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  1. aceiswild7

    Dont be mad..........

    its a risk one of your best bets is to get a coral which shows absolutaly no aggresion in the tank its in before you buy it and that its healthy so if anything it can defend itself the more rock in your tank the better as im sure you know and maybe adding a few pieces of rock with the fish will...
  2. aceiswild7

    fish for cycling new tank...please help

    no clowns are not good cycling fish in that size tank you could try the shrimp method which im not that familiar with or go with a few damsels or chromis to cycle the tank maybe even a tiny trigger but it would have to be removed because it would easily outgrow it fast good luck
  3. aceiswild7

    hanging lights

    there is hardly any surface movement on my tank i have an overflow corner of the tank but there is no water that would ever touch the lights also is in not possible to lay the lights down? if they must be raised what height is good? a 125 and each 3' light would be 182 watts
  4. aceiswild7

    hanging lights

    ?? i know heat is one of the problems but is that the only reason lights are elavated like halides and compact flourescents? and also do they have to be elevated i want to get two 3' Phazer IV lights for my 125 but dont really want to have to hang lights what do you all think/?
  5. aceiswild7

    Purple fire gobies

    i have a 125 with 2 norm firefish and a coral beauty and they are all doing great also there are a lot of other fish in the tank
  6. aceiswild7

    hair algae

    thanks but thats not what i meant i bought the rock with the algae already present on it because i thought the angels and tang would pick at it im not worried about my water parameters they are fine but im just curious if its presence is making an impact on my water
  7. aceiswild7

    kalkwasser vs. bio calcium (whats the rave)

    i use kalkwasser and made an improv drip which works great i just put the bucket with the mix on a shelf next to my tank and start a siphon into the sump with some airline tubing but there is a valve halfway on the tubing so i can tighten it to drip so it only stops and loss of water from...
  8. aceiswild7

    Phazer IV

    does anyone know if the Pazer lights which are compact flourescent bulbs need to be elevated ? and can someone please explain the idea of how high if so and the reasoning outside of overheating for doing this thanx the lights i want to get are 2- 36" 182watt so i will have 364 watts in my 125
  9. aceiswild7

    Metal Halide lights

    hey option720 i think the answer is probably not
  10. aceiswild7

    Blue ribbon eel...

    im not sure about one in a reef but i got lucky and had one that ate silversides from a feeding stick until he jumped out of the tank :( but it was a long time ago i would love to have another if they are ok in a reef though good luck they are great fish
  11. aceiswild7

    lg anemone

    i have a pretty big anemone which is currently in my quarintine tank my question is if i put it in my large tank will it knock over rocks? it is pretty big about a foot across when fully open and i think if he wanted he could do some damage anyone have experience? thanx
  12. aceiswild7

    Purple fire gobies

    i have 2 normal firefish and they are great i was wondering if i could also have purple firefish with them? thanx
  13. aceiswild7

    hair algae

    i have some hair algae on one piece of rock which i noticed comes off very easily when i do a water change with the siphon tube if i go close enough but i really dont mind it that much is it actually detrimental to the water quality? thanx
  14. aceiswild7

    favorite fish?

    would have to be either a hawaiin dragon moray or a tessalata moray with a nice red sea rectangularis trigger in close third
  15. aceiswild7

    mushroom reproduction

    can i use reptile lights to be pointed strait at them? i have 150watt domes and can get incandescent bulbs and hang them above the corals and mushrooms is there any reason this wont work? thanx
  16. aceiswild7

    mushroom reproduction

    will mushrooms grow and multiply if they are fed well with supplemente the water is in good quality but there are no halogen lights?
  17. aceiswild7

    mini tang

    why not get something like a dwarf angel? they stay small but can get to about 3' if not a little bigger and there are a ton of different ones you can choose from potters, flame, multicolor,coral beauty, nox, keyhole, swallowtail, flameback, bicolor, rusty, half black, lemonpeel and im sure im...
  18. aceiswild7

    What is this Fish?

    they are called flashlight fish ( photoblepharon palperbratus )they are shaped like squirrelfish and have a spot under there eye they can flash when they want to its not found often in the pet trade though good luck
  19. aceiswild7

    improv kalk drip

    i thought i would help everyone out by sharing what i did today i made the kalkwasser mix in a bucket and after it was mixed i elevated it on a shelf next to my tank .. i put a control valve on some airline tubing which i ran from the bucket into my sump after starting the siphon i just...
  20. aceiswild7

    I want pods, lots and lots of pods.

    as much live rock as you can and over time they will multiply also if you watch your tank with the lights off at night you see lots of stuff moving you never new you had