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  1. breiwa1

    Golf pro kills red shouldered hawk

    Jail time? We all love animals but get a grip please its a bird not a person.
  2. breiwa1

    Maroon Clown with white spots (help Please)

    Bad news. Mr. Maroon clown has passed. I was treating him with dips in formilin and he was getting better but then I overdosed him. He swam sideways for a few minutes and I thought he was getting better, lived through the night all of the next day and was dead when I came home from work...
  3. breiwa1

    So we get free money from the IRS!!!!!!!

    "Actually, he's the only President to be impeached since Jackson was impeached in 1868. Nixon resigned." Well I guess even Nixon had a little dignity
  4. breiwa1

    So we get free money from the IRS!!!!!!!

    Bottom line, Clinton rode out the excellent economy president Bush help build and left us in a position to be attacked. Not to mention he is the only president since Nixon to be impeached. He is certainhly no one to be admired. No attacks since 9/11. Thank you troops and President Bush.
  5. breiwa1

    Maroon Clown with white spots (help Please)

    He looks a little bit better today, and eat very well again. The spot on his face looks about the size of the tip of a ball point pen and does not really resemble cotton, more like a flake. I am in the process of testing the water I will post later.
  6. breiwa1

    Maroon Clown with white spots (help Please)

    the spot is pretty small slightly larger than a grain of salt. The spot on his lip has been there for three days now. I will be going home in 1 hour to check on him I will update then.
  7. breiwa1

    Maroon Clown with white spots (help Please)

    Well sad to say my first fish has a health problem. I brought him home and did the drip system four three hours and unfortunately place him into my display. I did not have a hospital tank set up. I do now, a 29g with emp400 and some water from my display. I noticed a white spot on his lip the...
  8. breiwa1

    So we get free money from the IRS!!!!!!!

    It is not free money. It is a portion of the money that was already taken from you/us. If they didn't take so much in the first place we would not be where we are today. I'm sure it cost $5,000 to give you $2500. Don't be a sucker, you were ripped off.
  9. breiwa1

    Killing Aiptasia Question

    The pepermint shrimp are working for me. I counted 30-40 before I bought the shrimp now there are less then 3. I think they (I have 2) eat a few every night. Good luck.
  10. breiwa1

    Purple Tang

    Thank you. I wondered if that was the case but I assumed they would be refering to a full grown.
  11. breiwa1

    Purple Tang

    ok, I also posted about a blue hippo tang and didn't get any feedback yet. This site list a 40 gallon to be ok for this fish. Can someone please comment on this.
  12. breiwa1

    First saltwater tank 60g

    ok, last night I tested just before the light went off, so I will try a ph test on saturday morning before the lights come on. Thanks for the tip. Now does anyone else have any input on the blue hippo tang? If not I think I will look into someother fish to be safe.
  13. breiwa1

    im not sure if my protein skimmer is working

    the intake has a black valve on it, it is located right before the air intake plastic [hr] .
  14. breiwa1

    First saltwater tank 60g

    Shoudl I be testing when the lights are on or off?
  15. breiwa1

    im not sure if my protein skimmer is working

    Ok, you have done the exact same thing as I did. It will work if you open the air all the way and adjust the flow to about 3/4. That is where I am running mine. I found a nice spot to run where the skim is kinda dry, kinda wet. I empty it about twice a week, if the skim is to wet I turn the flow...
  16. breiwa1

    First saltwater tank 60g

    ok here are my parameters 1.023 PH=8.4 this seems kinda high how do I correct it? phoshate=0 ammonia=0 nitrate=0 nitrite=0 alk=normal (according to my test strip) These seem ok to me what do you guys think? How do I adjust my ph? I did a 20%water change 1 week ago if that helps.
  17. breiwa1

    im not sure if my protein skimmer is working

    This may sound stupid, but I am a rookie. I also have a red sea unit and when I asked my friend why it was not working, he opened the air inlet and we had skimmate. I felt pretty stupid but the skimmer worked so well I had to turn it down.
  18. breiwa1

    Acclimation Done Right

    Can anyone expand on this drip method?
  19. breiwa1

    First saltwater tank 60g

    That is a bummer about the tang. I was looking at a Blue Hippo Tang and the info on this site does not say anything about 6 ft of swimming area. It says this fish could live in a 40 gallon so I assumed it would be ok to keep. Could someone please enlighten me or point me to a good site? I...
  20. breiwa1

    First saltwater tank 60g

    Thanks for the input. I think I will move the rocks off the sides of the tank, that make perfect sense. I will be retesting the water this week and I will post the results. When it comes to fish I want a maroon clown and a tang, possible a scooter blennie. I am still reading up on all of thses...