?

    i had a damsel that ate a butterfly in 10 minutes. Jerk
  6. leopard_babe


    That is cool to have fish like that by your house. I just have gross fresh water fish. No flames here. I am not here to bash others
  7. leopard_babe


    oooo.... I see. Thanks. It was cool looking in the video. I don't want one, just thought it was cool. lol
  8. leopard_babe


    One the eye it and buy it there is a video of this most intersting fish eating. Is a remora a fish or a shark? It is hard to tell when it is right side up or upside down. Fasinating fish!!!
  9. leopard_babe

    Batik Starfish

    I was looking at all the starfish on and saw the picture of the Batik Starfish. I searched this web page and googled Batik Starfish, but got no information. Anybody know anything about this type of starfish
  10. leopard_babe

    worst labor day ever!

    I'm sorry to here about your loss. The first pet I ever had was a goldfish. On my first communion, when there were a ton of people at my parents house, my younger sister took a friend (of course a boy) to my room where oreo the fish was happily swimming. and her friend decided to ick oreo up...
  11. leopard_babe

    blue spotted ray???

    I had a blue spotted ray. He had quite the appetite. I had him in a tank with bigger fish. I suspect the chromis could be in danger. However I did not have any fish in the tank that could fit in my rays mouth. So I can't really help you there As for the tangs, I know tangs like alot of rock...
  12. leopard_babe


    sleazalino: I know from reading that some of them are toxic to your tank when they die. I think that the more exotic ones are harder to keep due to their diets. Some nudi's only eat certain algeas. Samurai_Sushi: I had baby clownfish once and I used the sponge that you can put in the...
  13. leopard_babe

    From Start till.....

    I have only heard god things about the fish from this website. I think that I will order my fish from I will say I am nervous, but I'll try anything once. I am still working on my fish list. I really want the puffer. However, I always wanted a nudibranch. I don't think you can...
  14. leopard_babe

    new goodies

  15. leopard_babe

    Spanko's change history

  16. leopard_babe

    Hefner's 180 Thread
