Search results

  1. rolangunslinger

    Wardley "The Sandman" LS filter (30-75 gallon size)

    Hello everyone, I would like to buy an impeller for the above filter. Or if anyone has one they want to get rid of, I would be interested in buying the entire filter system as long as it still works. Thanks Kevin
  2. rolangunslinger


    Hello, send the avatar to me via Email and I will fix it for you.
  3. rolangunslinger

    need help with the dead sea

    Personally, I would get rid of the crushed coral and change the tank to a sand bed tank. You can not overstock your tank with live rock. More is better. Liverock is the absolutely best biological filtration you can have. LR makes the tank more stable, and sand helps the process. I think that...
  4. rolangunslinger


    Cycling? The tank cycle begins with an ammonia spike, (from fish urine)the bacteria within the tank will grow to process the ammonia, then the 2nd generation bacteria will process the nitrogen in the tank. Once all the processes have reached stasis the tank will be stable. Once this happens you...
  5. rolangunslinger

    Southdown Sand Location

    Hello, I tried to call but, no answer. I will try again. Kevin
  6. rolangunslinger

    55g Limits

    Hello, I think that maybe with all the other inhabitants, the tang might feel a little crowded. they usually like a larger tank with a lot of room. Just my opinion. But the HOT filter should be adequate for your situation. Kevin
  7. rolangunslinger


    You can get Southdown sand at the Raleigh Home Depot. Barring that or if they are sold out. Southdown is also available at the Cary, NC Home Depot store. Good Luck Kevin
  8. rolangunslinger

    OT: Troops in Iraq Christmas Q

    Hey Rock, You ROCK!!! Keep up the good work Thanks for your service and dedication. We all appreciate it. Kevin
  9. rolangunslinger

    Southdown Sand Location

    Hello, Cary is about 25 miles or so from Chapel Hill, take I-40 East toward Raleigh. Exit 287 is Cary exit.
  10. rolangunslinger

    RO/DI Units

    Hello, Doesn't GPD refer to the amount of water that is actually processed, as versus the amount of purified water that is actually created? A friend of mine bought one of these units and this is what he was told after the sale. Thanks in advance Kevin
  11. rolangunslinger

    Southdown Sand Location

    Hello, The NCfrag group people say that Southdown sand is available at the Raleigh NC Home Depot and if they are sold out you can get it at the Cary store. Both of these should be pretty close to you. If that doesn't help let me know. Kevin
  12. rolangunslinger

    Explain where your user name originated

    As if everyone couldn't already tell. My user name is from the Stephen King, Dark Tower series of novels. I am a huge Stephen King fan and I find that the DT series is the best of his writings. :)
  13. rolangunslinger

    Name That Hitch-hiker!?

    bristle worm
  14. rolangunslinger

    id please....

    Yep, looks like Aptasia to me as well.
  15. rolangunslinger

    OT school

    Ditto to what Zippy said, enjoy the high school years and get involved. I would also talk to some of the teachers at the school and see if one of them would be interested in maybe moderating an aquarium club at the school. Since you already have tanks going you would be able to pass along a good...
  16. rolangunslinger

    lighting for lions

    IMO, If the Lion will be the only fish in the tank I would stay with the NO flourescents. Lions do not like a lot of bright lights and will feed better in dim (read NO) flourescents. You have a lot of options but with only a Lion I would stay simple and take it from there. Kevin Someone correct...
  17. rolangunslinger

    OT: Go Cubs !!!

    I wonder how much G. Steinbrenner had to pay to make sure Pedro pitched in the 8th inning? Even though it was obvious that he gave everything he had in the first 7 innings. Probably a lot. But it doesn't matter, He has the money to do it............ Go Marlins
  18. rolangunslinger

    Can't believe what i found today

    well i got all the fish out except for one green chromis that i couldn't find. i figured that he got caught in a rock that i removed and was a goner (no big deal). If you are saying that the unexpected death of any fish is "no big deal" then maybe you are in the wrong hobby. I would suggest...
  19. rolangunslinger

    Reef tank as of 10/2/03

    Beautiful yellow tang, but I have to say I am partial to the flame scallop. gorgeous specimen. awesome tank, keep up the good work Kevin Keep us posted
  20. rolangunslinger

    fu man chu lion

    balashark21 If you want to ditch the percs, I have a friend who would take them off your hands and would pay shipping to get them to him. Let me know if you are interested. Kevin