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  1. leopard_babe

    Getting to know your fellow hobbyist

    Hmmm.. I have heard of that, but never tried it. I am not into meds, but vitamins... Thankfully my son sleeps till 10 or 11.
  2. leopard_babe

    Who's Afraid of the Dentist?

    I hate the dentist. I have not been to the dentist in 5 years until the first week of september. My dr rx me some meds for my first visit back, which helped a little. I don't know why I don't like the dentist. I had braces and once they were removed, the bands that they put on your teeth had...
  3. leopard_babe

    Getting to know your fellow hobbyist

    Thank you for sharing. Once again here I am at home watching my soaps with my computer in my lap. It is late, I have problems sleeping and I can't wait to read more. I like to keep my mind busy. However I hate reading books. haha This thread has turned out great. I love that everyone has...
  4. leopard_babe

    Halloween and Scary Movies

    I like constantine too, even though that is not exactally a horror or scarey movie. Scream scared me to death when it came out, but then again so did jurassic park. Now I watch them and laugh, I can't believe that they used to scare me.
  5. leopard_babe

    Putting Faces to the Names

    tara 33: I don't see any of the pix either. earnit33: thank you
  6. leopard_babe

    Getting to know your fellow hobbyist

    I love the response!! I am trying to move to a bigger house, so I can have a bigger tank. lol. i always grew up with a dog, but at the moment do not have one. I figure when my son is older I will get one. He is 17 months and more then enough to keep me busy. i have had a variety of pets in...
  7. leopard_babe

    Pictures of my Cockatiel!

    My bird used to fly to peoples head and then crawl down to sit on your shoulder. What a welcoming. It was great b/c it scared the crap out of people. LOL My dog used to bark when she whistled a certain way. It was the whistle that someone was coming home. She could tell when one of my...
  8. leopard_babe

    Getting to know your fellow hobbyist

    You must have a big house to have 3 mastiff. lol NOFISH: lol you do look young
  9. leopard_babe

    Putting Faces to the Names

    My turn to bring this thread back to life. So this little man is the love of my life. These are pix from my work xmas party. They are old, I don't have any new pix. LOL I look the same. Attachment 209465 Attachment 209466 Attachment 209467
  10. leopard_babe

    Batik Starfish

    haha. I got a bunch of quilting crap. lol
  11. leopard_babe

    Pictures of my Cockatiel!

    I had a pearl cockatiel. Fasinating bird. She loved my dad. her name was sunny. She used to cuddle up under my chin and hum. Yours is beautiful. Get it some cuddle bone, and millet seed. Mine loved those. And cheerios lol. Does it have a name??
  12. leopard_babe

    Getting to know your fellow hobbyist

    Well, I know there are rules on this site. However, I talk to some of you guys everday, I know what your tanks look like, I trust your opinion. I thought... lets do a getting to know eachother a little better, without breaking any rules. In a clean and friendly manner. Hobby, family, pet...
  13. leopard_babe

    Pet Peeves?

    The sound of people biting their nails. And people who come to ther er for pain meds (im a nurse)
  14. leopard_babe

    Halloween and Scary Movies

    One of my other favorite movies, incredibly terrible b class movie NIGHT OF THE DEMONS.
  15. leopard_babe

    Mouth Full!

    No teeth... Well maybe it wasn't a painful way to go.
  16. leopard_babe

    Mouth Full!

    Wow, watch out your finger might be next. lol I can't believe that. Open wide...
  17. leopard_babe

    From Start till.....

    I bought a refractometer. I will recalibrate it. I used tap water. It didn't really make a difference when I used the water from my ro unit. Shrimp is looking gross. Today Ammonia 0.25. I dont want to break the pieces I have because they are so unique. I will have to grab more from my...
  18. leopard_babe

    Halloween and Scary Movies

    house of 1000 corpse was terrible.
  19. leopard_babe

    Batik Starfish

    I read your thread on the basket star. I know how hard they can be to keep. I think I want a blue spotted puffer. I am afraid it will nip at a star. So maybe I will wait. I hate stocking a tank. WAY to many choices. lol
  20. leopard_babe

    Halloween and Scary Movies

    I love scary movies, i don't ever think I have seen pet semetary. I think that all the Rob Zombie movies sucked!!