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  1. breiwa1

    How can anybody smoke cigarettes anymore???

    What do you do when a bus or a factory threatens to blow smoke in your face? Do you get all bent out of shape and attack it?
  2. breiwa1

    the global warming swindle

    Originally Posted by sciknen i always had the idea that changing civilian cars isnt needed but the gov't should have all of their cars be hybrid. i mean like cops who do most of the driving Wow, that is an insane thought. There would be guys out running cops on scooters.
  3. breiwa1

    Here's an Interesting question/theory for EVERYONE!

    I would never smoke in front of my tank, that's just wrong;)
  4. breiwa1

    Live Rock Blasting

    just take it out and scrub it with a new tooth brush and some saltwater. I will come right off.
  5. breiwa1

    How can anybody smoke cigarettes anymore???

    Originally Posted by jtrzerocool because they do... way to butcher my quote. I guess you can not deal with the facts.
  6. breiwa1

    How can anybody smoke cigarettes anymore???

    Originally Posted by DragonZim I actually yelled at a woman in my office the other day for fumigating the entire place with febreeze. Made me sick... Febreeze is more dangerous than people think. If you want cancer keep breathing in that crap.
  7. breiwa1

    How can anybody smoke cigarettes anymore???

    Originally Posted by crimzy Why are smokers so sensitive??? You mean you can give me cancer but I can't throw a comment or two your way. With all of the other toxins in the air how can you say smokers gave you cancer.
  8. breiwa1

    How can anybody smoke cigarettes anymore???

    Originally Posted by m0nk now that is funny.
  9. breiwa1

    How can anybody smoke cigarettes anymore???

    Sorry I had to run outside for a smoke, where were we?
  10. breiwa1

    How can anybody smoke cigarettes anymore???

    Originally Posted by jtrzerocool Anytime your in St. Paul I would be happy to blow smoke in yor direction.
  11. breiwa1

    How can anybody smoke cigarettes anymore???

    Originally Posted by jtrzerocool a teenager who's mother obviously doesnt know he/she smokes... Let's leave my mother out of this. What is more childish than bring up someones mother... Geez.
  12. breiwa1

    How can anybody smoke cigarettes anymore???

    Originally Posted by m0nk You just like to antagonize people, don't you? I'm willing to bet you're a teenager. You'd be wrong.
  13. breiwa1

    How can anybody smoke cigarettes anymore???

    I would be glad to blow smoke at you and watch you attack me. I would not have broke a law, you would be in jail. Get a grip pal.
  14. breiwa1

    How can anybody smoke cigarettes anymore???

    Originally Posted by m0nk This argument is flawed. Perfume hasn't been proven to harm people with second hand effects, yet smoking has. Lets put it this way; I'm a parent... a very protective one. I don't let anyone smoke around my son (who's turning 4 in June), and am very vocal to be sure...
  15. breiwa1

    How can anybody smoke cigarettes anymore???

    "these are all valid questions but the outcome of these actions affects only me whereas a smokers' smoke affects all parties around" Don't be around it. Simple.
  16. breiwa1

    How can anybody smoke cigarettes anymore???

    "Yep, wanting to be able to breathe in a public place w/o having an asthma attack really makes me a communist." Oh please, are you telling me there is so much smoke in the air outside you can't breath? You are full of BS. There is plenty of room for all of us to live our lives. If you have...
  17. breiwa1

    How can anybody smoke cigarettes anymore???

    I smoke just because I can. When the communist (like you) take over I will move, but as far as I can tell this is still America. I can not stand people who complain about every little petty thing that bothers them . Get a life, move on and let other people live theres. There are plenty of smelly...
  18. breiwa1

    the global warming swindle

    global warming is a money grab. Don't buy the hype. You really should use better grammer if you want to convey a point.
  19. breiwa1

    Clown Boy REVEALED!!!

    LexLuther If you read my post I did not say it is the norm, anywhere. I am glad you are off your soap box. I did not bother to check on any of your internet statistics although I am sure they are plenty accurate All I am saying is that if you make the right choices and work hard you will do...
  20. breiwa1

    Clown Boy REVEALED!!!

    College is not for everyone. The people who will tell it is, are in fact people who have wasted 60-70k on an education. The same people are angered when some dummy like me gets promoted and they do not because I am more educated on a particular subject and they wasted there time taking liberal...