Search results for query: copperband

  1. btldreef

    What fish in a reef?

    ...Flame Angelfish Yellow Watchmen Goby Sleeper Banded Bullet Goby 2 Ocellaris Clownfish 3 PJ Cardinals 3 Maldives Lyretail Anthias 1 Fridmani Psuedochromis 1 Mystery Wrasse 1 Cleaner Wrasse 1 Copperband Butterfly 1 Aiptasia Eating Filefish - male 1 Tailspot Blenny 1 Black Combtooth Blenny 1...
  2. deannasueque

    aiptasia in reef aquarium

    ...aiptasia in my tank!! Awesome job! Would recommend to anyone, if all else fails!! He isn't the prettiest looking fish, but he's sweet and loves to eat algae too!! We have two clowns, angel, dragonet, hippo tang, dottyback and copperband shrimp, and a yellow goby. They all get along with the scat.
  3. btldreef

    Mated Pair- Perculas and Blue Hippo Tang--Markings

    ...especially baby spinach is a little better. My tangs will not touch spinach or lettuce anymore, they're spoiled. They actually still prefer dried algae sheets to anything else. My dwarf angles LOVE grape caulerpa. My Copperband Butterfly will even eat chaeto. Blenny only eats dried sheets.
  4. btldreef

    BTLDreef's 180 Tank Build

    ...*Tail Spot Blenny *Cleaner Wrasse (I've owned this fish for years, don't start the "they all die in the home" aquarium argument please) *Copperband Butterfly *Aiptasia eating Filefish - male Might pair with a female I have in a different tank *McCosker's Wrasse - male *Coral Beauty Angelfish...
  5. btldreef

    180 Reef Stocking list

    ...them since they are male and female. I do feed heavy though, so I definitely thinks this keeps all my possible nippers (dwarf angels, copperband butterfly and filefish) in check. I currently have 2 mated pairs of harlequin shrimp in my reef, so I definitely don't want to risk loosing them...
  6. btldreef

    180 Reef Stocking list

    ...what we've got: (* means it is already owned and it's staying, x means it's owned but could leave) * Purple Tang * Blonde Naso Tang * CopperBand Butterfly * Yellow Belly Hippo tang * Tail Spot Blenny * McCosker's Wrasse x Mystery Wrasse x Maldive's Lyretail Anthias (3) I want to replace with...
  7. S

    Fish With Clouded Eye

    lol, I know what you mean. I had a copperband once that was hell bent on destroying everything lol, had to give him to my friend to salvage what I can at the time.. this was years ago before I thought LFS people were "experts". They said that they will probably like close to 80~90% sure that it...
  8. btldreef

    mother's day present for btldreef

    ...angels. It is always a risk with dwarfs, but I've found that well fed fish are less likely to nip, and I do feed heavy. I even have a Copperband Butterfly and a Filefish in here, neither of them nip either. And go figure the two fish I've had nip corals were a Sailfin Tang and a Ocellaris...
  9. btldreef


    ...and I think it was because she came from a tank that had a YT in it. I had to get rid of her, she was beating on my Blonde Naso, my Copperband Butterfly and dwarf angels. Now I have a Purple Tang, and it is soo peaceful. I really do think the YT ruined my Sailfin's peacefulness. You might...
  10. meowzer

    My 36 bowfront video&pics your choice though..LOL I have 2 (or had) sexy shrimp in the 29G....I have only seen one for the last week though I ALSO had a copperband in the 29g...oh sure it was cute at first...till it started eating all my fish I use to hand feed it, so I caught it one morning and put it in the...
  11. btldreef

    Planning for fish in my first reef.

    ...stress/aggression if you decide to do more than one 1 BiColor Blenny 1 Coral beauty or Flame 3 Anthias 1 Yellow Eye Kole 1 Mandarin 1 Copperband Butterfly I would choose to put the butterfly in last because they really do better in established tanks, they need it even more than the mandarin...
  12. btldreef

    Planning for fish in my first reef.

    ...1 Yellow Eye Kole (any of the Ctenochaetus species will work. You could also do a Scopus or a Yellow tang, but to me, they're boring) 1 Copperband Butterfly (because you mentioned you liked butterflies, these are one of your safer options for a reef, but you have to be positive that it's a...
  13. btldreef

    BTLDReef's 155G Update

    ...this guy or a powder blue, and he was way healthier. I think the contrast between colors on the Blonde Naso, Purple Tang, Yellow Belly Hippo Tang and the Copperband Butterfly are going to add a real nice splash of colors. The hippo may ultimately end up in a FOWLR, but for now, he's in the reef.
  14. btldreef

    BTLDReef's 155G Update

    ...I didn't QT him, my tank has ich anyway, screw it, they're all getting hypo'd soon anyways. $45 and I wasn't letting it go by: Here's the Copperband, fast little guy hard to catch a good shot: Purple tang: Our pistol shrimp came out for a swim. I can't believe how big he's gotten in the...
  15. flower

    Tube Anemone help!

    ...right into it. I assume the first one died that way as well. Two lawnmower blennies went missing over time. Then I had a beautiful copperbanded butterfly fish, after weeks of QT I finally put it in my tank. when I got home from work the next morning I looked in my tank and there was my...
  16. btldreef

    ID Please Majano??? I know that some people have good luck with peppermint shrimp eating aptasia is there anything that will eat majanos? Sometimes Copperband Butterflies and Matted Filefish will, but like any critter, once they realize there is a steady food source (the tank being fed fish food), they...
  17. btldreef

    Diatoms in my established reef ....

    ...Blenny 1 Tail Spot Blenny 1 Fridmani Dottyback 1 Mystery wrasse 1 Cleaner wrasse 1 Matted Filefish 1 Coral beauty 1 flame angel 1 Copperband Butterfly 3 maldives Lyretail Anthias about 20 Nassarius snails assorted Astrea and trochus snails (who knows how many anymore since the few remaining...
  18. juniors04

    Just ordered 4 fish from SWF

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer WOW...those are beautiful fish too......can't wait to see them Yeah Lots of Color being added to the tank. Im thinking im going to QT the Raccoon and Copperband.
  19. juniors04

    Just ordered 4 fish from SWF

    ...been a long time since ive posted on here. I just placed a order in. Its been over 10 months sice ive added somthing new. I ordered a Long nose butterfly, Copperband BF, Racoon BF, and a Rock beauty angel. All of them no bigger than 3 inches. i will try and get some pics up when i recieve...
  20. btldreef

    pictures: acan, lps,sps, and fish

    I wish our camera took better pictures, the golden torch barely looks gold in that picture! I love the Copperband too. Quickly becoming a favorite, especially since it eats like a pig and leaves my corals/anemones alone!