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  1. nolesfan06

    protein skimmer goin haywire!!

    i tried pullin the airline out, but it didnt fix my problem. anything else i can do??
  2. nolesfan06

    Blue-Stripped clown need help

    anybody else?
  3. nolesfan06

    Blue-Stripped clown need help

    My LFS just got a shipment of Blue-stripped clowns in...i think i saw 3 there. anyway i was wondering if it would attempt to host my LTA. i tried a search but no luck and the referance thread thomas712 wrote didn't say anything about them and what they would host. The LFS told me they were MAC...
  4. nolesfan06

    protein skimmer goin haywire!!

    well everything in the tank is running right for about month then all of a sudden my protien skimmer one day starts shootin a million tiny bubbles into the tank. Someone please explain y it did this please?? so i turn the venture till they stopped and it is fully shut... and when i go to...
  5. nolesfan06

    My Xenia Problem

    So is there anything i can do?? Anybody?
  6. nolesfan06

    My Xenia Problem

    yeah thats what i meant i was typing to fast and didnt catch it. i know about the coral beauty i watch carefully.
  7. nolesfan06

    Interesting Fish Question!!!

    well now i got ur attention. i heard form a local LFS with damsels and chromis u could add any amount with reason cuz their bio-load is not as large as other fish??? well so far i got one damsel, chromis, false perc, and a coral beauty. i was wanting to add a couple more chromis so they school...
  8. nolesfan06

    My Xenia Problem

    for fish i got a false prec, blue chromis, stripped damsel(want to get rid of), and a coral beauty, for inverts i got 2 peppermints hermits, and a emerald crab but i never see him near it.
  9. nolesfan06

    blue chromises

    well i'm no expert but i heard it's best to keep chromis in groups or schools of odd numbers. maybe the others just wanted it to be like that so they kicked one out. did u purchase ur chromis together or separate cuz i want to try the schooling technique but i bought one before so i dont know...
  10. nolesfan06

    My Xenia Problem

    well the tank is a 40 gal. cube and it is 24 in. deep, but i tried them at all depths??? my water quality is normal, all my other corals and anemones are doing great.
  11. nolesfan06

    My Xenia Problem

    they really wouldn't get eatin they just kept shrinkin till they got to small to see. i do have some hermits in there.
  12. nolesfan06

    My Xenia Problem

    Everytime i put xenia in my tank they do nothin but die. i really like the stuff a lot but it just wont stay alive in the tank. I got 175w MH lighting and other stuff like shrooms, zoos, leathers, a plate lookin thing and a huge LTA. but i put the xenia in there and it disappears within a...
  13. nolesfan06

    Anemone Splitting

    well if it's really big does that mean it's in the right conditions. i just got it about 2 weeks ago from my cuz's tank and it's been fully opened ever since i put in in there. /i'm assume i was successful at acclimating him.
  14. nolesfan06

    Anemone Splitting

    How big will my LTA get before it splits, if it splits, right now it's about 10-12 inchs in diameter. imagine a basketball cut in half and it's about that size.
  15. nolesfan06

    MH Bulb question

    i'd like something with a little blue. right now i got a 10k catalina but it's kinda yellow so i got a marine-glo bulb on there to put more blue in the tank. thanks for the references. i'll look'em up.
  16. nolesfan06

    New bulb soon, need help?

    Hey I'm gonna need a new bulb for my 175w MH soon. what is a good quality brand to look for? something not to expense but not cheap either. i want a 14K. cuz the 10k i got is startin to look a little yellow. If any of u could give a opinion on the bulbs u use i'd appreciate it.
  17. nolesfan06

    MH Bulb question

    Hey I'm gonna need a new bulb for my 175w MH soon. what is a good quality brand to look for? something not to expense but not cheap either. i want a 14K. cuz the 10k i got is startin to look a little yellow.
  18. nolesfan06

    My anemone, my clownfish and me!!! Lots of Questions!

    grrrrrrrrrr!!! does the fact that the anemone hosted another clown have an effect??
  19. nolesfan06

    My anemone, my clownfish and me!!! Lots of Questions!

    Well I just recieved an LTA. It is about 8in. in diameter. It came from a tank where a huge maroon clown lived in well I got the anemone and someone else got the maroon, but i have a false perc so it's ok. The LTA been in the tank for about 2 days. Will my clown be able to make this a home...
  20. nolesfan06

    ??Please Help If Possible??

    yeah those look like them, is there anything special about them why did they just pop up in my tank??? Just out of curiousity?