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  1. nolesfan06

    Coral Banded Shrimp Questions

    Well i saw one of these buggers yesterday and had to by one. I have a 40 gal cube reef tank i was wondering if im goin to run into any problems. The LFS said it was caught in the wild down in the keys. Anybody who feels like helpin out give a holler.
  2. nolesfan06

    Tank temps vs house temps

    I'm in the same boat as mario i dont have a chiller and i turn my heat way down during spring-fall. My tank is usually around 80 degrees and it stays pretty stable with my fan and AC chillin it. I got a 40 gal cube tank with a 175 MH on it.
  3. nolesfan06

    what fish can you keep in a 5 gallon tank

    Yeah! what ophipora said is right! experts don't always know whats good and bad in every situation. I haven't done a water change for 3 months and my tank is better than it has always done before. Since then I've only lost a peppermint shrimp and thats cuz he decided to dive off the top of my...
  4. nolesfan06

    Will my LTA ever split???

    well i glad to know... see u do learn something everyday!!! LOL is it bad i haven't done a water change in a real long time??? Well i guess not if my LTA is still doing so well. I think i might do one tomorrow. DO i need to feed my LTA anything other than light if iits doin so well?
  5. nolesfan06

    Will my LTA ever split???

    Quick queston for anyone interested in helping. Will my LTA ever split? Does every anemone split or it will if it wants to. cuz mine just keeps getting bigger! it's about the same size as a basketball in diameter when fully open. I dont feed it anything extra other than light and excess fish...
  6. nolesfan06

    Odd Anemone Behavior

    yea thats what i figured. today he's back to being fully enlarged and just in a new location.
  7. nolesfan06

    DAmsel Acting Like clown

    damsels have the same ability has clownfish and dont get stung by the anemone. i got a striped damsel who's smart as hell as picks on my coral beauty. he goes and nips at the coral beauty til the beauty gets mad and chases him. the damsel runs right though my LTA the coral beauty does the same...
  8. nolesfan06

    Odd Anemone Behavior

    Hey everyone longtime no see. prob cuz i've hadn't had any problems til now. well it all started about a week ago. My LTA decided to move. i wasn't alarmed at all i mean it's nature. he moved over about 3 inches to the left into a crevice in between 2 rocks he planted his base and enlarged to...
  9. nolesfan06

    Blue-Stripped clown need help

    So what if he does have three blue/white stripes. :thinking: Does this make him rare and unique? :thinking:
  10. nolesfan06

    when will they host?

    well i had a false perc and a LTA together for at least a month. then i saw the coolest clown ever a bluestripe and had to buy him! I acclimated him, and put him it the tank and it wasn't 5 min. before hosted my LTA. So i guess it's just a matter of when the fish is ready to host?!? If it had...
  11. nolesfan06

    protein skimmer goin haywire!!

    do u mean stick the tip of the airline into the warm water??
  12. nolesfan06

    Blue-Stripped clown need help

    Well my bluestripe has two stripes on it's body and a thrid right on his tail and he definitaly has blue stripes, if a clarkii can have blue stripes than i don't really care cuz he is an awesome fish! i would put a pic on here but my camera doesn't give out the greatest color so i'll try to...
  13. nolesfan06

    protein skimmer goin haywire!!

    o well i was concerned cuz it's been about 5 days and no collection has been acquired. i already took the airline and clean it. so i really dont know what to do from hear.
  14. nolesfan06

    Blue-Stripped clown need help

    i have 40 gal. cube tank. it's 20in.x20.x24in deep. for lighting i have a 175MH w/ a 10K bulb. and atinics. for filteration i have a protien skimmer and a penguin 330. Live sand and about 35-45 lbs of live rock. Fish: False percula Blue-Striped Clown Coral Beauty Striped Damsel Chromis...
  15. nolesfan06

    protein skimmer goin haywire!!

    do u mean take the air line and clean it or take where the pump hooks into the plastic tubing and clean there? it's seems like it's not pushing the bubbles up far enough to reach the lip of the collection cup.
  16. nolesfan06

    protein skimmer goin haywire!!

    ^^^^ :jumping: bump, going up! :jumping: ^^^^
  17. nolesfan06

    Blue-Stripped clown need help

    well the false perc is about half the blues' size and they dont really confront with each other. my friend wants the false perc so i might give/trade it to him.
  18. nolesfan06

    protein skimmer goin haywire!!

    none of those methods worked. My LFS said to take it out and soak it in bleach water??? anyone ever hear of this? they have the same one on their live rock tank and they said it helped theirs out when they did it.
  19. nolesfan06

    Blue-Stripped clown need help

    well i acclimated him yesterday and it was a success!!! :joy: as soon as i put him the tank he swam right into my LTA and made it his home. i think i'm gonna name him jaws cuz his teeth are huge!!! whats also really unique about him is he has 3 blue/white stripes, every pic i see only has 2...
  20. nolesfan06

    Blue-Stripped clown need help

    well i dont have QT and i've been lucky so far. is there anyway to acclimate it the easiest for the fish??? i recieved a LTA 3 weeks ago and put it in their after acclimateing it and it's doin great. so hopefully luck is still in my favor cuz the fish is en route to my house! :scared: